Queen Ileosa Arabasti

Anna Lumiere's page

43 posts. Organized Play character for Kludde.


Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Thanks a lot, Ilmakis! Sorry I couldn't be there for the finale...

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

And so should you all! This woman is severely wounded, stand down so that we may yet heal her, and allow her to face a fair trial. Strive and bloodshed will not benefit anyone in this room. Anna speaks.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Anna stays put, keeping close to Thalia, and flinging a sleep spell at the men in the back.

DC 14

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

K(local): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Indeed, one of the central tenets of liberty is freedom from slavery, and no person that is not able to choose his or her own destiny is truly free. It would be a dark day indeed if we were to hand over Thalia to your whims. The hypocrisy! You speak of the horrors of Galt, yet you were to one who would have sent Thalia there, left to face whims of the same people you so abhor!

This conversation is over, there will be no further bargaining. We cannot allow this situation to continue, no matter what the consequences. If this costs the society support from the eagle knights, then so be it! We cannot fight monsters while we loose sight of our own humanity, as we'd only feed the monster within.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

I am hardly a stranger, Miss Koriana, I am a citizen of Andoran, and I have more right to be one than this corrupted mayor of yours, elected as he may be. We will see to it that you are arrested on charges of conspiracy, fraud, and kidnapping. As for Mayor Andares, we shall not suffer a man to hold office who abuses it in such a manner. No, no, no, thrice no! If there is a member of the Andares family worthy of the name, it would be Thalia, not her power-hungry father!

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Pardon my naivete, miss Koriana, but do they have prisons in Galt? Anna says with a sneer of sarcasm, my understanding is that the preferred method of dealing with criminals is by the blades. Perhaps this is a detail that did not bother you in the grander scheme of things?

When Thalia speaks up Anna is shocked Mayor Andares? Are you sure, lady Andares? then sturning to Koriana Is this true what she says? she says with fiery voice, briefly breaking from outrage of it all Did Andares stage this kidnapping? For we will find out if it is!

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Anna feels somewhat addressed by the political remark Very dangerous indeed, mister Oviato. The needs of the people should come first for any man in power. What else is a leader but a delegate of the people? Be sure to make your voice heard the next time it comes to a vote...

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Seeing the situtation well in hand, Anna just loads her crossbow and tries to put down the stray dogs. She overaims the shot, though, and her hand start shaking from the strain as she releases the bolt.

Crossbow into mooh-lee: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (4) + 3 - 4 = 31d8 ⇒ 5

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

K(nob: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

House Morilla? It rings a bell, but I cannot put my finger on it...

Lady Thalia, your story matches up with what we observe... alchemical smudges and a stinking plot. Let's go pay this doctor a visit.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

An alchemist by the name of Illirio Maupathis. Miss Magda, you have a keen eye. Thalia, do you know this Maupathis?

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Hmm, Anna says with a frown, for the sake of cooperation, I will donate as well, but I can hardly see the correctness in this.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

It sure sounds like Mister Almant is taking you for a spin. Anna says to the Ruffian, then to Lod Let's not waste any time, let's go see this Almant.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Face trial! Galt! Anna cries out in exasperation, what jurisdiction does Galt have in Andoran? What gives you the right? Is there even a charge against this girl?

Anna follows the lead of Lod.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Yet you are already lost to a dying cause. Bring us to this girl you've captured, on the double!

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Performance 3/7

That is uncalled for, Mr Galtan. A true friend of the people does not curse at his peer as if he was the lowest dog. A true friend of the people stands hand in hand with his compatriot, striking down the enemy with singular force, unrelenting in the face of hardship!

As in: don't forget your bonuses! +1 IC

While professing the ways of enlightened people, Anna fires a crossbow bolt, hoping to make life easier - or at least less hard - for Lod.

Crossbow: 1d20 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 211d8 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 1 = 6 Point-blank, Precise, IC

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Anna keeps up her political oration, and aims her crossbow for the Galtan that is trying to outflank Lod (the one south of him)

Crossbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 111d8 ⇒ 1

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Anna moves a bit closer (to F7), keeping up her preaching, and trying to bolster the resolve of her comrades.

Move: move to f7
Standard: Inspire courage through perform (oratory)

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Anna goes in all-out filibustering mode, hoping to draw attention away from her comrades and buy them some time:

Mister Bowsman, I must object to the way you address us here. I will allow it to pass, based on the assumption that you are mistaken. There is not a single capitalist among us, let alone one who would pretend to be a dog. Those who value true liberty - yes, they count among our ranks! Do we find a sympathizer in you? I ask you, who would display their love of liberty in such a symbol of oppression? A chelish manor? A desolate place like this? What good can a true friend of the people hope to do hidden away in a burnt out symbol of dictatorship and aristocracy? No, I tell you, a true defender of the folk does not hide in a barren stretch of field! A true believer in the people's rule will be out on the street, ever vigilant that freedom is not endangered by those who seek power for their own good, those who would gain advantage at the liberty of another. Those who would seek to frustrate the cause of the people. The true believer fears not these men, no, he confronts them. Looks them straight in the eye, and says not on my watch. That is the true call of the defender of the people.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

The Chelish aren't so popular around here. I wonder if anyone is there.

Anna follows Zora, but tries not to ruin her attempt should she try to use stealth.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

And another +2 from my aid...

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Diplomacy (aid): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Anna asks around for a man in a red coat, being careful to bring all information back to Lod.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Ah, Consul Bryton. I'd be much obliged if you would grant me some time to listen to my plea. As you are undoubtedly aware, the crusader army of Mendev is facing renewed hostilities originating from the Worldwound. The situation is dire, and a heavy drain on the resources of the Society. We fear that, lest the horde be stopped, all of Golarion might be overrun. As response, we are looking to gather direct aid - a single army standing tall against the threat of a common enemy. Think of it, the peoples of all nations united against the demon horde. While I am aware your resources are normally reserved for domestic purposes, these are extraordinary times that require extraordinary measures. We therefore ask: do the eagle knights stand with us?

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Sir Lod, you are a military man more than I am. Will you accompany in an attempt to try and convince Bryton to send aid to the Society? We can ask him if he has seen the read-coated Galtan, or whether he knows of a burnt building in the area.

Anna would like to meet up with Bryton in the Red Wine Factory Inn

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Perhaps Mister Demrick has seen him? Or Consul Bryton? Speaking of the latter, we should pay him a visit.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

My apologies for my curiosity, it's just that we don't see many of them where I'm from. I'd love to hear what he thought of Alysande, do you know if he still is in town?

Myself, a copy of the works of Jubbanich, please. Do you have a version that is not bound too heavily?

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

From Galt, really? Anna says, trying to act out her surprise as good as possible, What are they like?

Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Good day, Lady Shopkeeper! We have come to your bookstore, interested in the works of Lady LIberty. I expect these are still as popular as they were at the time?

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Leopard Design, got it.

Nothing more from me, let's head to the bookstore

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Anna nods Yes, we should certainly pay the bookstore a visit. Miss Dorabet, where would this Galtan have gone for this book, could you point us to the store?

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Works fine. Anna looks pretty badass in that medaillon form.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

I suppose suggesting Microsoft Onedrive is out of the question, then?

Some people use roll20 for maps (bit cumbersome, perhaps). I'd love to know what other alternatives people have come up with.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Diplomacy on Bryton: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

You are right, Sir Lod, Consul Bryton may be the best angle for the first part of our mission here, though that still leads this abduction to contend with.

Miss Dorabet, I'm sure you have noticed that Mayor Andares did not forbid others in his household from providing help. Is there anything you can add to the matter? After all, we are here to help Thalia. Can you tell us of her favourite pastimes? Did I understand correctly she enjoys reading?

Would I know - as an Andoran - who Alysande Benedict is, or do I need to roll/ask?

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Mine produces an error. It says:

Une erreur s'est produite


There has been an error.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Aid(dip): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Lod wrote:
This is your own daughter, man!

Proper form! Proper form! How can we expect favours if we're not keeping proper form!

Anna is sensitive about these things ;-)

Anna frowns at the colloquial addressing of the Mayor, but affirms Lod's words: What Sir Flaxseed is saying, is that the veil of official business will be sufficient cover for us to conduct our search in the most expedient way possible. Hours, or minutes, can mean the difference between life or death. If not any information that you may possess, let us at least investigate the scene of the crime, so that we may gather information ourselves.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Mayor, Consul, thank you for your consideration.

Anna sees no further gain in discussing with the mayor, and does not wish to get on his bad side by pushing the issue. She fully intends to meet up with Bryton in the Red Wine Factory Inn.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

SM1: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
SM2: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
SM: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Your predicament is all too understandable. Since you have already discussed the matter with Consul Bryton here, might I suggest that you make a public point of not involving the Eagle Knights? Such a statement can be seen as sufficiently determined to draw away any attention from our involvement, which would increase our chances of success. In the meantime, any insights that would aid our efforts are welcome.

We would, of course, require a purpose of our visit here, which we have. Consul Bryton, would you have an opening in your agenda to discuss matters of a military nature?

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Mayor Andares, it is an honour. Allow me to introduce my comrades and mysel. We represent the Open Road, and believe we may be of aid in the sad matter of your daughter's abduction. If I may be so bold, you are correct in exercising caution when it comes to military involvement, whereas our selling point is a more covert, directed approach.

Dip: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Anna nods as Merisiel asks the exact question that was on her mind.

Smart woman

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Hail Captain Demrick. As my companion said before me, we seek to visit Mayor Andares, yet we are interested to hear about Sauerton, being strangers to these parts. Does your town attract many visitors?

Dip (aid): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

A kidnapping without demands... is highly unorthodox. We had better hurry then, because I shudder to think what the alternative to extortion might be...

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
K(local): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

I have heard these rumours, Anna nods to Lod, but such is the burden of office. He seems to be well-supported by population, despite the adverse conditions he is leading in.

I agree, Venture-Captain. Too often the people's cause has been corrupted by those who would use it for their own gain, and nowhere can corruption be more damaging than in the country that has the most to lose from it.

Anna's face bleakens when the scryer gives his report Pre-revolution forces, no doubt, seeking to undo the gains we have made over the years. At least the woman seems to be unhurt - that is a relief.

I agree with Lod, there is no room for tarrying. I would ask: does Mayor Andares have any outspoken enemies?

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

A pleasure to meet you, Sir Flaxseed. a slender woman of short stature speaks in a calm tone of voice. The deeds of the house Flaxseed have not gone unnoticed, which means you have quite the legacy to uphold.

She wears elegant but comfortable travel clothing, and her impeccable grooming lends her an aura of seriousness, as well as an air of comfort addressing complete strangers. This kidnapping is a matter of gravity. There is a certain sadness to the burden that comes with wealth and influence - for every hard-earned gain there seems to be a scoundrel waiting to reap it.

She pauses for a moment, then introduces herself as Anne Lumiere. I hope to make my career in the council in Augustana one day, yet I'm convinced that studying the knowledge of Golarion is an advantage - no, a requirement - to attain this goal. I had not expected to return to Andoran this quickly.

Liberty's Edge

Female Andoran Human Politician 1 | HP 10 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F+1 R+6 W+2 | Init +3 Perc +4

Name: DM Kludde
AKA: Anna Lumiere
Faction: Liberty's Edge
PFS: # 108716-17
XP: 0
Prestige: 0
Fame: 0
Gold: 73 (Out of 150 gp total assets)
Day job: Perform (Oratory): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Spend: N/A