Fire Giant Forgepriest

AnjielRage's page

14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Good Sunrise! I've gotten all my other mags just missing this one.Can you send me a replacement? By the way can you possibly bump the other person off my avatar.I Don't wanna share! :).

Good sunrise! I BRING TIDINGS OF JOY IN THIS E-MAIL.My dragon issue 349 arrived on oct 10th. 7 days after shipment.So that solidifies you guys have the right address.You cleared my confusion in the e-mail michelle.The pdf I downloaded was the 13mb savage tide.(FREE).And again thank you for your generosity for the reshipped issue and quick response.

BTW I just became a subscriber.I would like to commend you guys on your works,both dungeon and dragon magazines.The artwork and comics alone are simply breathtaking.You probably dont get compliments much without some grumblings in your mailbag,so i would like to show my gratitude to you guys for inexpensive ideas for the imagination challenged.Sorry its late and cant find a better word ><!!

Good sunrise! Do I get the specials and promotional items if I get your subscription through as I would through a subscription through your site? By the way keep up the good work on your magazines.And no complaints whatsoever!Is this a first for you guys :)

Good Sunrise! Ive sent payment via paypal.Dragon back issues 313 332 336 338.Dungeon issues 89 90 91 92 94 98 124 127 128.And the Withfire Trilogy book number 3.