AnimalMkIV's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

I saw a post on a UK Facebook group from a guy making laser cut wooden deck holders. I casually remarked that they would be great for Pathfinder if they had a flat tray attached to them. A few messages and dimensions later, he had made a sample and I had ordered 10 of them...

They work a treat. I can have the location cards on display with their decks neatly stored alongside, a blessings draw and discard pile and my characters draw/discard piles all neatly arranged with no slippage. I play with everything set up on the space next to me on the couch while my girlfriend is watching TV so keeping the card piles together has been a little tricky.

Locations & Blessings

Location Deck

It cost me £23 to get 10 made and posted. They arrived today and I assembled them in about half an hour. Next step id to paint them black and maybe add some relevant decals to them.