
AngryGM's page

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Hi, my party are on the verge of starting the ritual and they are enjoying the experiance as a whole but unfortunatly their assault on fort Balentyne was a total disaster that resulted in the death of Fire Axe.
The campaign doesn't really take into acount as it mentions the bugbear hoard bringing war (week nine Fire Fire Axe kills Lord Argus). I don't know how important his survival is to the rest of the campaign or how his death will affect the pc's. In book one it mentions a plan B in the chance of failure, is that getting the tears from the horn?

This has all been very useful and proved to be very helpful for me. I will be bearing this all in mind for my next session.

One of the PCs in my campaing claims that to make a perception check he only needs to roll once when he enters the room to know everything there is to know.
Tonight he entered a room and rolled a high perception check but didn't specify what he was loking for. He recons that with this one roll he should have seen both the secret doors, the trap at the fake door and any bonus details (what do I see/hear/smell/feel?)
I beleve that he should have to roll seperately for each one (mabey not for the smell but certainly the others) as while looking for a monster you may miss the trip wire or pressure plate. While looking for a secrete door you may not notice the secrete message in the mural ect.

Cool. Thankyou for clearing that up for me.

This may sound silly but I'm having a hard time decerning what the difference from the $10 version is and the $24.99 version. Is it just a hard copy or is it all the books in one go?
I ask this as my party are preasently faceing a horrible death and I was looking into an evil quest for us to do should the worst come to fruition.
I allready have the free preview so I know that I want to run this next but I just want details on the product options.
