
Anglekos's page

Organized Play Member. 37 posts (41 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

Shadow Lodge

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When I ran the dungeon, my brother-in-law, his wife and my wife played and we all had an amazing time. My wife played the cleric, his the rogue, and he played the fighter. All-in-all, they did AMAZING; managed to clear the entire dungeon in less than three hours, and killed the dragon to boot!

It started off with them getting used to the combat scheme of Pathfinder. They adapted quickly, all of them having played D&D 4th before, and after slaying the goblins took their loot. Afterwards they went in and discovered the secret to the fountain, got the ruby, killed the spider and reefclaw, and I allowed them to make Knowledge Nature checks to see if they could harvest the spider's poison and the reefclaw's, well, claws; on both times they succeeded (DC 15 checks for both). It was improvisation, but I thought it was really innovative on their part, so I allowed it. They ended up having poison to use against the the dragon and the rogue gained a new pair of improvised daggers.

When it came to the goblin king and his cohorts, they did an amazing job roleplaying. Decided ultimately not to rush in, seeing as they were outnumbered, and instead made some diplomacy checks, as per the guide. They did such a good job roleplaying and interacting with the goblins for a solid half-hour, including the side-quest of finding his "toy", that they got some extra treasure out of it and a goblin cohort to boot; an NPC that ditched them shortly after meeting the dragon out of fear.

The skeletons went down quick, mostly due to the cleric, and when they came to the dragon the fighter immediately used the potion of invisibility they got from the hoard of treasure by the reefclaw (identified by the cleric via detect magic). Using the tip from the goblins, with a little luck and thanks to the dragonbane longsword, the three of them managed to actually knock the dragon from the air (a critical sling-shot to the opened wound in its belly) and finish it off before it could flee. This was some roleplaying improvisation again on my part, as they were really intent on slaying the beast and they brought it up to me as something they wanted to do.

Another knowledge nature check (DC 20 I decided this time) and they succeeded in harvesting some of Black Fang himself, ending up with an impressive haul of loot and extra exp. All-in-all, we had an amazing time and ended up going to bed satisfied.

I just wanted to share my story with you guys. Tabletop roleplaying has always been a passion of mine, and I've only just recently started actually DMing, both Pathfinder and 4th Edition.

Shadow Lodge

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I would love to join in this, but...
I have no idea how to play or make a character. D;
I'm just a huge Dresden Files fanboy.
PDF's anywhere?