
Angel Eyes's page

85 posts. Alias of Stiehle.

Full Name

Angel Eyes


NG Male Gunslinger 2 | Perception: +7 | Init: +4 | HP: 14 (of 20) | AC: 17, Touch: 12, FF: 15, CMD: 18 | Speed: 30' | Fort: +4, Reflex: +7, Will: +2


Abilities/Shots Used:
Revolver - 3 (of 6) Bullets Used; Grit Pool - 1 (of 2) Points Used;


Tall and lanky, the man known only as Angel Eyes to some has piercing grey eyes and light brown hair beneath his wide-brimmed hat. He often smokes a cigarillo when relaxing or drinking.


Angel Eyes is in his mid- to late 20's and usually works as a bounty hunter these days. The gunslinger is deadly fast with his revolver, which he wears at his hip - usually concealed beneath his faded serape.

About Angel Eyes

Character Name: "Angel Eyes"
Character Race: Human
Character Class(es) / Level: Gunslinger (Pistolero Archetype) / 2
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: None

Gender: Male
Age: Late 20's?
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 160 lb.
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Light brown

Known Languages: Common


Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 18 (+4)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 10 (+0)


Hit Points: 20


Armor Class: 17 [BASE (10) + DEX (4) + ARMOR (2) + DODGE (1) ]

Flatfooted AC: 12
Touch AC: 15
AC Penalty: None
Maximum DEX bonus: +6

Armor Type: Leather Armor

Special Armor Class Notes: Gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC (Nimble ability)


Total Encumbrance: Light Load

Overall AC Penalty: None
Overall Maximum DEX bonus: +6 (Armor)

Base Movement: 30’/round
Encumbered Move: 30’/round


Save vs. Fortitude: +4 [BASE (3) + CON (1)]
Save vs. Reflex: +7 [BASE (3) + DEX (4)]
Save vs. Will: +2 [BASE (0) + WIS (2)]

Special Saving Throw Notes: None


Initiative Modifier: +4 [DEX (4)]

Melee Attack Bonus: +3 [BAB (2) + STR (1)]

Ranged Attack Bonus: +6 [BAB (2) + DEX (4)]

CMB: +3 [BAB (2) + STR (1)]

CMD: 18 [BASE (10) + BAB (2) + STR (1) + DEX (4) + DODGE (1)]

Special Combat Notes: Gains +1 to attack/damage rolls with ranged weapons at targets within 30 feet (Point Blank Shot feat); can fire into a melee without the -4 penalty (Precise Shot feat)



Revolver (M) \ +6 ranged attack \ 1d8 +5 damage \ [x4] critical \ 20’ range \ [1] misfire \ 6 capacity \ bludgeoning & piercing damage
The attack roll made at first range increment resolves against the target’s touch AC, beyond that (out to five range increments) attack rolls are resolved normally, including penalties for range; move action required to reload all 6 chambers of the revolver

Hunting Knife [Dagger] (M) \ +6 ranged attack \ +3 melee attack \ 1d4 +1 damage \ 10’ range \ 19-20 [x2] critical \ piercing or slashing damage



Total Skill Points Earned = 10

Skill Name - Skill Modifier Total, Number of Ranks, Modifiers

Acrobatics: = +9* (DEX) 2 Ranks +3 [Class Skill]
Appraise: = +0 (INT)
Bluff: = +0 (CHA)
Swim: = +1* (STR)
Diplomacy: = +0 (CHA)
Disguise: = +0 (CHA)
Escape Artist: = +4* (DEX)
Fly: = +4* (DEX)
Heal: = +2 (WIS)
Intimidate: = +5 (CHA) 2 Ranks +3 [Class Skill]
Perception: = +7 (WIS) 2 Ranks +3 [Class Skill]
Ride: = +9* (DEX) 2 Ranks +3 [Class Skill]
Sense Motive: = +2 (WIS)
Stealth: = +4* (DEX)
Survival: = +7 (WIS) 2 Ranks +3 [Class Skill]
Swim: = +1* (STR)

* Armor Check Penalty Applies



Feats = 2

Feat Name & Description:

Point Blank Shot: Gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.

Precise Shot: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.


Racial and Class Skills & Abilities:

Pistol Training (Ex) [+5] Starting at 1st level (House Rule), a pistolero increases his skill with one-handed firearms. He gains a bonus on damage rolls equal to his Dexterity modifier, and when he misfires with a one-handed firearm, the misfire value increases by 2 instead of 4. Every four levels thereafter (5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th), the bonus on damage rolls increases by +1. This ability replaces gun training.

Grit [Pool Maximum = 2] At the start of each day, a gunslinger gains a number of grit points equal to his Wisdom modifier.  His grit goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than that number – though some feats and magic items may affect this maximum.  A gunslinger spends grit to accomplish deeds (see below), and regains grit in the following ways.
*Critical Hit with a Firearm: Each time the gunslinger confirms a critical hit with a firearm attack while in the heat of combat, he regains 1 grit point.  Confirming a crit on a helpless or unaware creature or on a creature that has fewer HD than half the gunslinger’s character level does not restore grit.
*Killing Blow with a Firearm: When the gunslinger reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a firearm attack while in the heat of combat, he regains 1 grit point.  Destroying an unattended object, reducing a helpless or unaware creature to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer HD than half the gunslinger’s character level to 0 or fewer hit points does not restore any grit.

Deeds: Gunslingers spend grit points to accomplish deeds.  Most deeds grant the gunslinger some momentary bonus or effect, but there are some that provide longer-lasting effects.  Some deeds stay in effect as long as the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point.  The following is the list of base gunslinger deeds.  A gunslinger can only perform deeds of his level or lower.  Unless otherwise noted, a deed can be performed multiple successive times, as long as the appropriate amount of grit is spent to perform the deed.
*Up Close and Deadly [+1d6] (Ex): When the gunslinger hits a target with a one-handed firearm that is not making a scatter shot, he can spend 1 grit point to deal 1d6 points of extra damage on a hit.  If he misses with the attack, he grazes the target, dealing half the extra damage anyway.  This is precision damage and is not multiplied if the attack is a critical hit.  This precision damage increases to 2d6 at 5th level, to 3d6 at 10th level, to 4d6 at 15th level, and to 5d6 at 20th level.  This precision damage stacks with sneak attack and other forms of precision damage.  The cost of using this deed cannot be reduced with the Signature Deed feat, the True Grit class feature, or any similar effect.  This deed replaces the Deadeye deed.
*Gunslinger’s Dodge (Ex): At 1st level, the gunslinger gains an uncanny knack for getting out of the way of ranged attacks. When a ranged attack is made against the gunslinger, she can spend 1 grit point to move 5 feet as an immediate action; doing so grants the gunslinger a +2 bonus to AC against the triggering attack. This movement is not a 5-foot step, and provokes attacks of opportunity. Alternatively, the gunslinger can drop prone to gain a +4 bonus to AC against the triggering attack. The gunslinger can only perform this deed while wearing medium or light armor, and while carrying no more than a light load.
*Quick Clear (Ex): At 1st level, as a standard action, the gunslinger can remove the broken condition from a single firearm she is currently wielding, as long as that condition was gained by a firearm misfire. The gunslinger must have at least 1 grit point to perform this deed. Alternatively, if the gunslinger spends 1 grit point to perform this deed, she can perform quick clear as a move-equivalent action instead of a standard action..

Nimble (Ex) [+1] Starting at 2nd level, a gunslinger gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC while wearing light or no armor. Anything that causes the gunslinger to lose her Dexterity bonus to AC also causes the gunslinger to lose this dodge bonus. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd level (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level).

Favored Class [Gunslinger]: Whenever a character gains a level in his favored class, he receives either +1 HP or +1 skill rank [1st Level - 1 hit point; 2nd Level - 1 hit point]

Proficiencies: Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with one-handed firearms.  Proficient with all light armor.



Anatomist: Angel Eyes is well-trained in where to hit a target in order to do the maximum damage.  Gain a +1 trait bonus on all rolls made to confirm critical hits.

Killer: Angel Eyes is a natural-born killer, but he takes no sick pleasure in the act. He does what needs to be done, and usually against those that deserve worse.  You deal an amount of additional damage equal to your weapon’s critical hit modifier when you score a successful critical hit with a weapon; this additional damage is added to the final total, and is not multiplied by the critical hit multiple itself.  This extra damage is a trait bonus.


Equipment & Gear

Travelers’ Outfit (wide-brimmed hat, comfortable boots, belt, light grey cotton shirt and pants, green/white patterned serape) [N/A]
_4 Cigarillos (in shirt pocket) [0.0 lb.]
_Hunting Knife (sheathed at belt) [1.0 lb.]

Leather vest, leggings and duster - equivalent to leather armor [15.0 lb.]

Gun Belt (18 rounds of ammo) [0.5 lb.]
_Revolver [4.0 lb.]
_Revolver [4.0 lb.]
_18 Rounds of Ammo (Metal Cartridge + Bullet) [0.5 lb.]

Waterskin [4.0 lb.] (hangs from shoulder inside serape)
5 Tindertwigs (in shirt pocket) [0.0 lb.]
Bottle of cheap whiskey ready to be used as a thrown explosive - equivalent to alchemist's fire [1.0 lb.]

Total Weight Carried / Encumbrance Load: 30.0 lb. / Light Load [Max = 43 lb.]



Mule "Mule"
Size/Type Large Animal
Hit Dice 3d8+9 (22 hp)
Initiative +1
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class 13 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple +2/+9
Attack Hoof +4 melee (1d4+3)
Full Attack 2 hooves +4 melee (1d4+3)
Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Qualities Low-light vision, scent
Saves Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities Str 16, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 6
Skills Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats Alertness, Endurance

Equipment & Gear:

Riding Saddle [25.0 lb.]
Bit & Bridle [1.0 lb.]

Saddlebags [8.0 lb.] hold:
4 Days of Feed [40.0 lb.]
Gunny Sack [2.0 lb.]
Bedroll [5.0 lb.]
6 Days of Trail Rations [6.0 lb.]
Waterskin [4.0 lb.]
Whetstone [1.0 lb.]
Flint & Steel [0.0 lb.]
Hooded Lantern [2.0 lb.]
2 Flasks of Oil [2.0 lb.]
Bag of Extra Ammo (92 rounds) [1.5 lb.]
Extra Traveler's Outfit [5.0 lb.]

Total Weight Carried / Encumbrance Load: 106.5 lb. / Light Load [Max = 230 lb.] OR 292.0 lb. when Angel Eyes is mounted / Medium Load [Max = 460 lb.]


Money: $50.10
Recent Spending - None

Money - 1 Gold = 1 Dollar, 1 Silver Piece = 10 Cents, 1 Copper = 1 Penny. Guns and ammo are very commonplace, so they are actually 1/100 the cost listed, not 10%. So a revolver should be $40.


Character History:

Not much is known of 'Angel Eyes', which is the only name that can be attributed to this craggy-faced, cigarillo-smoking gunslinger. Not that he ever calls himself by that name mind you, but he picked it up somewhere and seems to follow him around - like the bodies he tends to leave behind when those with ill-intentions cross him.

His past is as unknown as his name, but what IS known is that despite his image as a remorseless bounty hunter, Angel Eyes will fight for the innocent that can't fight for themselves against an evil-intentioned oppressor.