Andy Palmer's page

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@Deadmanwalking. As "Guards" in the context have not only the role of the Police, or the "Watch", they also have the role of the military, I would expect higher numbers. i.e., it is the standing Guards that would patrol the walls, watch the gates, etc. and would be the first line of defense against attacking monsters and humanoids.

In this context, I think one thing missing from the Settlement Statistics is "External Danger". As in, the Danger statistic that exists today is purely an internal one, measuring the danger from WITHIN the settlement. Of importance when determining the size of the Guard is a measure of the external danger.

A sleepy small farming town in the interior of a nation would likely not need Guard at all, perhaps just having a Watch to maintain internal order - in that case, your ratio of 1 per 100-200 is more than reasonable.

However, a small town the same size that is on the borderlands, and needs to be constantly on guard against monster and humanoid attacks, is going to need much more than a Watch; they're going to need a standing Guard whose job is to protect the town from EXTERNAL danger.

Thanks, Chemlak. That's ... unfortunate.

I'll come up with some charts, tables, etc. and post them on here for feedback. I like the Settlement concept, but prefer not to completely pull stuff out of my ... nether regions. :-)

I'll consider your input above as I put my stuff together.

Old to D&D, but new to Pathfinder. I have the Core Rulebook and Bestiary 1 and, after reading through the PDL, figured out that we are expected to use the Settlement Rules in the Game Mastery Guide to create lairs for some humanoids (Goblins, Hobgoblins) and all demi-humans (dwarves, elves).

Reading over the PDL for Settlements, there are some gaps. Some of these might perhaps be in the book (but not the PDL), but even that would be good info for me to know. (i.e., ultimate would be that all my questions are answered in the book and I just need to buy it).

1. Leaders/NPCs. Those in the Bestiary at least have details on ratio and level of leaders to "grunts"; no such info exists for Dwarves and Elves.

2. Guards. Humanoids have their percentage of warrior-to-noncombatant, but we have no such data for the good races. What percentage of a settlement's population would be expected to be Guard, and what percentage Militia (those who could be called up to fight in an emergency)? How much is this influenced by Settlement characteristics such as Danger?

3. Guard Gear. Again, the humanoids have 'typical' gear in the bestiary, but we lack this for good races. I assume too that guard gear would be influenced by the Economy of the Settlement?

Thanks - Andy

Old to D&D, but new to Pathfinder. I have the Core Rulebook and Bestiary 1 and, after reading through the PDL, figured out that we are expected to use the Settlement Rules in the Game Mastery Guide to create lairs for some humanoids (Goblins, Hobgoblins) and all demi-humans (dwarves, elves).

Reading over the PDL for Settlements, there are some gaps. Some of these might perhaps be in the book (but not the PDL), but even that would be good info for me to know. (i.e., ultimate would be that all my questions are answered in the book and I just need to buy it).

1. Leaders/NPCs. Those in the Bestiary at least have details on ratio and level of leaders to "grunts"; no such info exists for Dwarves and Elves.

2. Guards. Humanoids have their percentage of warrior-to-noncombatant, but we have no such data for the good races. What percentage of a settlement's population would be expected to be Guard, and what percentage Militia (those who could be called up to fight in an emergency)? How much is this influenced by Settlement characteristics such as Danger?

3. Guard Gear. Again, the humanoids have 'typical' gear in the bestiary, but we lack this for good races. I assume too that guard gear would be influenced by the Economy of the Settlement?

Thanks - Andy