Fleshcrafted Drow

Andy Mullington's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Sovereign Court

I would also like to add my vote of thanks to the team who made Paizocon UK happen.

It has been several years since I attended a Con (Gamesfair 94 I think?) , but I'm sure that I can't possibly have enjoyed them as much as this one!

I brought my son along to his first convention, and he was impressed by the standard of the GM's (thanks to tables 5,3,2,1 and 3 again) and also the friendliness of the players who made a couple of newbies feel very much at home.

The interraction between Jason and James' characters was talked about all the way home to Manchester - make sure you look after that parasol, James!! :)

We will definately be attending next year, and probably bringing the rest of our gaming group along for the ride too.
