I am about to start playing Council of Theives after running Legacy of Fire and while I am good on 3.5 I ain't so hot on Pathfinder.
My gaming group doesn't have many 'forward' personalities so I will likely be either the loudest or second loudest player at the table (even if I try not to) and I will probably be pushed into being the 'group leader' role (The other 'talkative' players are the current GM for CoT and our previous GM for Rise of the Runelords).
Given this I have created a 1st level character as follows:
Human Paladin of Shelyn
Stats 15 point points buy
Str: 14
Dex: 10
Con: 12
Int: 13
Wis: 10
Cha: 16
Magical Knack (+2 caster level for paladin class)
Shadow Child (Ignore miss chance for dim light)
I plan on using heavy armour and a heavy flail. Smiting and killing really bad things and disarming and subdueing less bad things. Skill points spent on social skills and a bit of UMD.
Can anyone let me know if they have played/run for a similar character and how it got on/is getting on in the AP (no spoilers please)? Also if I have made any glaring or stupid build mistakes (or you have ideas/comments on the build I would be grateful) could you let me know?