Abra Lopati

Andross's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Hi Chris! No worries, the discussions here will be in English. We'll only use Spanish when we meet physically to play. :)
The paragraph in Spanish in my first post is a translation of the text in English. I tried to edit it to delete that part, but I can't.

Thanks, YoricksRequiem! I think it will be a lot of fun. If you know of anybody that you think could be interested, please spread the word :)

Do you want to practice your Spanish but are tired of talking about the weather or how to find the library? Native Spanish speaking Game Master is looking for players to start a Pathfinder campaing in Spanish. No experience with RPGs is necessary but the game will be held mainly in Spanish, so having a conversational level of this language would be best.

¿Quieres practicar tu español pero estás cansado de hablar del tiempo o preguntar cómo se llega a la biblioteca? Director de Juego hablante nativo de español busca jugadores para empezar una campaña de Pathfinder en español. No se necesita experiencia con juegos de rol, pero es recomendable tener cierta fluidez en español, ya que el juego se desarrollará principalmente en este idioma.