Andrew Pratt 840's page

*** Venture-Agent, Michigan—Kalamazoo 12 posts (50 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 51 Organized Play characters.

2/5 5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Michigan—Kalamazoo

There are two instances in the society guide that mention this namely

"Players who have earned GM glyphs can hand out one additional hero point per Glyph at the start of the adventure when boons are slotted. But no player can receive more than 1 hero point this way per adventure."

Adventures are earlier defined Quests, Scenarios, Adventure Paths, and Adventures.

Later the guide says "When playing (not GMing) a scenario, they can distribute a number of Hero Points equal to their number of glyphs to the other players at the table. Distribute these Hero Points during the portion of the scenario in which players are slotting boons. A player cannot gain more than one Hero Point from the table’s GM glyphs."

This limits their use from Quests, Adventure Paths, or Adventures. Which is correct? Normally you would fall to the rule of more specific but these aren't more or less specific than each other. I've seen it played both ways when playing quests, and would just like to know if we can get some clarification.

Starfinder Flip-Tiles: Space Station Starter Set wasn’t included with the rest of my shipment. Is it coming separately, or was it missed altogether?

Please remove one of the Lost Omens World Guides. I didn’t realize that the subscription wouldn’t replace the other preorder, and I only need one. Thank you!

I would like to cancel my pathfinder battles subscription.

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