
Andas's page

Goblin Squad Member. 76 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Goblin Squad Member

Hey all,

I was reading one of the threads and something piqued my interest.

I am curious on what the physical age people of people following PFO is.

Of course this is all voluntary and if you feel more comfortable leaving a range or ignoring this post feel free :)

I am 50.

Goblin Squad Member

Sorry if this has been asked before. I tried searching, but didn't see anything...

In most heroic fantasy you are the hero. Although there may be character flaws and such the main character is generally considered the good guy.

With PFO depending on a lot of player generated conflict - do you expect a lot of people to play evil?

For myself I generally play an honorable, basically good character. I can't imagine being a robber, assassin, or tyrant.

What kind of character will you play?