
Anchor89's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.

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Paizo's reply to my email last week.

"Thanks for reaching out. There are plans to update the PDF, although it may take a couple of weeks before the new one is uploaded. Let me know if you have anymore questions!"

It looks like it is just a matter of time now. ;)

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old Gil wrote:

Would it be possible to get this PDF as single pages instead of the ultrawide landscape format?

That would be much more convenient.

I would love to be able to print the individual pages also, please.

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Aristophoenix wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
silversarcasm wrote:

Oooooooh im so excited, i was talking recently about how excited I was a certain story thread form legends was brought up again in Impossible Lands and now it seems we're getting a whole ap about it? Lets gooooo

Am sad to see its not a 6 parter though, hope they havent been completely abandoned!

If folks want us to do more 6-part Adventure Paths... PLEASE let us know! The 3 part ones seem to be engaging people more and allow for more stories to be told in a year, and I'm hoping that we'll be able to settle into a rhythum that allows for more frequent higher level 3 part arcs, but if people do still want 6 part ones... we need to know. (And that includes seeing evidence in sales and reviews and the like for parts 4–6 of those Adventure Paths, not just requests at the front end.)
Even though this is an older post, put me down for still hoping to see 6-part APs in the future. I have appreciated the story and theme variety afforded by the 3-parters, but I do miss the epic feel of the longer, carefully crafted, interconnected stories. Personally I am more likely to be interested and invest in a 6-part AP than a 3-part, though I recognize that I might be the exception. I'm going to second earlier suggestions that you guys try to do a little of both if you can; the 2 3-part, 1 6-part a year rhythm seemed to be working ok.

I agree, 3 parters are nice but should not replace 6 partners? CAn you comprise and do a split of 3 and 6 parters? I mean some stories are EPIC and need the room to be told. The rules are what drew me to Pathfinder but the AP's are what keep me in the end.

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When will the pdf be available for purchase?