This man is a mix of Flan and Orerifian, obviously not from around here, but who really is these days. Despite his gifted genes which are considered handsome by all corner of the Flanaess he is scarred, and badly so it seems. His sleeves are rolled up to the elbows revealing his volcanic ash colored hands and forearms, and where the veins of a strong laborer would be there are shallow fissures like cracks in the earth. The blackened ash color fades approaching his neck leaving an ordinary, though weary-worn face but a fiery halo burns around his irises like a lunar eclipse. Were the man taller than 5’5” he might have been intimidating with his ashy appearance and fiery eyes.
Character Personality
Psychology and perception: Logical and Intelligent
Self-discipline: Skeptical
Lifestyle: Reserved
Social attitude: Self-confident
Honesty and honor: Values knowledge above all things
Emotional capacity: Cold but supportive
Born in Nishka in the spring of 562, Anchard is the 3rd born of 6 children but the first born son of his family. His parents were successful thieves that many respected as merchants.
Raiders killed Anchard’s father, which honor bound Anchard, when he was still a child, to seek justice in his family’s name. It took several years, but Anchard eventually caught up to the people responsible and settled the debt owed. On his return home, he had an encounter with a spirit of Joramy that told him he was destined for something great. When Anchard asked for more, the spirit bathed Anchard in flames. The experience nearly killed him, but it left its mark spiritually.
Shortly after returning home after the ordeal of being set aflame and avenging his family’s name, a man come to be known as the Wanderer befriended the family and took special interest in Anchard. This person brought Anchard wondrous mementos and told him of all the places he had traveled and the people who lived there, inspiring wanderlust within him.
Anchard’s wanderlust took him to strange places and eventually to the lair of a dragon that went by the name of Parath. This dragon had a sizable horde, and Anchard took the liberty of lightening the load a bit to allow his family to retire into the lap of luxury. This dragon’s wealth is where Anchard obtained the funds to leave home and travel to Greyhawk to escape the harsh winters of his homeland.
His journey to Greyhawk is what opened Anchard’s eyes to his true purpose, to end Nyrond’s influence over Pale for good. Seeing things for how they should be and not what he was used to made him resent Nyrond and to some degree, his own people for letting the intolerance and travesties become commonplace.