
Anaki J.'s page

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I've currently got three players. We are in Iris Hill at the end of mod 2. They are wrecking stuff. I've had to add extra stuff and beef up others. Though their builds are very solid.

My players and I are about three sessions in to Book 1: In Search of Sanity. They have recently reached the library and have cleared out the threats therein. Two of my players are Int based classes; a wizard and an arcanist. They both enjoy books, the wizard especially, and while they seemed pleased at the sight of a library neither is showing any interest in actually perusing the collection.

Now it doesn't seem like the information held within is crucial for completing the mod, but they will definitely miss out on some cool lore and world building stuff. The mod itself does not provide any hooks to entice research--probably because they assume anyone playing a game like this will already be interested--but I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on spurring their interest.

Piccolo wrote:
Captain Battletoad wrote:
The way I'm dealing with the haunts is to have at least one player each night have the dream with the ancient Kelishite woman who will give them a clue about each haunt (even if they haven't encountered them) in riddle form, so they won't spoil the haunts before the players ever get to them.
Why not just give them the information about ending the haunts straight by having them make Knowledge (Religion) checks?

Having the players solve the haunts by giving them clues through dreams is very thematic and can help to immerse the players in the atmosphere of the story whereas just having them role and get it loses some of that immersive magic. Though Knowledge (religion) roles are certainly one way to go about it.

All salient points. I guess my concern has to do with the more horrific tone and atmosphere I'm going for... how tense or fearful will encounters be if the PCs know they can just pull out a +2 weapon and go to town? It seems like it would be that much more work to maintain an overall sense of dread.

I could just be over thinking this.

Does anyone else find it odd that the PCs can acquire a +2 short sword in the admin area of the asylum when they are 2nd level? This seems like a pretty strong find for a regular AP let alone a horror themed one.

I just received my physical copy in the mail and decided to take a quick flip through only to discover pages 17-32 have disappeared. Good thing I have the PDF.