About Anabel ImvaraBackground:
Anabel was the product of a Taldan noble's dalliance with a visiting elven dignitary from Kyonin. Her father thought nothing of the indiscretion until a half-elven child appeared on his doorstep several months later with a note saying that it was his responsibility. This caused much embarrassment among the Taldan court, but he was determined to raise Anabel as a respectable son.
Anabel always knew that she was a woman, though, despite the fact that her outward body did not match her gender. When she told her father the truth of who she was, however, he could not stand to be scandalized further. He cast Anabel out of his house, forcing her to find her own way in the world. Anabel made her way to Galt where she studied the secrets of alchemy. With much research and experimentation, she was able to discover esoteric formulae that would alter her body so that her outward appearance would finally reflect the person she was inside. She returned to Taldor and settled down in the small village of Heldron, hoping for a quiet life in the provincial town. However, fate has other things in store for Anabel... Female half-elf investigator 1
Senses: Perception +6 (+5 proficiency, +1 Wis) DEFENSE
Fort +7 (+5 proficiency. +2 Con)
OFFENSE Melee rapier +6 (d6 P; deadly d8, disarm, finesse)
Spd 25 ft Alchemical Formulas Known (6)--lesser blight bomb, lesser bottled lightning, lesser ghost charge, minor elixir of life, eagle-eye elixir, lesser cognitive mutagen STATISTICS
As an investigator, you think of your adventures as cases waiting to be solved. You gain one activity and one reaction you can use to investigate cases: Pursue a Lead and Clue In.
Pursue a Lead Concentrate Exploration Investigator Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 56 2.0 Frequency once per 10 minutes You spend 1 minute examining the details of one potential clue, designating the subject related to that clue as the target of your active investigation. This subject is typically a single creature, item, or small location (such as a room or corridor), but the GM might allow a different scope for your investigation. You don't need to know the identity, purpose, or nature of the subject, but you do need to be aware of its existence. For instance, finding a footprint is enough to investigate the creature that left it, and seeing a hasty sketch of an item or location can be enough to start your investigation of that subject. Whenever you attempt a Perception or skill check to investigate a designated subject, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the check. The exact checks this applies to depend on the actions you use to investigate and are determined by the GM, but checks to investigate are typically Perception checks or skill checks that use Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. You can maintain two active investigations at a time. If you Pursue another Lead after that, the subject must be different from any of your current investigations (or rather, they must be different as far as you know), and you give up on a current subject of your choice. Once you've given up pursuit of a subject, you can't Pursue that Lead again until after the next time you make your daily preparations. Clue In (Reaction)
Devise a Stratagem:
You can play out a battle in your head, using brains rather than brawn to execute an attack.
Devise a Stratagem
When you make this substitution, you can also add your Intelligence modifier to your attack roll instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier, provided your Strike uses an agile or finesse melee weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, a ranged weapon (which must be agile or finesse if it's a melee weapon with the thrown trait), or a sap. If you're aware that the creature you choose is the subject of a lead you're pursuing, you can use this ability as a free action. Methodology: Alchemical Sciences:
Your methodology emphasizes chemical and alchemical analysis, collecting information from unusual particles and fluids found on the scene. You possess enough alchemical know-how to whip up a few tinctures to help you with your cases.
You're trained in Crafting and gain the Alchemical Crafting skill feat. In addition, you gain a standard formula book for free and learn the formulas for two additional common 1st-level alchemical items, which must be elixirs or tools. Each time you gain a level, you learn the formula for one common alchemical elixir or alchemical tool of any level of item you can create. During your daily preparations, you can create a number of versatile vials—alchemical concoctions that can quickly be turned into elixirs and tools— equal to your Intelligence modifier. You can use the Quick Tincture action to turn one of these vials into an elixir or alchemical tool for which you know the formula. Quick Tincture
Strategic Strike: When you strike carefully and with forethought, you deal a telling blow. When making a Strike that adds your Intelligence modifier on your attack roll due to Devising a Stratagem, you deal an additional 1d6 precision damage. As your investigator level increases, so too does the deadliness of your strategic strike. Increase the number of dice by one at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels. HERITAGE Half-Elf: Either one of your parents was an elf, or one or both were half-elves. You have pointed ears and other telltale signs of elf heritage. You gain the elf trait, the half-elf trait, and low-light vision. In addition, you can select elf, half-elf, and human feats whenever you gain an ancestry feat. BACKGROUND Adaptive Magic: The wonders of magic have always fascinated you, and you find the urge to tinker and experiment with magic almost irresistible. You could be the child of an alchemist, wizard, or witch; a member of the Pathfinder Society; or maybe someone with a touch of fey or dragon blood. You may not be trained in magic, and you’ve had your share of accidental mishaps, but you possess a natural knack for activating magic items. You’ve always been intrigued by the cold magic of the winter witches and ice mages of the North, and would love to get your hands on some of their magic items. Choose two ability boosts. One must be Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Arcana skill, and the Witch Lore skill. You gain the Trick Magic Item skill feat. Ancestry Feats 1st: General Training: Canny Acumen (Fortitude) Class Feats: 1st: That's Odd: When you enter a new location, such as a room or corridor, you immediately notice one thing out of the ordinary. The GM determines what it is, or whether there's nothing reasonable to pick up, skipping obvious clues that can be easily noticed without a check or specifically looking for them. You learn only that an area or object is suspicious, but not why it's suspicious. For example, if you entered a study with a large bloodstain on the ground, the bloodstain is so obviously suspicious it's evident to you already, so the GM might note that there's something suspicious about the desk drawer instead. You would then need to investigate the drawer further to find out what specifically is out of the ordinary. That's Odd doesn't reveal whether creatures are suspicious. You don't typically get any benefit when you leave and come back to a place, though if a major change has happened there and time has passed, the GM might determine that you do. Skill Feats: Methodology: Alchemical Crafting: You can use the Craft activity to create alchemical items. When you select this feat, you immediately add the formulas for four common 1st-level alchemical items to your formula book. Background: Trick Magic Item SKILLS