
An Innocent Puppy's page

9 posts. Alias of bugleyman.


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Gorbacz wrote:
Brondy wrote:
Or maybe it's just laziness...manage the difference in level by raising all the statistics of +1 it's like going back to the stone age and looks a lot like a video game. It's how to spit in an eye to all the fellow developers(of other games like d&d 3.5/pathfinder) who have engineered to avoid such archaic and linear system using a more innovative one.
I think this passage isn't hyperbolic enough. Maybe add something about kicked puppies, shattered dreams or stolen wives?

I can confirm I was indeed kicked by 2E.

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The ACA kicked me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CloudGiant wrote:

D&D Next is...perfectly dull and perfectly restrictive.

There is zero flavor and even less creativity or care in D&D Next. Honestly, it reads like something a Ritalin-addicted sixth grader might have come up with during middle school class, when he was supposed to be paying attention, but wasn't.

...my impression of the game is infinite sterility and laziness.

But the idiots at the D&D department of WoTC are unwilling to make any kind of mental effort to come up with good abilities and good names for them.

I've heard alot (sic) of people say that D&D Next is a return to old-school gaming. This is false. 1st and 2nd edition had flavor, creativity and nuance. D&D Next has none of these.

Also, D&D Next kicked me.

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4E kicked me!

houstonderek wrote:
Is that an encounter or an at will?

SEE? 4E is so meta.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

4E kicked me -- and pushed me back 2 squares.

Gorbacz wrote:
4E kicked my puppy.

It's true.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
I may be overly sensitive to the subject. As a big bank employee I'm just tired of hearing people talk about it like the bank just punched their baby in the face.

Your bank just kicked me!

Nerdrage Ooze wrote:

Oh yeah? Well 4E kicked me!