Jask Derindi

Amwari ibn Horrit's page

10 posts. Organized Play character for Will Huston.

Full Name

Amwari ibn Horrit


| HP: 93/93 | AC: 29 (13 Tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +12, CMD: 23 | F: +12, R: +7, W: +12 | Init: +1 | Perc: +6, SM: +15


Male CN Human Warpriest of Besmara 10 7/9 Fervor, Shirt Re-Roll [0/1] Conditions: Divine Favor

About Amwari ibn Horrit

Born 14 Pharast, 4695

"I don't like dead things moving about. That's why we ain't going on to Mechitar." the captain said, gruffly.

"No argument from me, sir," the young boy gulped.

The captain laughed, "Good spirit, boy. I won't lie to you. I work my crew hard, and I've worked boys younger than you, understand? No special treatment. By the end you might think that you were better off as chow for them Geb zombies."

"No, sir, I don't think I will," the boy said confidently, but still rubbing his wrist. The shackles had rendered the skin raw.

"We ain't Andoren do-gooders. Sure, slave ships are good targets, but I don't care nothing about freeing nobody. If you're weak enough for your booty to be taken, then it never really was yers. That's what Besmara tells us."

Amwari ibn Horrit XP 29 Fame 57 Prestige 41
Male Garundi Warpriest of Besmara 10
Medium CN humanoid (human)
Init +1 ; Senses Perception +6


AC 29, touch 13, flat-footed 28, (+9 Armor, +4 Shield, +1 Dex, +3 natural, +2 Deflection)
HP 93 (10d8+30(con)+10 favoredclass)
Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +13


Speed 30 ft w/o armor, 20 w/ armor
Melee +1 keen cutlass +14/+9 (1d10+6/15-20)
Ranged mwk composite shortbow (str rating 2) +9/+3 (1d6+2/x3)
Warpriest Spells Prepared (CL 10th, Concentration +14)
4th - divine power
3rd - greater stunning barrier, contagious zeal
2nd - weapon of awe (2x), align weapon
1st - shield of faith (2x), divine favor (x3)
0 - guidance, light, detect magic, mending, read magic
Special Abilites: major and minor blessings (water and chaos)


Str 20, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 10
Base Atk +7, CMB +12 (+13 on disarm and trip), CMD 23 (25 on disarm and trip)
Trait deft dodger, insider knowledge
Feats Weapon Focus (cutlass), Fast Learner, Improvisation, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Blind Flight, Swordplay Style
Skills Heal +8, Knowledge (local)+9, Knowledge (Religion) +12, Lingusitics +3, Perception +6, Profession (sailor)+18, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +12, Swim +6. (Amwari can do all skills untrained and gains +2 bonus on all untrained skills)
Languages Common, Osiriani, Kelish, Auran
Gear Combat +1 keen cutlass, mwk composite shortbow (+2 str rating), mwk cold iron cutlass (Back up), 2 alchemist fires, Armor +3 breastplate, +3 wooden light shield, mwk studded leather (back up), amulet of natural armor +3, Other wand of bless (4/50 used), wand of endure elements (4/50 used), wand of cure light wounds (2/50 used), belt of giant strength +4, headband of inspired wisdom +2, wayfinder, handy haversack, cloak of resistance +2, mwk thieves tools, crowbar, hemp rope, Pink Rhomboid Ioun Stone (resonant), The Ship [Named Xojject's Downfall, see 8-11]
Treasure 2995 gp

chronicle sheets:
  • 1. 5-01 The Glass River Rescue
  • 2. 4-15 The Cyphermage Dilemma
  • 3. 3-16 The Midnight Mauler
  • 4. 6-18 From Under Ice[
  • 5. 3-09 The Quest for Perfection, Part 1: The Edge of Heaven
  • 6. 3-11 The Quest for Perfection, part 2: On Hostile Waters
  • 7. 3-13 The Quest for Perfection, part 3: Defenders of Nesting Swallow
  • 8. 6-11 The Slave Master's Mirror
  • 9. 6-19 Test of Tar Kuata
  • 10. 7-01 Between the Lines
  • 11. 6-12 Scions of the Sky Key Part 1: On Sharrowsmith's Trail
  • 12. 6-14 Scions of the Sky Key, Part 2: Kaava Quarry
  • 13. 7-05 School of Spirits
  • 14. 4-05 The Sanos Abduction
  • 15. 7-02 Six Seconds to Midnight
  • 16. 7-03 The Bronze House Reprisal
  • 17. Ruins of Bonekeep Level Two: Maze of the MindSlave
  • 18. 2-03 The Rebel's Ransom
  • 19. 8-09 Forged in Flame, Part 1: The Cindersworn Pact
  • 19A. Boys & Girls Con 2017 Boon #3
  • 20. 8-11 Forged in Flame, Part 2: Cleansed with Fire
  • 21. 9-00 Assault on Absalom
  • 22. 6-07 Valley of the Veiled Flame
  • 23. 2-06 The Heresy of Man, pt 1; The First Heresy
  • 24. 2-07 The Heresy of Man, Pt 2; Where Dark Things Sleep
  • 25. 2-09 The Heresy of Man, Pt 3; Beneath Forgotten Sands
  • 26. 8-03 Captives of Toil
  • 27. 8-4 Wardens of Sulfur Gulch
  • 28. 8-13 What Sleeps in Stone
  • 29. 8-17 Refugees of the Weary Sky