
Amphitryon's page

432 posts. Alias of Grumbaki.


Dancing lights (2/2) Greater Darkness (2/2) Faerie fire (2/2) Levitate (2/2)


Feather Fall (2/2) Bless (1/1) Rage (1/1) and Angelic Aspect (1/1)


Half-Elf Gloomblade (9) Wounds (57) HP (94) AC (30/13/27) Saves (11/7/10, +2 Vs Fear, +2 vs enchantment) CMD (28)




Common, Elven

Strength 20
Dexterity 16
Constitution 18
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 12
Charisma 11

About Amphitryon

To Hit: +9/+4 (BaB) +5 (Str) +2 (Enchantment) +4 (WT) -0/-3 (PA) + 2 (WF) = +22/+14
Damage: +7 (Str) +9 (PA) +2 (Enchantment) +4 (WT) +2 (WS) = 1d10+24

10ft reach


Ac: 10 + 11 (Armor) + 3 (Shield) + 1 (Natural Armor) + 1 (Ring of Protection) + 3 (Dex) = 30

Fort: + 6 (base) + 4 (Con) + 1 (Cloak) = +11
Ref: + 3 (base) + 3 (Dex) + 1 (Cloak) = +7
Will: + 6 (base) + 1 (Wis) + 1 (Cloak) + 2 (Race) = +10

* A witch can use this hex to place a protective ward over one creature. The warded creature receives a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws. This ward lasts until the warded creature is hit or fails a saving throw.

Half Elf, Traits, Stats:

Race: Half-Elf
* Dual Minded (+2 Will Saves)
* Blended View (Low Light Vision And 60ft Dark Vision)
* Elven Immunities (Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.)
* Keen Senses (+2 Perception)

* Heirloom Weapon (Proficiency Totem Spear)
* Trustworthy (You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks made to fool someone. You also gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is always a class skill for you.)

Str: 15 + 2 (race) + 2 (profane) + 1 (lvl 4) = 20
Dex: 15 +1 (lvl 8) = 16
Con: 14 + 2 (belt) +2 (profane) = 18
Int: 8
Wis: 12
Cha: 11 Effective 15 due to belt


Amphitryon gains a +2 profane bonus to Strength and Constitution as well as a +2 profane bonus to Intimidate and Survival. He may cast Bless 1/day, Rage 1/day, and Angelic Aspect 1/day as spell-like abilities with a caster level equal to his character level.


* Bravery (Ex)
- Starting at 2nd level, a fighter gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against fear. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.

* Shadow Weapon (Su)
- A gloomblade can create a shadowy weapon in a free hand as a move action. This can take the form of any melee weapon with which he is proficient. A gloomblade can have only one shadow weapon in existence at a time; creating a new shadow weapon causes an existing shadow weapon to vanish.
- At 3rd level, the shadow weapon acts as a magic weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus; this bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels a gloomblade has beyond 2nd, to a maximum enhancement bonus of +5 at 18th level.
- At 7th level, a gloomblade can create (and maintain) two shadow weapons at a time as a move action; if he does, each weapon has an enhancement bonus 1 lower than normal. If a gloomblade creates only one weapon, it gains a weapon special ability of his choice (chosen upon creation); the ability must be valid for the shadow weapon’s weapon type and must be chosen from defending, flaming, frost, keen, ghost touch, merciful, shock, thundering, or vicious. (Additional special abilities might qualify, at the GM’s discretion.)
- At 11th level, a gloomblade’s shadow weapons each gain their full enhancement bonus if he creates two weapons. If a gloomblade creates only one shadow weapon, it gains additional weapon special abilities; the total effective bonus of these abilities cannot exceed +3. The gloomblade can now choose from the of anarchic, axiomatic, flaming burst, icy burst, holy, shocking burst, unholy, and wounding weapon special abilities as well as those from the list above.
- At 15th level, a gloomblade’s shadow weapons each gain magic weapon special abilities with a total effective bonus of +2 per weapon. If a gloomblade creates only one shadow weapon, its magic weapon special abilities cannot exceed a total effective bonus of +5. The gloomblade adds brilliant energy, dancing, and speed to the options he can choose as weapon special abilities for his shadow weapon.
- This replaces the fighter’s armor training and proficiency with heavy armor and shields (he retains proficiency in light and medium armor).

* Shadow Weapon Training (Ex)
- At 5th level, a gloomblade gains weapon training, except that he does not select a weapon group; instead, the bonus applies to the shadow weapons he creates. A gloomblade does not select additional weapon groups as he gains levels.
- At 9th level, whenever a gloomblade creates one or more shadow weapons, he can apply any one of the following shadow effects (chosen upon creation) to one of them.
- During the gloomblade’s turn, he can increase his reach with that weapon by 5 feet.
The gloomblade can increase a thrown shadow weapon’s range increment (if any) by 20 feet.
- When he hits a foe with a melee attack with the weapon, he can use it to perform a reposition combat maneuver against the creature hit as a swift action. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
- Attacks made with the weapon ignore hardness equal to or less than the gloomblade’s fighter level.
- For every 4 levels he has beyond 9th, a gloomblade can apply an additional effect to his shadow weapons, to a maximum of three effects at 17th level; these effects can be split between multiple shadow weapons as a gloomblade desires, but they don’t stack with themselves.
- This alters weapon training.


Lvl 1 Class: Fighter’s Expertise (If a Fighter’s ability score is less than 13, it counts as 13 for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats.)
Lvl 1: Drow Spirit (You gain the ability to cast dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire each once per day as a spell-like ability. You use your character level as your caster level for these abilities. Alternatively, you can instead gain any one racial trait that elves can exchange for the elven magic racial trait.)
Lvl 1 Class: Power Attack
Lvl 2 Class: Furious Focus
Lvl 3: Drow Nobility (You may use detect magic as a spell-like ability at will, and add feather fall and levitate to the spell-like abilities that you may use once each per day. Your caster level is equal to your character level.)
Lvl 4 Class: Weapon Focus
Lvl 5: Advanced Weapon Training Defensive Weapon Training (Ex) The fighter gains a +1 shield bonus to his Armor Class. The fighter adds half his weapon’s enhancement bonus (if any) to this shield bonus. When his weapon training bonus for weapons from the associated fighter weapon group reaches +4, this shield bonus increases to +2. This shield bonus is lost if the fighter is immobilized or helpless.
Lvl 6 Class: Weapon Specialization
Lvl 7: Heavy Armor Proficiency
Lvl 8 Class: Greater Weapon Focus
Lvl 9: Improved Drow Nobility (You may use your dancing lights, faerie fire, feather fall, and levitate spell-like abilities twice per day. Your darkness spell-like ability instead becomes deeper darkness, which you may use twice per day.)

Skills & Equipment:

Skills: +4 (class) - 1 (Int) = 3/lvl
* Profession Cook: 7 SP (+12)
* Profession Soldier: 7 SP (+12)
* Survival: 6 SP (+12)
* Intimidate: 5 SP (+12)
* Diplomacy: 6 SP (+11)
* Perception: 7 SP (+12)

* Cloak of Resistance +1
* Ring of Protection +1
* Mithril Fullplate +2
* Fighter’s Kit with elven travel rations (Elves favor soft trail bread made of oats mixed with other grains, berries, and nuts and sweetened with honey. They supplement this trail bread with dried fruits and nuts. If you are an elf who subsists on nothing but these rations for at least 1 week, you receive a +2 bonus on checks and saves that benefit from the Endurance feat. This benefit lasts until you eat a meal other than the rations or go for a full day without eating a day’s worth.)
* Championship Belt: The "Big Gold Belt" has a giant gold plate on the front with a carving of Greece etched onto it along with 2 matching side plates with the winner's name also carved on it. When worn in the belt slot or alternatively over the shoulder in the back slot, this belt gives the wearer a +2 sacred bonus on str-based skill checks, strength checks, and cha-based skill checks and charisma checks and +2 Constitution. It has been blessed by Zues and now has a lightning bolt etched onto it.
* These supple gloves grant the wearer a +4 bonus to her CMD against disarm attacks, attempts to sunder her wielded weapons, and effects that cause her to lose her grip on her weapons (such as grease). The wearer doesn’t drop held weapons when panicked or stunned. If the wearer has the weapon training class feature and is using an appropriate weapon, her weapon training bonus increases by +2.
* Amulet of Natural Armor +1
* 261 gold 7 silver 5 copper
1 potion of CLW 1 potion of CMW

Background and Description:

Amphitryon, along with his younger brother Kyronai, were part of the Silverstar Company, a mercenary organization patroned by the goddess Artemis. The company is known for adapting a blend of traditional elven guerrilla tactics with those of the more heavy hoplite soldiers common in human-centric Greece. The brothers' father is an elven officer who has a volatile relationship with their mother, a human hedge witch who travels with the mercenary company and offers healing and augury services. As the brothers grew up, Amphitryon gravitated towards his father's career, while Kyronai was instructed in his mother's craft. Both brothers learned skills from both parents, however.

The Silverstar Company's acclaim made it very desirable, but also very expensive, and sometimes years would pass between contracts. Kyronai and Amphitryon have seen relatively little actual warfare growing up, and have turned to other pursuits for entertainment. Amphitryon spent much of his life desperately trying to please his father, and worked tirelessly to earn the right to fight in the company’s phalanx. But while he earned that right, he gained much more experience learning how to forage for food and how to cook. Never one for books, poetry, or anything academic, he instead took pleasure in the more simple joys of life.

When Kyronai decided to go to the Demeter Harvest Festival, to try his hand at poetry and play writing, Amphitryon joined him. Mostly for the food. After a lifetime of honing the elven art of cooking, he was excited at the possibility to see what mankind had to offer.


Amphitryon takes after his mother’s side more than his father’s. He is tall, broad of shoulder. If not for the point of his ears, it would be easy to mistake him for being completely human. He is most often seen wearing his breastplate and carrying his on his back, out of the goal of training himself to not notice the weight.

For the most part, he is pleasant of demeanor. Despite being a professional soldier, there has been little reason in his life to have a personal conflict with anyone. In fact, given his mixed blood and his influential father, he instead has the desire to prove himself. Both as being worthy of what he has achieved, as well as belonging in general.