
Amiri, Barbarian's page

38 posts. Alias of Pedwiddle.

Full Name





Barbarian 7 [ HP 59/75 | AC 20/FF18/T13 | Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3 (+2 vs. fear, +2 vs. traps) | Init +2 | Perception +11 ]





Special Abilities

Damage Reduction 1/-, Fast Movement, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Rage, Trap Sense





Strength 20
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About Amiri, Barbarian


HP: 75
Init: +2 (2 (Dex))
AC: 20 (Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 18) (+6 Armor, +1 Deflection, +2 Dex, +1 Natural)
Fort: +7, Ref: +4, Will: +3 (+2 vs. fear, +2 vs. traps)
BAB: +7
CMB: 12 (7 (BAB) + 5 (Str)) (+2 w/ Bull Rush)
CMD: 25 (10 + 7 (BAB) + 5 (Str) + 2 (Dex)) (+2 vs. Bull Rush)

+2 Large Bastard Sword (+13/+8 to hit, 2d8+9 damage (S), 19-20/x2 crit)

Masterwork Longbow (+10/+5 to hit, 1d8 damage (P), 100' range, x3 crit)

Racial and Class Features:


Damage Reduction: Subtract 1 point from the damage Amiri takes each time she is dealt damage from a weapon or a natural attack.
Improved Uncanny Dodge: Amiri cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dexterity bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Dex bonus to AC if immobilized or if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against her. She also cannot be flanked, and a rogue can’t sneak attack her unless the rogue is 11th level or higher.
Rage: As a free action, Amiri can go into a rage that makes her deadlier, tougher, and dauntless—but easier to hit. When raging, Amiri’s stats are AC 19; hp 89; Fort +9, Will +5; Melee +2 Large bastard sword +15/+10 (2d8+12/19–20); Str 24, Con 18; CMB +14 (+16 bull rush); CMD 27 (29 vs. bull rush); Skills Climb +15, Swim +13. She can rage for a total of 18 rounds per day, and can end a rage as a free action. When her rage ends, she loses the 14 hit points she gained from raging, and if this brings her below 0 hit points, she falls unconscious and begins dying. Ending her rage also makes her fatigued (imparting a –2 penalty to her Strength and Dexterity) for 2 rounds for every round
she spent in a rage, and she can’t rage while fatigued or exhausted. While raging, she can’t use Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride).
Large Bastard Sword: The sword Amiri carries is difficult for her to wield because it was created to be swung by a giant. She takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls with the sword (this is already calculated into her attack bonus). Though a bastard sword can normally be wielded in one hand, Amiri must use two hands because the sword is sized for a Large creature. The sword deals 2d8 points of damage because of its Large size.

Guarded Stance: As a move action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity, Amiri can gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against melee attacks for a number of rounds equal to her current Constitution modifier (typically 4 rounds).
Powerful Blow: Once per rage as a swift action before rolling an attack roll, Amiri can gain a +2 bonus on the damage roll if she hits with that attack.
Surprise Accuracy: Once per rage as a swift action before rolling an attack roll, Amiri can gain a +2 morale bonus on the attack roll.

Feats, Traits, Skills, and Boons:

Cleave: As a standard action, Amiri can make a single melee attack. If she hits, she deals damage normally and makes another attack against a foe that is adjacent to the first and within reach. She can make only one additional attack per round with this feat, and takes a –2 penalty to AC until the start of her next turn.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword):
Improved Bull Rush:
Power Attack: Before attacking, Amiri may choose to take a –2 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks until her next turn and gains a +6 bonus on melee damage.
Weapon Focus (Large Bastard Sword):

Killer: When Amiri confirms a critical hit, she deals an additionalamount of damage equal to her weapon’s critical modifier (+2 with her +2 Large bastard sword or +3 with her masterwork longbow). This additional damage is added to the final total and is not multiplied by the critical hit multiple itself.

SKILLS - Current ACP: -2
Acrobatics*: 2* (0 + 2 (Dex)) (* - +5 when jumping) (ACP)
Appraise: 0 (0 + 0 (Int))
Bluff: 0 (0 + 0 (Cha))
Climb*: 15 (7 + 3 (Class Skill) + 5 (Str)) (ACP)
Craft (Any)*: 0 (0 + 0 (Int))
Diplomacy: 0 (0 + 0 (Cha))
Disguise: 0 (0 + 0 (Cha))
Escape Artist: 2 (0 + 2 (Dex)) (ACP)
Fly: 2 (0 + 2 (Dex)) (ACP)
Handle Animal*: 7 (4 + 3 (Class Skill) + 0 (Cha))
Heal: 1 (0 + 1 (Wis))
Intimidate*: 10 (7 + 3 (Class Skill) + 0 (Cha))
Perception*: 11 (7 + 3 (Class Skill) + 1 (Wis))
Perform: 0 (0 + 0 (Cha))
Profession: 1 (0 + 1 (Wis))
Ride*: 2 (0 + 2 (Dex)) (ACP)
Sense Motive: 1 (0 + 1 (Wis))
Stealth: 2 (0 + 2 (Dex)) (ACP)
Survival*: 9 (5 + 3 (Class Skill) + 1 (Wis))
Swim*: 13 (5 + 3 (Class Skill) + 5 (Str)) (ACP)

Gear and Encumbrance:

Current Encumbrance: Light
Light Encumbrance: up to 133 lbs.
Medium Encumbrance: 134-266 lbs.
Heavy Encumbrance: 267-400 lbs.

+2 hide armor
+2 Large bastard sword
masterwork longbow
- 20 arrows
amulet of natural armor +1
belt of giant strength +2
ring of protection +1

- acid flask
- bedroll
- caltrops
- flint and steel
- hemp rope (50')
- potion of Cure Serious Wounds (2)
- potion of Fly
- potion of Lesser Restoration
- shovel
- torches (5)
- trail rations (4)
- waterskin
- 19 gp

Macros (Normal):

[dice=Attack (Large Bastard Sword, Power Attack)]1d20+13-2[/dice]
[dice=Damage (Large Bastard Sword, Power Attack)]2d8+9+6[/dice]

[dice=Attack (Large Bastard Sword, Power Attack)]1d20+8-2[/dice]
[dice=Damage (Large Bastard Sword, Power Attack)]2d8+9+6[/dice]

[dice=Attack (Longbow)]1d20+10[/dice]
[dice=Damage (Longbow)]1d8[/dice]

[dice=Attack (Longbow)]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=Damage (Longbow)]1d8[/dice]

Macros (Raging):

[dice=Attack (Large Bastard Sword (Raging), Power Attack)]1d20+15-2[/dice]
[dice=Damage (Large Bastard Sword (Raging), Power Attack)]2d8+11+6[/dice]

[dice=Attack (Large Bastard Sword (Raging), Power Attack)]1d20+10-2[/dice]
[dice=Damage (Large Bastard Sword (Raging), Power Attack)]2d8+11+6[/dice]