Race |
Human Slayer 4 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 AoO 20 | HP 31/31 | F +5 R +6 W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +7 |
About Amelleanne
Amelleane Chiqante
Female Human Slayer (Cleaner)
STR 12 +1
DEX 15 +2
CON 12 +1
INT 10 -
WIS 12 +1
CHA 17 +3
Attack +4Melee/+5Ranged = +3Base +1Str/+2Dex
AC: 16 (20vs AoO; 13FF /13Touch) = 10+2Dex+1Dodge (+4 vs AoO) (+3 Armor)
Fort: +5 = +4Base +1Con (+4 vs disease and poison & roll twice and take highest result)
Ref: +6 = +4Base +2Dex
Will: +1 = +1Wis
Longsword: +4; 1d8+1dmg; 19-200/x2
Dagger +2; +6; 1d4+3dmg; 19-20/x2
Crossbow of Speed: +5; 1d10dmg 19-20crit; 120ft; Piercing
Skills 6+1(human)+1(professional)
Acrobatics: +8 = 3rank +3class +2Dex
Bluff: +11 = 4rank +3class +3Cha +1trait
Climb: +5 = 1rank +3class +1Str
Diplomacy: +12 = 4rank +3class +3Cha +1trait +1profession
Disguise: +9 = 3rank +3class +3Cha
Intimidate: +7 = 1rank +3class +3Cha
Knowledge (local): +4 = 1rank +3class
Perception: +7 = 3rank +3class +1Wis
Profession (Servant): +7 = 2rank +3class + 1Wis +1profession
Sense Motive: +8 = 4rank +3class +1Wis
Stealth: +9 = 4rank +3class +2Dex
Swim: +5 = 1rank +3class +1Str
Class Abilities
Proficiencies: Simple & Martial Weapons, Light & Medium Armor, Shields (excl. tower)
Studied Target Move action, for +1 on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival vs studied target, and +1 attack/damage, DC of Slayer class abilities. Can study as an immediate action when sneak attacking.
Sneak Attack +1d6 when conditions met.
Fast Stealth Move at full speed with no penalty using Stealth.
Without a Trace Can study location in 1 min/10ft square. Then disguise to alter evidence or stealth to conceal evidence, in 1d3x10 minutes/10ft square. Can be opposed by Perception. +4 on this check, on sleight of hand checks to hide objects from that location on person and stealth checks to hide/escape from studied location.
Deceitful +2 Bluff & Disguise, +4 if have 10 or more ranks.
Dodge +1 Dodge bonus to AC
Mobility +4 Dodge bonus to AC against AoO for movement.
Spring Attack Can make melee attacks in the middle of moving without AoO.
Trustworthy +1 trait Bluff & Diplomacy, Diplomacy is always a class skill.
Power of Suggestion Bluff to make observers believe an object possessed is actually a different object. DC 20 for similar shared/size/coloured items +5 per dissimilar aspect). Lasts 1 minute.
Gear 1986gp 1sp
Usually on Person
War Razor (8gp)
Kit, gear maintenance (5gp)
Flint & Steel (1gp)
Dagger +2
Biofilter (+4 competence bonus on saving throws against disease and poison. In addition, when the user attempts such a saving throw, she rolls twice and takes the higher result.)
Crossbow of Speed, 24 +1 bolts
Usually Stored, most gear is in a “ready pack” in case she needs to leave in a hurry
Longsword (15gp)
Lt Xbow (26 bolts) 35gp
Studded Leather (25gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Bedroll (2sp)
Silk Rope (10gp)
Miner’s Lantern (15gp)
5-days trail rations (25sp)
Waterskin (full) (1gp)
Mess Kit (2gp)
2 sets servants clothing
1 set common clothing
3 days rations
Height: 5’2; Weight: 97lbs; Hair: Black; Eyes: Green; Age: 22 (though passes for younger).
Amelleane looks unthreatening, usually dressed a servant, small, slender and with downcast eyes.
Amelleane’s father was a servant to a noble, and was part of a lineage trained to clean up his master’s… indiscretions, to her father’s humiliation, his master was ousted from position by backstabbing maneuvering and he took his ten year old daughter and fled before repercussions came down upon the staff too. Her mother, was not so lucky, and was killed by perpetrators unknown before they could flee.
They fled far and found somewhere to settle down, taking positions working for the local nobility in the River Kingdoms, Amelleane’s father taught her his skillset, despite not being called upon to use it away from the ordered, yet lethal machinations of the higher city-nobility, so Amelleanne practices and hones her skills quietly, and keeps her gear stashed away, whilst performing her duties as maidservant humbly and respectfully - as her father taught her.
She quarters at the castle, and given the sparsity of staff, she usually has a small room to herself, though sometimes has to share with other servant girls if additional staff or guests are in, she values her privacy.
Amelleane keeps to herself, her father having trained her to keep her distance. However she does have a few relationships:
Michel: Amelleane’s father is the Butler for the leading noble family, he watches out for Amelleane, as he as always done, however his age is starting to catch up with him, and he rarely leaves the estate any more.
Ladies Pwyll: While Amelleanne has no illusions about the Duke’s wife and daughter being friends, Amelleanne has proven herself trustworthy enough to act as confidant, and spends much of her time with the ladies of the castle, while her father tends to the Duke’s needs.
Other Servants: Amelleanne gets on well with most of the servants, though she does not like the way the stablemaster looks at her and tries to avoid the stables as much as she can.
The Market: Amelleanne is liked at the market, they all know who she works for and raise their prices accordingly when she’s required to shop and Amelleanne pretends not to notice, after all the Duke’s finances are not stretched so thinly he can’t afford a few extra copper here and there.
A Secret in common knowledge?
Despite their efforts there are many rumours circulating regarding the Chiquante’s arrival in the village, and that they were obviously trained to serve people of far higher rank than the local duke. Some even say that they were nobles themselves, fleeing some dark deeds after renouncing their nobility.
When she was smaller Amelleane suffered much under other children, trying to get her to make something slip. Once she was even accused of bearing a devil’s mark and being the reason her father had to flee.
While her father has never shown the extent of his abilities before the townsfolk (when serving in the milita he kept his participation minimal), Amelleane has a little less discretion, fortunately this has raised few questions as she has been called on little until now.
A note on alignment
Amelleane wants to do good and help her community, but due to her upbringing has few morals on how to do so, plus a lack of ability to see the larger picture. Depending on GM’s tastes she could fit almost any alignment, and is at a point where she could teeter into many different alignments.