Pirate Queen

Ameli Hearthscale's page

43 posts. Organized Play character for Arlyn Booker.

Full Name

Ameli Hearthscale




Fighter 1 | Per +6 | AC 18 | HP 17/17 | Saves F+6, R+6, W+4 | Speed: 25' | Hero Pts: 1












Common, Halfling, Varisian

Strength 4
Dexterity 1
Constitution 1
Intelligence 0
Wisdom 1
Charisma 2

About Ameli Hearthscale

Ancestry: Keen Eyes, Gutsy Halfling, Halfling Luck (Level 1)
Background: Merchant (Charisma, Strength)
Fighter Feats: Reactive Strike (Level 1), Shield Block (Level 1), Sudden Charge (Level 1)
Skill Feats: Bargain Hunter (+2gp) (Background)
XP: 6/12


- Perception (Expert)
- Fortitude (Expert)
- Reflex (Expert)
- Willpower (Trained)

- Simple Weapons (Expert)
- Martial Weapons (Expert)
- Advanced Weapons (Trained)
- Unarmed (Expert)

- All Armor (Trained)
- Unarmored (Trained)


- Acrobatics (Trained) +4
- Athletics (Trained) +7
- Diplomacy (Trained) +5
- Intimidate (Trained) +5
- Lore: Mercantile (Trained) +3
- Lore: Pathfinder Society (Trained) +3
- Society (Trained) +3


- Bastard Sword (+9 1d8+4 S; Two-Handed: 1d12) (1 bulk; 4gp)
- Gauntlet (+9 1d4+4 B; Agile, Freehand) (L, 2sp)
- Dagger (+9/+6 1d4+4 P; Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile: S) (L; 2sp)
- Sling (+6 1d6+2 B; Propulsive, 50ft. Range, Reload: 1) (L); Sling Bullets (10) (L; 1cp)


- Breastplate (+4 AC, Dex Cap +1, Check Penalty -2, Speed Penalty -5, Strength +3) (2 bulk; 8gp)

Money: (0pp, 18gp, 9sp, 8cp)
- Backpack (1sp) (Bedroll (L; 2cp), Chalk (10) (10cp), Clothing (Fine) (L; 2gp), Clothing (Winter) (L; 4sp), Compass (L; 1gp), Crowbar (L; 5sp), Flint and Steel (5cp), Rations (2) (2L; 8sp), Rope (L; 5sp), Soap (2cp), Torches (5) (5L; 5cp), Waterskin (L; 5cp))
- Climbing Kit (1 bulk; 5sp)
- Lantern (Bull's-Eye) (1 bulk; 1gp)
- Oil (5) (5cp)
Bulk: 4 (Encumbered: 9, Max: 14)

Born to a family of fairly well off Brevic merchants, only kept from the label of 'sheltered' by their constant traveling and the hazards that brought - even if they were comparatively minor compared to what her future choice of profession would entail - and raised on a perhaps less than healthy diet of heroic tales and stories of Taldor's glory years, not to mention the folk legends and rumors that bounced around the local taverns of whatever far flung settlement her family settled down to do business in.

She quickly became enamored with such tales, and dreamed of one day roaming the world herself to make a name for herself like those figures of legend. She'd even go so far as to pester the caravan guards to help her practice swordsmanship in their off time, and as the years wore on it became more and more clear this wasn't simply a passing phase... Until one day her parents were met with a note of her departure and a promise of tales of her adventures.

She used the money she had saved up from helping with her family's merchant work and other odd jobs to commission a weapon and armor for herself and she set off to enlist in the Pathfinder Society, following the promise of adventure and exploration.

A stout young woman with long black hair pulled back into a loose ponytail and verdant green eyes garbed in merchant's finery draped over specially fitted armor. Despite her small stature she has a rather large presence and isn't one to falter in the face of danger or insult, for better or worse.

Adventure Progress/Boons:
Chronicle 1: Q16 The Winter Queen's Dollhouse - 2 XP

Chronicle 2: S2-13 A Gilded Test - 4 XP