+ Ameiko Kaijitsu +'s page
10 posts. Alias of FuriousPhil.
Female Human Aristocrat 1/Bard 3/Rogue (Rake) 1
"I'm...fine. Just feel so damned odd for the past few days since we got close to Brinewall, like something is pounding on the inside of my skull. Must have been something I ate, or something...."
Ameiko looks very pale, and seems to be unsure of her steps. Her hands are shaking.
She continues on for a little ways, then falls to her knees as if she might be sick.
"I...what's..." She rises, then stumbles, then falls prone to the ground. A moment later, her eyes open, and a flurry of what sounds like Tien comes out of her mouth, sounding only superficially like Ameiko.
"つのシールを超えて一つの宝!サード!翼を持つ鳥はまだ飛ぶことができない!キーを求める!キー!リリース!祖父は、暗闇の中で待機します!サイレント恋人は 鬼の破壊のため、味方をはねつけ!リリース!リリース!古代ラインの御曹司は、私が話さなければならない!"
She speaks so quickly that even those of you who speak Tien can barely make out what she is saying. As she finishes speaking, she collapses to the ground, convulsing.
Female Human Aristocrat 1/Bard 3/Rogue (Rake) 1
"Good morning! I was just talking to Vankor here about our journey. He doesn't really want to go to Brinewall, says most of the caravans avoid that route. Where's the fun in that?"
Giving Eliaera a hug, and grasping Hiro's hand, she nods to the rest of you, smiling. Pulling the Tien man around, she motions for the rest of you to follow and look at the caravan wagons in turn, talking all the while.
"Sandru says it will take a little more than two weeks to make the journey to where Brinewall used to be. We should have plenty of supplies, thanks to me, and the roads are good at least until we reach the Nolands. Better watch out up there, all kinds of bandits and riff raff."
"Sorry if I'm a chatterbox this morning. It's part excitement, and partly some kind of brewed drink from Mwangi that Bevelek bought from a smuggler. I certainly makes you...animated - especially when you've had three cups!"
Female Human Aristocrat 1/Bard 3/Rogue (Rake) 1
Leaning in close to Eliaera, Ameiko says "I only had Koya do that for me once - and that was enough for me. I'd rather just take things as they come - sometimes knowing the future can make you second guess what you do in the here and now."
Turning to the rest of the group, the Tien woman smiles and raises her glass. "Whatever may come, at least we'll be in good company, aye!"
"Last round of the night. I don't know if I can even sleep tonight, this is very exciting. A farewell to Sandpoint, our home. We may yet return after this voyage has concluded, but who knows what might yet come to pass! I'll be ready for it!"
With that, she breaks into an upbeat song, and the rest of the group spends the night talking, drinking, and in some cases dancing and singing.
Female Human Aristocrat 1/Bard 3/Rogue (Rake) 1
"I've made some arrangements to have some of my best employees running the dragon - Rigel over at the Glassworks can certainly manage without me. As for the Kaijitsu estate, well...hopefully it won't fall into disrepair - I spend all my time here anyways."
"I'm ready to step outside of this comfortable little town and see what kind of a legacy might be out there concerning the Kaijitsu line. Who knows, maybe I'm an empress of Minkai or something!" she says, laughing.
Whatever we find, I'm happy that all of you are joining us," she says smiling. Eliaera, Hiro, Shalelu, Sandru, Koya...you have been great friends - and I'm looking forward to getting to know the rest of you better as well."
Female Human Aristocrat 1/Bard 3/Rogue (Rake) 1
"Hiro, I'm honored...but you're part of the family in a way too. This letter that Eliaera gave me is more important to me than anything else you might have found out in the marsh. I'd like you to have it...really. If you're coming with us, you'll need it more than I will."
"Anything else you found out there probably belonged to my family as well." she says, looking at the jade bracelet Ilir gave Sandru as a gift. "But I want you to have it and use it as you see fit. It's the least I can do - you uncovered a piece of my history out there in the Brinestump, and I'm grateful for it."
Hiro and Eliaera gain +1 Relationship point with Ameiko.

Female Human Aristocrat 1/Bard 3/Rogue (Rake) 1
Taking the letter, Ameiko looks intrigued at the Tian script, and then her eyes grow wide as she reads the message, and the intended recipient.
Party gains a Story Reward of 1200 XP.
"Rokuro...was my grandfather. This was intended to be delivered to my father! He never received it, apparently." She reads the letter over and over, folding it up and unfolding it each time. "Brinewall...were they there when it fell? And the shipwrecks...my father never talked about any of it. Of course my father and I didn't get along at the best of times. And this warding box...what is it, and why is it so important?"
Ameiko seems both nervous and excited. "My friends, you have found something that is dear to me, a clue to the Kaijitsu's legacy here in Varisia. My father, Lonjiku, never spoke of such things, but deep down I always knew there was intrigue and a history there. After the Swallowtail Festival years ago, and all the things that happened afterwards, I thought my family's history would be all but forgotten. I'd just have to make my own way running the Glassworks and this little tavern here in Sandpoint. But this...this changes everything. I have to go to Brinewall, and see what this warding box is, and find out what this great secret is. Sandru, Eliaera, Garridan, Ilir, Amelius and especially you, Hiro...I want you all to come with me. Shaleleu and Koya should come too. I've been afraid for too long, and wound up taking the safe path - when the right path was just waiting to be revealed. Will you come with me, my friends?"
Female Human Aristocrat 1/Bard 3/Rogue (Rake) 1
"So, the heroes of Sandpoint return! I wasn't worried for a moment - well, maybe a moment. Don't tell anyone else though. So did you fight against overwhelming odds against great evil? Come, have a seat with Sandru and I, he's been trying to convince me to go on some crazy caravan with him - in fact I think he's been trying to convince half the town - or he just wants some of my money, heh."
"Seriously though, I do want to hear about your return to the Brinestump. With the goblin threat dealt with, business has been good. Let's get a round of drinks going, I'm taking the night off to have a few with some friends, and share some stories!"
Ameiko seems to be in a particularly good mood tonight.

Female Human Aristocrat 1/Bard 3/Rogue (Rake) 1
Performing several songs with her samisen, which looks like some kind of exotic stringed instrument, Ameiko starts out with a Taldane ballad, then moves onto a haunting melody in Tien, then a rollicking traditional Varisian dance, which has several ethnic Varisians get out of their seats and perform a traditional style dance. Finishing her set, she joins you at your table.
As you recount your story of Walthus, Old Megus's demise and her strange familiar, and the assault on the Licktoad village, Ameiko's eyes widen when you mention the items you found in the chief's treasure hoard.
"That chest, and some of those items sound like they originated in Minkai. And the shipwrecks you mentioned...there's an old family story about some of the Kaijitsus - but I always thought they were tall tales, embellished to make the family seem important - especially when my father told them." Her eyes grow dark for a moment, and then she continues.
"If you're headed back out there to investigate, let me know if you find anything related to Minkai - the only thing I like more than a good story is a good mystery. Hiro knows Tien if you need to decipher anything."
She looks wistful for a moment, and blows a strand of hair out of her face. "I...it's been a long time since I've wanted to go on an adventure - the last time I did, it went...bad." You wonder if you see tears forming in the corner of her eyes, but she composes herself quickly. "My heart wants to go with you, but in my head...I'm just not ready to get back out there. Not yet, anyways."

Female Human Aristocrat 1/Bard 3/Rogue (Rake) 1
"You made it back, all in one piece I see! And Elli, word around town is that you were the one who killed the goblin chief!" she says, her head tilted playfully. "You'll have to tell me all about it - I love stories of newly minted adventurers getting a taste of glory...maybe I'll even write a song about it. I'm performing in a few minutes, but make yourselves comfortable - drinks are on the house for all of you tonight. Have Bethana mix you up something special, or have some of the mead I brought in from Kalsgard, it's excellent. Speaking of that, there's a few people I'd like you to meet...
She motions towards a table where a Varisian man and an older Varisian woman are sitting, along with a Tian looking man. Walking over, she leans forward on the back of a chair, with a smirk and the same head tilt as before.
"Sandru, these are my friends Eliaera, Garridan, Ostar and Amelius. I believe Ostar already knows Koya, but as for the rest of you - this is Koya Mvashti, fortune-teller and harrow deck reader . She's a dear friend of mine. And this good looking Tien fellow here...well, I'll just let him introduce himself.
Hiro, go ahead and take this opportunity to introduce yourself.
Female Human Aristocrat 1/Bard 3/Rogue (Rake) 1
"Hey, everybody! Thought I would...sort of re-introduce myself - you'll be able to talk to me directly from now on when you're back in Sandpoint, rather than read everything I say in the third person - which is kind of weird, when you think about it. Anyways, I'm sure you all are having a great time out in the marsh hunting goblins, but I just wanted to let everyone know that I'll be showing up - as myself - at some point in the not so distant future!"
Just created and trying out some avatars for our notable PCs - originally I thought I would have to do it all in third person, but now I get to sort of 'play' the characters, which is how I like to do it anyways. I'll keep the naming convention for NPCs in the + Name + format.