Alwaysangry61's page

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Give me a break you're acting like you're a fictional characters downtime is real money and you're comparing it to the real world doesn't work that way… I'm not saying you don't charge at all. Sure you do. You charge them what it cost to make the item. And please don't give me that s!@% about how your character spent years training and learning at school to learn these skills. Your character spent about 30 seconds learning these abilities as you wrote them down on a piece of paper you're making it out like you're actually invested for real in your characters background as far as money and time goes which is hogwash
Yes there's a fair amount of reasons for downtime in any normal campaign but it's not enough to sit around crafting for fun and profit if you want to do that congratulations you're an NPC The only real reason for taking crafting skills is because you have a referee that is really cheap bastard that doesn't like to sell magic items to the characters and the only way you're going to get those items is if you make them yourself… Therefore somebody in the party has to make magic items for the entire party