Alwaysangry61's page

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Give me a break you're acting like you're a fictional characters downtime is real money and you're comparing it to the real world doesn't work that way… I'm not saying you don't charge at all. Sure you do. You charge them what it cost to make the item. And please don't give me that shit about how your character spent years training and learning at school to learn these skills. Your character spent about 30 seconds learning these abilities as you wrote them down on a piece of paper you're making it out like you're actually invested for real in your characters background as far as money and time goes which is hogwash
Yes there's a fair amount of reasons for downtime in any normal campaign but it's not enough to sit around crafting for fun and profit if you want to do that congratulations you're an NPC The only real reason for taking crafting skills is because you have a referee that is really cheap bastard that doesn't like to sell magic items to the characters and the only way you're going to get those items is if you make them yourself… Therefore somebody in the party has to make magic items for the entire party

Umbral Reaver asks if the Hulk is best modeled on a alchemist. Truthfully the answer that question is yes and no… Yes from the point of view of pure fluff… No from the point of you of being a successful Hulk. At least using my definition… For me a successful Incredible Hulk is a combat god stronger than anybody else alive and damn hard to kill the eight sided hit dice of the alchemist does not qualify for that nor does the limited constitution… The best way to make a Hulk is with two levels of rage chemist and everything else Bloodrager with abysal bloodline… And Eldridge heritage orc… And this way you can come up with a character with the strength of 55 if you start out with the strength of 20 without magic items or buffing. And the strength of 61 with a +6 belt… In reality you're not two separate people the same as you can achieve with the alchemist but you simply take a 1 level dip into vigilante brute and there you have the separate identity
This makes a character that is basically the strongest character you can create in the game incredibly hard to kill with almost full base attack 18/20. That is the best way to create the Hulk

Besides. It's been pointed out by somebody else that you don't have a lot of downtime in pathfinder to begin with… And the only reason whatsoever for taking crafting abilities as a wizard is to make magic items cheaply for your party… That is the only reason you don't have enough spare time to make magic items for profit… Get that out of your head Right away. You don't have that much spare time the only real reason to take crafting skills is the make magic cheaply for your party that's it that's the only reason don't be a prick

I'm sure somebody else was bright enough to say this but I don't have the patience to read through 10 pages of comments and I will simply put in my two cents worth
You're looking at it wrong… The question is not the comparison between wizard a and Wizard b. The question should really be does wizard b want to charge his cleric for magic items… Then should be cleric turn around and say I'm going to start charging you for healing spells that is the question. And the obvious answer to that is no that's not the situation you want to be you don't want to alienate your cleric and have him charge you for healing spells you don't want to alienate your barbarian or your tank and have them withdraw their protection from you during a fight… The only reasonable way to handle this is to offer players magic items at Cost. You get the benefit of them keeping you alive in combat you get the benefit of them healing you you get the benefit of party cooperation… Yes the book says you don't have to cooperate but if you don't the party dies plain and simple I've seen it happen to many times… If your party does not cooperate it dies plain and simple

I know this post was settled over a year ago but I wanted to put in my two cents for anybody looking for advice in the future along these lines… I realize human is optimal but you really have to take into account the play style of your referee… Most of the people in my group will play human. There is nothing our referee likes to do more then have creatures that can see in the dark ambush us because the humans with the torch or some other light source in a dark underground cave is the same thing as throwing up a big freaking sign that says come kill me I'm blind… For that reason I always choose half Orc or dwarf. Always. With my referee it is absolutely imperative to play a race with dark vision. On more than one occasion we've had several members die as a result of being ambushed because of light source for a human is just a big freaking target
Considering how many adventures take place underground I'm surprised more people don't choose dwarf or half Orc every single time simply for the dark vision
Sure there's ways to get it in terms of buying magical devices but our referee is very cheap when it comes to magic items that you can buy and their availability… A lot of times whatever surrounding communities are nearby the places your adventuring simply do not have high-level magic items available and only… The only magic you're going to find will be magic that the mobs carry. Hell in the last three or four years of playing with this group I don't think I've ever once seen a way for people to get dark vision that weren't born with it
So the play style of your referee has to be an important factor in what race you choose not just what's optimal according to the paperwork and the math

I have a question regarding vital strike I know you multiply the weapon damage. Do you also multiply strength damage or does that only get added once ?

Thank you Emma

I know this post is a couple years old but I thought I would put in my two cents worth for anybody that has questions about this in the future… If you're going to build an Incredible Hulk you have to remember what makes him special? He is stronger than anybody else he is the strongest person out there… So the question is what way can you make the strongest possible character without magic items? using the stats from the original post putting the 16 in str.
Take abyssal bloodrager and either EH Orc or VMC sorcerer Orc.
Add all ability increases to str
You get +6 from rage ..... you will never get mighty rage because you're also going to take a two level dip for rage chemist… Which gives you +6 strength making you 4 points stronger than if you went straight blood rager For a grand total of strength 51 Eventually you could get a +6 belt bringing it up to a score of 57… And that is how you make the Incredible Hulk

I see no reason at all none absolutely none why your DM should allow you to have things that are against the game rules simply because you are choosing to play your character in such a way that you give up money and don't buy magic items… You made that decision to cripple your character now you must live with the consequences… Don't try to weasel things out of the DM because of your role playing choices you crippled your own character now live with it

I know this is pretty much a dead post… I saw a comment somewhere else about four mirror armor and I did not know what it was so I came here to look… I did see somebody say something about the nodaichi. Sorry folks. I love that weapon. Every barb I make uses it lol

Lol. You make a convincing argument for the natural attack war priest. Sorry about my previous posting having so many typos… I was using voice dictation and I neglected to go back and check for mistakes

Last night I played a war priest for the first time. I was playing a barbarian that died. My group is light on frontline people. Has no cleric. We have a Druid...not set up to heal and as far as I can tell does not wild shape ... he will not tell anybody but the referee his backstory… Which is fine I don't care… We have some sort of divine spellcaster that is also not set up to be a healer … Both of these characters could heal if they wanted to they simply refuse to because it doesn't fit with their image of what they want their character to be… Don't ask me .... we have an investigator. So what we have is my barbarian died… Leaving the group without any real front line fighter types and no cleric. I was leaning towards playing full cleric and I would just stand in the back of the group and heal and buff the rest of the party… The referee suggested I play a war priest. I was coming in at level five… It should also be mentioned that the only magic weapon the party had belong to my dead barbarian and because the way he died they were not able to recover the weapon
So I made a quick look at the war priest and decided to give it a shot… I'm glad that I did… We ran into a ghost that quickly killed our investigator… The Druid Role playing his character ran away because he had no way to fight a ghost… That left me with the undefined divine caster that was not set up for healing… I proceeded to self buff. Before getting into the fight with the ghost I delayed for a very specific reason one round
I used the spell magic weapon on my war axe. Then I stepped into combat with the ghost… I proceeded to slog it out with the ghost… Using Swift heals to keep myself alive I also used ghost touch on my as a sacred weapon ability. My weapon was already plus one because of the magic weapon spell and the way I read it and the way the referee agreed about it I was able to use secret weapon ability to add go starch to my weapon because it was a plus one ability… And my weapon was already magic Those two things myself feeling and my ability to use ghost touch allowed me to kill the ghost. I may of used that sacred weapon ability wrong. I'm not sure. But the GM said it was ok. For those of you that I understand the cure to class better I would not mind if you told me whether I was using it properly or not thank you
All that being said. I was left with the feeling...ok that's nifty. But as others have said. It did not wow me. When this guy dies I'll never play another

I know this thread is a few years old but you completely overlooked an extra 6 dr. The dragon totem line gives you an extra 6dr when you take all three. If you want the ultimate in dr you need that
I know a lot of people debate whether not dragon totem gives you DR or energy resistance… But that is only because they can't read English… It gives you both that's the way it's written the extra DR is plain as day it spells it out

Nah, the rules are pretty clear about when bonuses stack. That's why the abilities say the bonus increases. The rules about inherent bonuses only going up to +5 are limitations on the common ways to get those bonuses, not on all inherent bonuses, so I don't think it's actually breaking any rules.
You know. Something didn't quite sound right about all this… I'm very careful about planning out characters and I know I don't make mistakes because I'm just too damn anal… And I'm a rules lawyer. I knew there was a reason I picked blood Rager to make my character with both the abyssal bloodline and the orc blood line through Eldridge heritage… For the blood Rager the abyssal bloodline is a morale bonus that adds onto your rage… Then you take the orc blood line with Eldridge heritage and you get the +6 inherit bonus… So yes using Bloodrager you can make full legal use out of both the Abyssal bloodline and the orc bloodline But yes I admit the idea of taking abyssal bloodline thru VMC and then taking eldritch heritage orc would not work as they are both inherit. My mistake for listing that as a possible combo the first time I posted

Ok. I'll grant you that

No. it's 3 feats. Having EH is a prerequisite to improved EH. Whether you wanted or not you have to have it and they both require skill focus planes… So you need a total of 3 feat for the abyssal bloodline +6 str payoff
As far as whether or not they overlap… I think that's up for debate… Because the developers gave us a character class feature that breaks their own rule regarding +5 max for inherent bonuses… So if you can break it once you can break it twice … Until the question is definitively answered with FAQ

As the bloodline breaks the +5 inherent rule to begin with. I see no reason it should not stand as I've suggested until such time the question is answered by FAQ