Alouicious's page

23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Actually it's more, "Don't listen to the fanbase, they are only telling you what they personally want in complete disregard for what is actually functional, plausible or actually enjoyable for most people in the world."

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The thing is, there will be no adventure, because serious playtesting requires technical knowledge of what is going on. You are not being paid/contracted to play the game and enjoy it, you are doing it to nitpick all of the glaring flaws in the game design. And that's after you've tried to find all the glitches and bugs present in the raw, untested code. And that requires constantly doing the same thing to see if it triggers anything. Repeat ad nauseum for just about everything in the game, and it will lose it's wonder and adventure pretty damn quick.

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You guys do know that playtesting is acutal, you know, work? You have to slog through barely functional pre-alpha segments several dozen times, just to find all the things wrong with it? It's not gonna be a fun romp through a fully realized game, it's gonna be a really long, really arduous process.