Jeb Graden

Almery Burgand's page

13 posts. Alias of brvheart.


He takes out the key and hands it to Naomi, "Of course you can:) he fussed some, but has been working his due. No place to really run to here."

You roll into Lessef with your wagon full of pigs, chickens, food and ale.
"Praises be to Freya! Welcome back all." He looks at Cyric, "I don't believe we have met. I am Almery:)"

Almery takes a look at the lines you have inscribed. "Hmm, it is definitely some sort of prayer or invocation. I think I may be of assistance with the first line at least. 'Dargoth's Fire'. Dargoth is an old dwarven god and there is still a shrine to him in the Stoneheart Mountains called Anvil Plunge. I was there on a pilgrimage once many years ago. If I were you I would start my journey there."

If anyone is still hurt, he will channel to heal channel: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9

Sorry no magic, nor is anything even of MW quality nor of any type of special materials.

"I can give you the key to the inn if you need a place to stay, but unfortunately there is no staff to cook you supper."

"Oh, sorry it is a bit dark down here with just a torch." Burgand casts light "Don't mind you looking whatsoever!"

"Been the priest here for nigh on 50 years and have never seen any entrances and have been mostly around the hill. That except the wooded area on the south side as most folks only go in there for wood and hunting."

"These were found over the years in the fields. As to exactly where I do not know."

"Papa, can we stay? I want to know what Freya has to say to us also." exclaims the boy.
"Run along and do your chores children. I will let you know later."

He turns to Cyrus, "They are my adopted children and the children of Freya."

"Perhaps you should see this then my son. Please give me a hand."
To view the slab, furniture and rugs must be moved and the slab scraped clean. Almery eagerly allows PCs to investigate the markings as long as they put everything back. He loves a good mystery. It is written in a familiar but ancient dialect (DC 12 Linguistics or DC 9 bardic knowledge).

"I know now whether you would find it interesting, but I have recently found something in my sweeping of the floor here that I am convinced are of divine origin."

"Not just a few eggs. There is definitely something is odd about the animal; too many chickens have gone missing recently, more than a fox would be capable of taking. Another disturbing fact is that none of the farmers has reported any blood or feathers left behind when one of the hens or roosters goes missing. I could use the assistance of a group of hearty folk like yourselves to track down whatever is stealing the chickens. I could offer a small reward and the blessings of Freya."

"Don't know about prophecies. We are seeming having an issue with a fox stealing a lot of our chickens of late though."

As you walk into the old chapel a wiry old man is tending to cleaning with two young children a boy 11 and a girl 9. "Ooh, we have company. Bring them some water children."
The two children bring cups of cool water for you all.
"Hello! Welcome:)"