Allerseelen's page

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Hello, fellow Pathfinders!

I'm Allerseelen. I wrote a guide to the Pathfinder Inquisitor a while back. While I was writing that guide, I started an internal document called The Armamentarium that strips the background/lore text from Pathfinder's hundreds of magical items and boils them down to their mechanical core, the idea being that players need to be able to pick out essential mechanical information on their items quickly when reviewing purchasing options or glancing over their own equipment. Newer content like Planar Adventures excepted, this guide really does include every wondrous and unique magical item! With the searchable, thematic tags that I added, I hope that this guide can become resource for GMs and players alike who are intimidated by the sheer volume of magical item content out there. Before I drop the link, I'm also soliciting feedback on what class guide I should write next; if you wouldn't mind, please take a few seconds to leave a vote on this Straw Poll.

All my best,

1. Wondrous Items
2. Unique Weapons
3. Unique Armors & Shields