I have the game right here in front of me, was a playtester on the project and ran it this last Friday night. It is a great, fast-moving game, story-oriented with rules that really support the genre. There are complete character creation rules; you can make your own Time Lord and Companions rather than playing The Doctor if you so choose. You can play UNIT, Torchwood, something like the Sarah Jane Adventures where you investigate alien activity on Earth, the field is wide open.
The system is stat + skill + roll of two d6, equal or beat a difficulty number. It doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it does give that car a nice new wax job :)
Characters take damage off their attributes, with damage being determined by how well they made their roll. A sword might do 2, 4 or 6 points, for example.
The game has great rules for non-combat interaction...as you would expect in a game where talking and thinking your way out of trouble is encouraged over gunplay.
While the initial release covers mainly the new series. C7 does have the license for the classic series as well (the Brig is on the cover of a UNIT supplement for April).