AlleRacing's page

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School necromancy; Level occultist 5, psychic 6, sorcerer/wizard 7, spiritualist 6, witch 7

Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target unattended Gargantuan or smaller object (minimum Tiny) or construct
Duration 10 minutes/level (D)
This spell functions as object possession, except as noted above. The possessed animated object has a number of Construction Points appropriate for its size (up to 5 CP for Gargantuan objects). Your silver cord extends to medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level).
You can attempt to possess a construct instead of an unattended object as your first possession with this spell. If you do, this spell acts as control construct, except as noted above.

I'm just looking for clarity on the target line. Does the size limitation apply to both objects and constructs, or only to objects and not constructs? It seems like it can read either way.


I think I may have posted this on the wrong forum earlier. Anyway, I can't find anything that explicitly states the caster level of the artifact in question. I even picked up Book of the Damned: Princes of Darkness in hopes to find out (among other things). The other two chapters are clearly listed at CL25, and the complete volume is also CL25. This would lead me to believe the Diabolic chapter is also CL25, especially given that it's a artifact. However, up until now I've been using it as the lowest caster level it can be to cast the spells it casts (which has still been pretty okay, given we found this thing at level 10).

It's bugging me that the information on this thing is incomplete though.

Also, can anyone let me know exactly what summon hellmouth does? The only reference I get from googling is another artifact that is described as summoning some sort of hellmouth, but it seems particular to that item, rather than a general spell of any sort.

Does this book have a caster level of any kind? The other two chapters are listed as CL25, but no where seems to have the caster level of the diabolic chapter. I even picked up Princes of Darkness in hopes that it might shed some more light on what this book is capable of. My party found it, and it's been pretty great so far. I've just been using it as if it were the minimum caster level for the spells it can cast, but it's an artifact, which generally means CL20+.

Any clarification on this? I've looked and looked and can't find an answer.