
Alkwraith's page

Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.

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I got the game the day it came out, but didn't actually get a chance to actually sit down and play it till last night. Not very far, just to the point where you get your first monster partners. But so far.. I don't know. Like XIII before it, it slowly introduces concepts and ideas over the course of the first several hours, so I haven't really gotten the chance to see the all the parts of the system at once in action.

Like many people on this thread I've played (not necessarily beaten) all the non-MMO Final Fantasy games that I could get my hands on. While I was initially disappointed with XIII once I accepted the design chooses that the developers made I was able to sit back and enjoy the game. I've found that if you don't try to compare the various Final Fantasy games to each other they are all fairly enjoyable and well made games. I suppose it's only inevitable that we compare them since they all have Final Fantasy in their titles. I also wonder sometimes if "The Time Before Final Fantasy Started To Suck(TM)" isn't a product of our nostalgia as much as any perceived increase/decrease in the quality of the games. When the first few FF games came out there wasn't many other RPGs to compare them to so they all seemed ground-breaking and innovated because we'd not played many things like them before, but now that RPGs are common the bar is much higher to just stand out from the crowd.