Vendra Loaggri

Alie Saechell's page

377 posts. Alias of Gerald.

I would like to cancel my Starfinder AP subscription, please. Starfinder just isn't doing it for me.

Please keep my two other Pathfinder subscriptions active.

Thanks for the help.


Checking the status of this order. I received an email on July 9 that shipping would take place in 1-7 days, but I have not received a confirmation email or received the order yet.

Could someone check on this for me?



Sorry I deleted the email with the order number, but the issue I have is with my subscription with Issue 2 of the Jade Regent AP and the module I subscribe to that was included in same. It still hasn't shown up in my mail yet. I know these things get delayed a bit sometimes, but I am worried. Has it been sent out yet?
