Silas Vekker

Alfie Afla's page

132 posts. Alias of Picciui.


Spooky | 5/5 XP | Charm -1 Cool -1 Sharp +2 Tough 0 Weird 2 | 2/7 Harm | Stable | 1/2 Luck



About Alfie Afla

Charm-1, Cool-1, Sharp+2, Tough=0, Weird+2
Man, shadowed eyes, goth clothes

Gear: 9mm (2-harm close loud), Shotgun (3-harm close messy)

The Dark Side: Secrets, Dark bargain, Hallucinations

The Sight: You can see the invisible, especially spirits and magical influences. You may communicate with (maybe even make deals with) the spirits you see, and they give you more opportunities to spot clues when you investigate a mystery.

Tune In: You can attune your mind to a monster or minion. Roll +Weird. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. On a miss, the monster becomes aware of you. Spend one hold to ask the Keeper one of the following questions, and gain +1 ongoing while acting
on the answers:
• Where is the creature right now?
• What is it planning to do right now?
• Who is it going to attack next?
• Who does it regard as the biggest threat?
• How can I attract its attention?

Jinx: You can encourage coincidences to occur, the way you want. When you jinx a target, roll +Weird.
On a 10+ hold 2 and on a 7-9 hold 1. On a miss, the Keeper holds 2 over you to be used in the same way.
Spend your hold to:
• Interfere with a hunter, giving them -1 forward.
• Help a hunter, giving them +1 forward, by interfering with their enemy.
• Interfere with what a monster, minion, or bystander is trying to do.
• Inflict 1-harm on the target due to an accident.
• The target finds something you left for them.
• The target loses something that you will soon find.


Alfie was born, for reasons unknown, with a natural talent to see spirits, some benevolent and some malevolent. The streets of the spirit world are as familiar to him as the streets of the physical one. He makes a living as a medium, often far more successful at his job than his clients would have wanted.

Eminently unprejudiced, he has never treated spirits differently than other human beings. Which is why both humans and spirits treat him as an oddball.

Alfie is starting to feel the effects of old age, which for him includes a loss of sight, hearing and possibly corporeality.


He lives alone. Married a ghost 20 years ago, was abandoned a few weeks later, and mostly forgot about it by now, except for a resolute decision not to marry.

On dark side: He doesn't consider his "dark bargain" to be dark; he is well-enough assimilated into the spirit world to understand it from their perspective (like someone born into a criminal organization). He doesn't give in to everything they ask for, but it isn't beneath him to unlock a tomb in exchange for some help cleaning out his shop.

Hallucinations are when he is unable to tell the difference between the corporeal world and the spirit world. The secrets are his research into the occult (for humans) and humans (for spirits).