Alfgeir Thorsson's page

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Tem wrote:
Alfgeir Thorsson wrote:
I'm pressed for a reason as to why I'd take the profession as opposed to the knowledge skill.
Siege Gunner require the profession skill if you want to eventually take that feat. Of course, Master Siege Engineer requires 10 ranks of the knowledge skill, so it depends on your goals.

Thanks, Tem. I'd missed that while going over the feats. Much appreciated.

While I understand the difference between Profession (Siege Engineer) and Knowledge (Engineering), is there any advantage to taking the Profession skill? While I suppose you could use the profession to earn money, I don't see any other advantage other than for 'flavor'. And Engineering as a skill has far more applications than the narrow profession.

They are interchangeable in terms of prereqs for the Siege Engineer feat. Does having ranks in the profession increase your chances to hit with a siege engine? Increase range? Do anything?

I'm pressed for a reason as to why I'd take the profession as opposed to the knowledge skill.

I've got the same question. Here's to hoping one of the devs notice this post.

Rob McCreary wrote:

The Man's Promise is a standard sailing ship, using the stat block on page 25 of the Skull & Shackles Player's Guide. (At least, it is when the PCs get ahold of it; its stats will certainly change if they decide to add modifications to it, whihc is why we included a ship "character sheet" in the Player's Guide.)

The statement on page 35 of "The Wormwood Mutiny" was meant to lead you to that stat block. Unfortunately, when "Wormwood" went to print, the Player's Guide was not yet completed, so we couldn't direct people to the exact stat block on page 25 of that book.

But rest assured, at the beginning, the Man's Promise is a standard sailing ship.

I can't tell, but does the Man's Promise come with any siege weaponry?