
Aletha Verkossian's page

131 posts. Alias of Mightypion.


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Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Sorry for the long absence, getting things together again.

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Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Indeed, any information would be most useful in our epic quest to... deal with problems without straining your resources!

diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8


Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

tiebreaker 1 bandits 2 forest: 1d2 ⇒ 2

Hmmm, it seems to me the mission to the gloomwood is more timecritical, something could die, and thus be unsaveable, while retrieving a wagon could plausibly be done later.

Aletha says

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

So, likely bandits in one case, and "whatever" in the other?

Probably get some saps, if we want to take robbers alive
Aletha adds

Assuming we take bandits alive, is there anyone we could hand them off too? Ransom broker? Jail? Court system?

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

And I got a longbow. Unfortunately not composite, but its a lot better then chucking like, 2 Javelins. As well as 60 arrows!

acrobaitcs: 1d20 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 - 2 = 3

Aletha attempts to do a backflip as the kids perform but spectacularly faceplants

bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

I totally planned that yesyes She says, before she hands the kid with the letter a very conspirational silver

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

I need to buy a proper bow, throwing things doesnt cut it. Also ouch. Aletha opines

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Sounds good, and the next time we fight I need a lot more javelins

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Nobody is shooting anyone else? Great!

Aletha whisper to herself

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

I am all for freedom for everyone! Aletha pipes up after being strangely absent for a while, as if... out of sync.

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Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Sorry for radio silence, I am getting back onto it.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

I need to get my wounds fixed, and a lot more effing javelins.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Being fairly strong at, at 3 hp, not in combat capable condition, Aletha is gonna row row row the boat.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1


Aletha swears whipseringly in a harsh yet oddly melodic language as he eyes open.
She readies a pilum throw, but is otherwise silent and moves with the party

Pilum throw as soon as she sees a clear shot: 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 1 + 2 = 18
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Oh, didnt knew it was water, in this case she just goes out of the bright light. She did draw a Pilum (in her right) while having her bardiche (in left hand) during the preparation round. It is then a free action to take the bardiche in both hands after flinging the pilum. A long spear like weapon and some backup javelins/throwing axes has been a fairly frequent fighting style historically. As someone with a BAB of +1 she can also draw a weapon as part of a move action.

Also, we may want to retreat, they shoot far more accurately then we do, and we take dumb amount of horrible penalties fighting in, let alone under water

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Being able to see in darkness just fine (60 feet darkvision), Aletha gets the hell out of the light circle, and throws her Pilum at blue

ranged attack: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 2 + 1 = 21
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

She likely scores a pretty meaty hit.

She then, as a free action, puts her bardiche in both hands.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

To battle it is then, lets hope it goes better this time.

To what if any degree have I healed?

Aletha takes out a Pilum, and readies it to strike at the first hostile to get within shooting range.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Let me think... Can she express herself in some other way? Dance? Could she be thought to speak? Or perhaps... translation? Is it a physical effect? If yes, then a potion of alter self perhaps?

Aletha pauses

I am very happy we didnt attack her or hers.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Is she actually enthralling them? I mean, If I was a fetching you lad like him, I would absolutely enjoy this without any magical compulsion.

Aletha switches to a more flirtatious approach.

But perhaps a compromise can be made here?
His family relishes his company as much as you do, and his family was was made him such a strapping lad? Perhaps some more company will make him more... interesting? Would you not like it more, if he gains new experiences he can then share with you?

Without doing any threatening movement whatsorever, Aletha slowly steps forward a bit.

Or perhaps exchange his permanent company, which will only draw in more ire from the local village, for... how about he joins you on a weekend? And some of the others join you on different days? Perhaps bringing different gifts and different each day?

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

We have been sent from the surface to investigate disappearance, in particular amongst those here to pay tribute, so that things may go on unimpeded

Aletha says diplomatically

The lights send me towards this place She adds

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

I got my blood loss under control, but any exertion and I go unconcious. Aletha

I do feel that there is safety at the oasis though

craft: 1d20 ⇒ 14

I think these are some reasonably improvised paddles yes?

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

climb: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13 Aletha very carefully climbs down.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Huh, fireflies bring luck right?

Arent you a pretty one, a little spark in the darkness Aletha holds out a hand.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Still staggered so not combat capable. Would need rest to get the non lethal damage back again.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

with me yes, but my mother had an accident that required significant surgery. Her condition is good otherwise and she can already kind of walk using... I dont know the english term, its like a mix of crutches and a kind of cage?

She will hopefully make the switch to crutches soon.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

I had a lot of things to do over the weekend, normal posting will resume on monday evening my time.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

I need a break friends and non hostile fishfold.

the nonlethal heals after an hour of rest I think?

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

acroabtics: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12 You guys ok? Aletha asks as she goes down carefully.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Ouch Aletha puts her Bardiche in her left, gripping a pilum in her right, readying an attack should things flare up.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Dazed from her near death experience, Aletha mumbles something in

d4 1 Abyssal 2 Necril 3 Infernal 4 Celestia: 1d4 ⇒ 2

Muszę zamontować działko automatyczne na ramieniu, wtedy kraby będą się mnie bać! Aletha mumbles something as she regains conciousness


I need to install a shoulder mounted Autocannon, then the crabs will fear me!

Blyad She says to noone in particular

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

@Leona slings normally add their STR bonus, so your damage from the earlier roll may be 2 higher?

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Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

stabilize: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Ok voice in my head, I owe you one if I you get to make me do this!

attack: 1d20 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 3 = 6

B~#$+ Aletha thinks as her world goes black.

Well crap :)

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

if we pool all of our dice we get a 19! thats good right?

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

The Crab is also grappled, as it did not take the -20 on its CMB to grapple me, which should at least reduce its AC for a fair bit and prevent it from getting AoOs. As such is prudent for me to move last, as I am still debuffing it in a way.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Its just a big crab, right? Not a 100 ton battlemech armed with all the Guns? Asking for a friend.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1


Aletha moves until she is about 25 feet in front of the crab, reading an action to apply her Bardiche to it.

Stay behind me and shoot it! She proposes as a surprisingly reasonable course of action

readied attack and AoO:

readied attack: 1d20 + 3 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 1 - 1 = 5 definilty misses

AoO: 1d20 + 3 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (14) + 3 + 1 - 1 = 17
damage: 1d10 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 3 = 13

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Aletha notices Nausicaa moves with a fair bit of grace, and could be an excellent dancing partner, but she does not notice anything about the enviroment.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Not bad! Aletha remarks as Vasaams acrobatic display

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Aletha is equally impressed by Lariel throwing the rope in a way that is almost already tied to one of the posts.

You ever considered using a net as a backup weapon? She asks impressed.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Not bad at throwing ropes at pretty ladies? Aletha chuckles a bit
as she catches it.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Aletha removes her armor, and binds a rope around her waist and hands it to 2 other party members, she then begins

acrobatics 5: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
acrobatics 10: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
acrobatics 10: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
using the pillars

She makes it across and begins using the ropes she was wearing with to get the bridge back up.

She slides her armor back on and says

Three ropes across and its easy, throw me 2 more as you hold them on your side.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Let us check everything else first, I may be able to make the swim, but I wager several of us wont.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Aletha picks her Bardiche back up and collects, or tries to, her Pila

recovery high is always good: 1d100 ⇒ 41

Bleh, minus one throwing spear, I liked that one, it was called... Bob.

Can you cast a light spell on a coin or a small rock? And then we put the coin or small rock in a cup which we can then open and close? Like, make an improvised Lantern? So we dont instantly give our position away?

Aletha comes up with an idea.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

8/12 hp, current ac 17/15/12 due to know having the buckler active


Alethas eyes turn black as a rage swells within her, dropping her bardiche, she draws her falcata.

Free action drop Bardiche

Move action draw Falcata
5 foot step to left Sahuaguain, added an arrow to indicate from where to where, which is important for adjuciating something.

Falcata: 1d20 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 1 + 3 = 21
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Aletha scores a massive blow!

Krov sa Krov, Smert sa Smert


Blood for blood, death for death

opportune parry and riposte:

Aletha will parry and riposte as much as she can while keeping one Panache up.

First attack

parry: 1d20 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 1 + 3 = 23
Riposte: 1d20 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 1 + 3 = 14
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Second attack
parry: 1d20 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 3 = 8
Riposte: 1d20 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 1 + 3 = 20
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Possibly just a map issue between turns previous turn and current turn:

So, if the 2 Sahuaguain are where they are, and I am where I am, then they are within 10 feet of me and thus within my reach.
Meaning I get to AoO them. However, mathematically speaking I did charge them with a reach weapon, so they know my reach and can avoid me.

If I do get AoOs here they are:
AoO Bardiche: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
AoO Bardiche: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Cuka Blyad!

Aletha notices the bolts flying and charges in!

charge: 1d20 + 3 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 3 + 1 + 2 = 15
damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

They said what about my mother?

Aletha inquires merrily, showing her own teeth to the Sahuagin.

Эй, шаркфейс, что за херню ты несешь? Ты что, не можешь говорить на каком-нибудь полуцивилизованном языке, например, на языке ангелов или инфернальных эмо? Потому что ты, наверное, не можешь говорить по-абиссальски, верно?

Abyssal what Aletha is saying:

Oi, sharkface, the f**$ are you talking about? Cant you speak some semi-civilized language like f+*$en angel-chickenspeak or infernal emo-speak? Because you probably cant speak proper Abyssal roight?

Abyssal what Aletha thinks she is saying:

Greetings Scion of the seas? Does thee perhaps speak a extraplanar trading tounge like Celestial or infernal, as thee aret unlikely to speak in the language of longing?

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

RAW its the perception rules:

CRB posted under modifiers:
Perception rules
They are trying to notice a creature using stealth (me), which is their perception vs my stealth (I have a glorious 9), their perception roll is modified by -4 because:

Distance to the source, object, or creature +1/10 feet

I am trying to stealth at a distance of 40 feet of them.

Of course, you are the GM, and the perception rules, RAW means you kind of cant see the sun (I would argue that being a massive nuclear fireball adds a sizeable malus to your stealth rolls), which is a bit dumb.

If the area does not offer hiding, then it is totally fair to say that the Sahuaguain just happen to gain a +4 circumstance bonus to notice me since there isnt much cover.

I semi like the rule because it does actually make stealth relatively achievable at low levels for folks who arent in plate armor, of course, this goes both ways, perception rules as written, ambushing the players is relatively easy.

Also, pathfinder has so many and frequently contradictory rules, even "vets" frequently get it wrong, I was recently very surprised that precise shot is not needed remotely as often as I thought it to be.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

[*smaller*][/*smaller*] and remove all the *

Very well, let our projectiles do the talking then, Lariel can you fire when I do? You range is much greater.

attack routine in a surprise round:

Aletha will try to sneak within 40ish feet of the enemies (-4 on their perception checks, worth a try), throw a Pilum and then take her Bardiche in both hands.

Ideally, she would try to snychronize her throw with Lariels ranged attack.

sneak: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9
attack Pilum: 1d20 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 3 - 2 = 19 likely a -2 for range increments
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

So, instant attack?

Aletha seeks to get into position, drawing a Pilum in her right while holding her bardiche in the left.

I think we will get split if some try to navigate the board and others dont, lets hit them together and in full force.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Do you and these Sahuaguain share a language? We can try to talk before we attack, but I expect them to be hostile. The reason is simple, the villagers did not know about them, which to me implies they likely killed or captured anyone they came accross.

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