Alenthyn considers the puzzle of the strange church presents. It's clear Dolelan doesn't think we have justification to attack, he thinks, though I'd guess he's more intrigued by them as an object of study than anything else.
"Interesting metaphors, though I'm not sure how fully appropriate or convincing they are. I'm guessing if livestock had the awareness to realize their predicament and the intentions of those that feed them, they'd take action… whether to flee or fight. So if the living are the livestock, and they are aware of the intentions of these unliving, I'd say they'd be justified in taking action. Of course, it is balanced upon the intention of the unliving. Same situation as your metaphor with notoriously violent races. If those likely to be victimized by said violence are aware of that intention, I'd completely understand them taking precaution or pre-emptive action." He shrugs, looking at Dolelan. "But you're right, both metaphors balance on the issue of intention. If these unliving have no ill intent towards the living in these parts -- whether in the short-term or long-term -- we'd do everyone a great disservice to take violent action against them today. However, I have no intention of walking in there and discussing their intentions." He plants his longbow in the soil, crossing his forearms across the tip of the other end and settling in place. Whatever great reserve of inner strength he found to string so many words together at one time seems to suddenly deplete.
The gangly elf takes a look around, eyes both seeking threats and checking for any group item un-ready for quick travel, then looks back at the group. It is obvious that he's waiting to see if anyone will actually go in to chat up the pulseless preacher.
Alenthyn is ready to leave this place be. He's not excited about leaving a potential danger in place, but it's a tough puzzle, and he thinks their time could be more wisely spent elsewhere. He won't vote for burning the place down, but he won't go in and personally do the investigatin/interrogating to find out what threat they do or don't pose to the area. Being an elf of the wilds, he's content to live and let live for the time being… especially if it means getting back on the hunt.
I've had more than a few problems tracking thread updates since that work they did on the site a week or two ago. And yah, we seem to be waiting on Dolelan here.
The problem is that we have one contingent wanting to burn it down and the other wanting to get to the bottom of the puzzle. Then me and Rikka are just ready to move on -- regardless of what happens to the church. I'm fine letting Dolelain finish his investigation, but it's not something Alenthyn is particularly interested (or suited) to do. So if there was a way to let Dolelain do his thing quickly and efficiently, that'd be great. There's just not much Alenthyn can contribute there.
My vote is we let Dolelain do hsi thing, then we move on peacefully, unless he uncovers something that indicates that we need to destroy this place... which so far I have't seen.
I dont want to drag this out. I don't wnat to short-sheet Dolelains' fun, either.
Alenthyn looks concerned, "I didn't realize we had decided on burning it down." His shrug seems to say, though i'll leave that up to everyone else.
Alenthyn, who had been waiting outside with the others adn had similarly watched the exchange of words with passivity, finally speaks up... if quietly. "Out of curiosity, the wards on the windows and doors... for protecting from evil. Is it possible to tell if they're there to protect from evils within or from without?" He shrugs, "And either way, Im still unsure how it helps us with our prey. Not that it doesn't.. .I just don't see the connection, yet."
REady to do whatever, but i'm a little lost on how this could help us get to the bottom of the attacks on the town -- which is what Alenthyn took a job to determine.
Alenthyn whispers back to Dolelan, very careful to make sure his voice doesn't carry beyond the group, "So do we think this... church is somehow tied to our objectives? Or should we simply back out?"
I'll try to be more deliberate with posts like that... thanks for allowing the retcon. And yes, Alenthyn is inside, a step or three behind Rikka.
Oh, um... i didn't mean for Alenthyn's to actually poke one. If its too much if a retcon, that's fine, though.
The silent service pulls Alenthyn up short, and he blinks. After a heartbeat's pause, he raises his right hand and snaps a few times quietly, nodding in recognition of the fact that he had not, in fact, gone suddenly deaf. His own magic-detection spell springs into existence right after Ariella's.
Spellcraft (to ID any spells revealed) 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17.
Caution and curiosity play tug of war with the elf, and he debates attempting to poke the nearest pew-sitter with his arrow as he steps up near Rikka. "So this is… unexpected."
Stealth 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18.
Alenthyn nods at Dolelain's discourse on Urgathoa. When the elf gets frustrated at their precautions at the church steps, however, he turns and regards Dolelan. "Deities can be strange creatures, and mortals dedicated to the teachings of those deities can be stranger still. I can think of a few reasons why followers of a deity or belief system would choose to protect their place of worship. That being the case, I'd suggest a little patience given to precaution is merited."
EDIT: nvm.. thought better of the post.
Through the arcane link he's established to the two trap-spotters, Alenthyn hisses out a whispered warning. "Movement at one of the windows, though I didn't get a good look at it."
He ignores the woman's rude response as he continues scanning for further details on the potential threat, stalking forward as his old friend waves him forward.
Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Stealth 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22.
As he approaches the door, he sweeps the ground around the house for any tracks that might indicate who or what is inside.
Survival 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30.
As Maeltheron and Charon move forward to check for traps, he touches each of them and whispers a few words. In their ears they can hear him mutter, 'If you need to whisper communication back, i can hear you.'
Other than that, he stays back with the rest of the group, covering the two trap-finders with his bow. As he waits, he sets up the first line of his own arcane defenses, the power of his arcane armor creeping across his skin.
Cast Message on Maelthron and Charon. Cast Mage Armor on self.
Perception (for threats) 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18.
"They don't," the gangly elf says as eh continues to try to lead the group out of the frog group and towards their destination.
Alenthyn sets out, intentionally moving at a slow, methodical, sedate pace. "Until we find out if there's going to be trouble, do your best to be calm. Animals in general tend to react to rigorous activity in ... unpredictable ways." He does his best to lead his horse and the team in a path that will disturb the fewest frogs -- if at all possible.
This seems like a highly unnatural behavior for the frogs. Does his earlier knowledge roll shed any more light than that. I'm not trying to draw out this scene. I just want to make sure I don't lead us into a million-frog-riot here.
Are they poisonous or known to be a threat? Basically, should Alenthyn be concerned? Or is this just an interesting thing to wake up to?
Alenthyn stands up -- his hour of focusing completed -- and nods to the priestess.
Same spells as the day before -- which really just meant refreshing Mage Armor.
Also, let's see if he can ID what the noise was…
Knowledge: Nature 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20; if arcana or dungeoneering are more appropriate, the same roll works. If Geography is appropriate, subtract 3 from the total.
He looks around at the rousing camp, "So, are we on trail rations? Or does someone have some food?" He seems fine with either eventuality, mostly trying to help get the group ready for more travel.
Anyone have anything they want/need to do before we set back out? If not, Alenthyn will take point once more.
Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
Stealth 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31.
The tracker nods at his old friend, giving the dark surroundings one last look before he finds the closest tree that will provide a commanding view of the campsite and the surrounding area. With a little effort he finds a perch, settles in, and does his best to blend into the dark branches of the tree, his trusty bow in hand.
He can take 10 on climb if a tree with a commanding view to hide in while he watches.
Also taking 20 on stealth to really hide well in whatever perch he finds.
Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Stealth 20 + 12 = 32.
Camping. Alenthyn will take an early watch, then try to get a full night's sleep.
So is the general consensus to stay put and set up camp in the road? Setting up watch rotation is smart, if that's the case.
Roshan, you said it's dark. Does Low-Light Vision still function? Or are Darkvision-capable characters the only ones who can see wiht any dependability?
"Stopping for the night is smart, but I don't like the idea of stopping here. Bad visibility and I have no idea what to expect around here. Losing an hour would mean gaining a more defensible position for the night... at least it would gain us more open ground surrounding us." His tone indicates it's just a suggestion, and that he'll go with whatever the group decides ultimately. "I'm up for taking a watch, but I need a long stretch of sleep to restore my spells."
How many hours to walk back to the crossroads? (I didn't realize we were walking in failing light.)
Has Alenthyn seen any defensible/hideable campsites on their hike? Stopping for the night sounds good.
Alenthyn gives his old friend an approving look, "Good catch." He regarsd the rest of the group, "Anything else we need to accomplish here? I'm ready to get moving."
If the group is ready to follow the new trakcs...
Perception (for threats) 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
Stealth 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21.
Survival (to stay on the tracks found by Maeltheron) 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28.
Ariella Moiraine wrote: Ariella approaches Alenthyn, asking "Dear Alen, did your keen elven eyes spot any tracks leading away from this place?" Roshan didn't indicate that there were, though there wasn't any feedback specifically on the tracks. Keep in mind I rolled a 1.
At mention of the Wardens, Alenthnyn racks his brain for any information he may have picked up about the organization.
Knowledge: History (about the Wardens) 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27.
The tall elf takes a few steps closer, trying to inspect the copper inlay. "Anyone recognize this symbol?"
Knowledge (Arcana) 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
Knowledge (HIstory) 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9.
Apparently Alenthyn does not... :(
"Someone went to some effort making sure the spirit of this body wouldnt' be wrangled back into the body as undead. Whatever or whomever re-animated these other bodies didn't affect this one through the protective spell placed here." He looks for any clues as to the identity of the grave's inhabitant. "Do we think this has any bearing on our hunt?"
Is there a name on the tombstone or any other identifying marks?
Alenthyn calls the group over while keeping twenty feet of distance from the grave, "This untouched grave is different than the others. The necromantic energies that surround all of the disturbed graves is... twisted... around this one."
As he speaks, he focuses his Detect Magic spell more intently on the grave, trying to determine exactly how it is different... and if it is a threat.
Spellcraft (or knowledge Arcana, the modifier is hte same) 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31.
"Well, that's concerning..."
The long-limbed scout bathes their immediate area with arcane fingers, detecting for any active or residual magical auras. As he does so, he scans the area with his eyes and ears.
Cast and keep Detect Magic up to search the area.
Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25.
Once his initial survey is complete, the elf begins methodically searching the grounds in and around the cemetery for any tracks or clues that could help the team determine if the graves were dug up or if the bodies uprooted themselves.
Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Survival (tracks) 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11. <--- BOOOOOOOO
Once everyone seems ready, Alenthyn once again leads out.
Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
Stealth 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17.
Sheesh... just absoleutly killing these rolls... :(
The thought of leaving the haunt for innocent bystanders obviously troubles the tall elf, but he shakes his head, "I want to do something if we're able as well, but there may be a better time. Unless this is directly related to our current quarry, I'd prefer to conserve our combined power for the dangers we're already hunting. If and when we overcome that obstacle, I'm more than happy to return here to attempt to clear this up."
ID'ing the blue thing
Knowledge: Arcana 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26.
If Knowledge: Nature or Dungeoneering is more appropriate, the roll is still valid (same modifier).
Alenthyn stops where he is, watching his teammates' backs as they check out whatever it is they saw. "What ya got there?"
Alenthyn spends some time sniffing around the two trails, looking for clues or tracks. Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27. (If Survival/tracking is more appropriate, simply subtract 1 from the total.
If the search provides no useful information, Alenthyn will lead the group down the left fork.
As the second arrow seems to take the fight out of the… whatever it is they're fighting, Alenthyn spins in a slow circle. He gives a thorough visual search before answering Ariella. "They weren't able to actually close on me… well, thanks to you all, they weren't. So what are these? Don't look what I thought the shadow creatures would." He spends a few minutes reclaiming any salvageable arrows before returning to the horses. "Same formation as before… that seemed to work." He gives the group a half-smile, "That seemed to go well. How long can you keep that level of magic output up, Ariella?"
Ready to roll out when everyone else is. Alenthyn will once again take point on-foot.
Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Stealth 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18.
Roshan, can Alenthyn tell (based on the different bow attacks that have been made so far) which arrow types the creatures seem to have DR against? I can't tell from your last description if it has DR against blunt as well, or if the amount of damage Alenthyn did simply wasn't enough to really hurt it badly.
With four bodies between himself and the only remaining viable target, Alenthyn does the only thing he can think of to stay useful. Once again letting a small rivulet of his arcane power slide onto a newly-nocked blunt arrow, he stalks around the north side of the fight, arrow trained on the undead thing in case he can get a clear shot or it breaks from combat.
Round 3
Swift: Arcane Strike
Standard: REady an attack against the ghoul with two triggers: if he gets a clean (no cover provided) shot or if the thing tries to run away.
Move: move 6 squares right on the map (updated the map)
Alenthyn mentally noted the way Ariella's arrows did nearly nothing to the creatures despite their accuracy, knowing by instinct that his shots were simply especially well-placed. That in mind, he switches to drawing blunt arrows as he rounds on the other half of the fight.
Rikka wrote: "Do you need any assistance, Ariella or are these your to kill?" "Between the fireball and the holy-ball, the rest of us might as well take a nap." The gangly elf's words carry a wry note as he looses a volley of magic-enhanced blunt arrows at the northern-most ghoul (farthest top-right, I think it's Ghoul 6), retreating a step in the process.
Round 2
Free: 5' step diagonally up/left.
Swift: Arcane Strike
Full Attack: Rapid shot on farthest top-right Ghoul (6?), switching to blunt arrows.
NOTE: if 6 is dead before Alenthyn fires, switch attacks to Ghoul 9 and apply a -4 to attack rolls due to cover.
Surprised by the creatures and the priestess's fiery response, it takes Alenthyn a few seconds to respond. Once recovered from his surprise, the gangly elf draws and looses two arcanically enhanced arrows at the nearest living creature on their west side… hoping to make this a one-front fight as soon as possible.
Swift Action: Arcane Strike
Full Attack: Rapid shot on the nearest living creature on the left side of the map. If they still haven't' closed on the group when Alenthyn fires, he can ignore the cover bonus his allies would provide the creatures. If they are able to close first, simply subtract -4 to the below attack rolls.
Not having been a part of one of Roshan's combats, do we need to wait our turn in the initiative order? Or should we go ahead and post actions and let Roshan adjudicate everything?
also, Roshan, you missed Alenthyn in the initiative order... he's last. :(
Ariella wrote: Placed you Alen. Thx, Ariella. :)
Initiative 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7.
Dont want to hold things up, and am posting from my phone (no map access). Will someone place Alenthyn on the map... safely tucked behind Rikka would be ideal. :)
Also using my roll from before... which sucked.
Hearing nothing, the gangly elf none-the-less responds to Ariella's actions. Without hesitation, he reverses direction, backing towards the group on quiet feet as he whispers a few arcane words.
Continue Stealth (to join ranks with Rikka / Ariella) 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
Cast Mage Armor.
The tall, pale elf regards the woods around them with a shrug. "Not sure," he mutters as he watches the strange girl head back into the shadows, "Could be anything out there. Might as well press on." He looks back at the horse he's been leading, "I could be better used as a forward scout if someone doesn't mind leading my horse."
If someone takes the reins, Alenthyn ghosts forward on the path, long strides quiet on the path and long bow in hand. Every thirty feet or so, he whispers a few words, looking for signs of magic as he scouts.
Casting Detect Magic every 30 feet or so
Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
Stealth 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
Knowledge: Geography 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14.
Alenthyn nods at the advice, adding a general awareness of unnatural wildlife to his active searches. Knowledge: Nature/Dungeoneering 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18.
Good to proceed when everyone else is.
Alenthyn -- acting as forward scout -- stops roughly thirty feet out in front of the sign, giving the surrounding forest a careful sweep with his senses. Mind if I use the previous awesome perception roll? :) IF so.. it was a 28.
He gives a shrug, "Not like we thought this would be an easy trip." He looks back at Dolelan, "Any bits of information you've picked up that would be helpful? Information is power, as they say."
If nothing is forthcoming, Alenthyn moves past the sign, continuing on their path, feet crunching softly and eyes and ears alert.
Beginning to move quietly from here on out.
Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
Stealth 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16.
Alenthyn gives the surrounding woods, the far bank, and especially the little sliver-of-an-island a long look
Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28.
I wondered the same thing. I feel a bit lost here.
So we know that Sir Walter Tomas is... somewhere in the forest?
Sense Motive vs the secret message (DC 21) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18. Nope.
Alenthyn nods, "Jackal's Folly." He watches Maeltheron move to take his flank and turns back to Dolelan and Chaon, "You two have horses?" (Or is Jackal's Folly in this little hamlet?)