About Aleksander
====================================== EGO ==========================================
Name : Aleksander
Player : Saashaa
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Background : Scumborn (EP p.132)
Faction : Scum (EP p.134)
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Birth Gender : male
Real Age : 31
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Credit : 500 (EP p.137)
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Aptitudes (EP p.122)
Cognition 30
Coordination 15
Intuition 20
Reflex 15
Savvy 10
Somatic 5
Willpower 10
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Reputations (EP p.285)
@-Rep 35
C-Rep 35
E-Rep 35
F-Rep 35
G-Rep 35
I-Rep 40
R-Rep 35
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Motivations (EP p.120)
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Ego Skills (EP p.176)
K Academics : Computer Science * COG 60
K Academics : Cryptography * COG 50
K Academics : Engineering * COG 50
K Academics : Linguistics * COG 60
K Academics : Nanotechnology * COG 50
A Animal Handling SAV 10
K Art : Music * INT 25
A Beam Weapons COO 15
A Blades SOM 5
A Climbing SOM 5
A Clubs SOM 5
A Control * WIL 10
A Deception SAV 50
A Demolitions * COG 30
A Disguise INT 20
A Flight SOM 5
A Fray REF 50
A Free Fall REF 50
A Freerunning SOM 5
A Gunnery INT 20
A Hardware : Electronics COG 70
A Impersonation SAV 10
A Infiltration COO 45
A Infosec * COG 80
K Interest : Rep. Nets * COG 50
A Interfacing COG 70
A Intimidation SAV 10
A Investigation INT 55
A Kinesics SAV 10
A Kinetic Weapons COO 15
K Language : Chinese * INT 50
K Language : English INT 90
K Language : Japanese * INT 50
A Navigation INT 50
A Networking : Autonomists SAV 55
A Networking : Criminal SAV 15
A Networking : Ecologists SAV 15
A Networking : Firewall SAV 15
A Networking : Hypercorps SAV 15
A Networking : Media SAV 15
A Networking : Scientists SAV 15
A Palming COO 15
A Perception INT 50
A Persuasion SAV 30
A Pilot : Aircraft REF 15
A Pilot : Groundcraft REF 15
A Pilot : Spacecraft REF 15
A Pilot : Watercraft REF 15
K Profession : Accounting * COG 35
K Profession : IT Worker * COG 60
K Profession : Network Engineer * COG 60
K Profession : Security System * COG 60
A Programming * COG 65
A Protocol SAV 15
A Psi Assault * WIL 10
A Psychosurgery INT 50
A Research COG 70
A Scrounging INT 60
A Seeker Weapons COO 15
A Sense * INT 20
A Spray Weapons COO 15
A Swimming SOM 5
A Throwing Weapons COO 15
A Unarmed Combat SOM 25
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Ego Negative traits
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Ego Positive traits
Eidetic Memory Ego (EP p.146)
Hyper Linguist (EP p.146)
Fast Learner (EP p.146)
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Psi Sleights
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Soft Gear
Anonymous Accounts (EP p.330)
Encryption (EP p.331)
Exploit (EP p.331)
Facial/Image Recognition (EP p.331)
Spoof (EP p.331)
Tactical Networks (EP p.331)
Tracking (EP p.331)
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Standard Muse (EP p.332)
Profession : Accounting(60)
Hardware : Electronics(30)
Academics : Psychology(60)
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Ego Memo
Good With Languages
Get a +10 modifier when attempting to interpret languages you don't know.
You requires one-third the normal amount of time and experience to learn any language and you learn human language in 1 day.
Fast Learner
You an improves skills and learns new ones in half the time it normally takes.
+10 Free Fall skill
get a +10 to the Free Fall skill
+10 [Skill]
+10 to a skills of your choice
+20 Networking: Autonomists skill
get a +20 on the Networking: Autonomists skill
+10 Persuasion / Deception
+10 Persuasion or Deception skill
+10 Scrounging skill
get a +10 on the Scrounging skill
+20 Networking: Autonomists skill
get a +20 on the Networking: Autonomists skill
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====================================== MORPH ========================================
Morph Name : Bouncers [bio] (EP p.140)
Nickname :
Apparent Age : 0
Morph Gender : male
Location :
Player : Saashaa
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Morph Negative traits
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Morph Positive traits
Limber I (EP p.146)
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Morph Aptitudes (EP p.122)
Cognition 30 5 30
Coordination 15 5 20
Intuition 20 0 20
Reflex 15 0 15
Savvy 10 0 10
Somatic 5 5 10
Willpower 10 0 10
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Morp Stats (EP p.121)
Damage bonus 1
Death rating 53
Durability 35
Initiative 7
Insanity rating 40
Lucidity 20
Moxie 1
Speed 1
Trauma threshold 4
Wound threshold 7
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Morph Skills (EP p.176)
K Academics : Computer Science * COG 60 60
K Academics : Cryptography * COG 50
K Academics : Engineering * COG 50
K Academics : Linguistics * COG 60
K Academics : Nanotechnology * COG 50
A Animal Handling SAV 10
K Art : Music * INT 25
A Beam Weapons COO 20
A Blades SOM 10
A Climbing SOM 10
A Clubs SOM 10
A Control * WIL 10
A Deception SAV 50
A Demolitions * COG 30
A Disguise INT 20
A Flight SOM 10
A Fray REF 50
A Free Fall REF 50
A Freerunning SOM 10
A Gunnery INT 20
A Hardware : Electronics COG 70
A Impersonation SAV 10
A Infiltration COO 50
A Infosec * COG 80
K Interest : Rep. Nets * COG 50
A Interfacing COG 70
A Intimidation SAV 10
A Investigation INT 55
A Kinesics SAV 10
A Kinetic Weapons COO 20
K Language : Chinese * INT 50
K Language : English INT 90
K Language : Japanese * INT 50
A Navigation INT 50
A Networking : Autonomists SAV 55
A Networking : Criminal SAV 15
A Networking : Ecologists SAV 15
A Networking : Firewall SAV 15
A Networking : Hypercorps SAV 15
A Networking : Media SAV 15
A Networking : Scientists SAV 15
A Palming COO 20
A Perception INT 50
A Persuasion SAV 30
A Pilot : Aircraft REF 15
A Pilot : Groundcraft REF 15
A Pilot : Spacecraft REF 15
A Pilot : Watercraft REF 15
K Profession : Accounting * COG 35
K Profession : IT Worker * COG 60
K Profession : Network Engineer * COG 60
K Profession : Security System * COG 60
A Programming * COG 65
A Protocol SAV 15
A Psi Assault * WIL 10
A Psychosurgery INT 50
A Research COG 70
A Scrounging INT 60
A Seeker Weapons COO 20
A Sense * INT 20
A Spray Weapons COO 20
A Swimming SOM 10
A Throwing Weapons COO 20
A Unarmed Combat SOM 30
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Basic Biomods (EP p.300)
Basic Mesh Inserts (EP p.300)
Cortical Stack (EP p.300)
Grip Pads (EP p.305)
Oxygen Reserve (EP p.308)
Prehensile Feet (EP p.305)
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Morph Memo
+5 Coordination
get a +5 bonus on Coordination
+5 Somatic
get a +5 bonus on Somatic
+5 [Aptitude]
+5 to one aptitude of your choice
+10 on flexibility tests
+10 modifier to escaping from bonds, fitting into narrow confines, and other acts relying on contortion or flexibility
Good Climber
Get a +30 modifier to Climbing Tests.
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