![]() Well there's the Tier 1 Mythic Trickster path ability called No One of Consequence (Ex):
Your mythic nature is a cloak that can shield you from the minds and memories of others. Creatures struggle to recognize you, recall your appearance, remember the nature of conversations they had with you, and recount the actions you took when you were in their presence. If a creature makes a deliberate attempt to recall details about time spent with you, it must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + your tier + your Charisma modifier) to recall anything beyond vague details. In addition, you're under a permanent nondetection effect with a caster level equal to your character level plus your tier. You can end this effect at any time, and can resume it as a swift action. Had thought about that ability myself (and than specifically for the very good protection vs divination spells), but seeing as we only become mythic after our meeting with Alika it would have been weird how I evaded detection up to this point + I have my eye on some other path abilities I want before something like that ;) And as had been asked by the GM, I specifically avoided to load up on Magical items. These are the ones I do have :
![]() About disable device :
About the knowledges, he didn't live in Janderhoff. He did travel there often due to his family's business and the fact they have a warehouse there. Changed some skills around a bit, just tell me if you think it's better now :) ![]()
![]() Corsario wrote:
I indeed forgot to add Dodge, but seeing as I haven't focused on combat for this character, I hadn't thought that it added to CMD :) Corsario wrote:
I usually don't add the bonuses from Kits to my character, but then again, without MW thieves' tools I would have a penalty. I do believe they give a +2, not a +1. Will add it to the sheet. Will also update it with the bonuses I get from my mythic feat once we actually become mythic ;) Corsario wrote:
Forgot I had taken weapon finesse, and the crossbow is most likely a copy/paste error where I didn't replace the attack modifier :) Corsario wrote:
Well, I had been thinking about that. Similarly his profession(Merchant/Trader) isn't that high either, but I kind of figured those skills have gotten in disuse due to not being that actively busy with the business himself (with which I mean he might have had them slightly higher in his younger years, but "retrained/lost" them in favor of other skills). That combined with the fact that I figured his +15 in appraise could help when he was busy with valuables when trading. Corsario wrote:
What would you think is a more reasonable number? And do you think he also should have some ranks in other knowledges? Concerning Knowledges, he has access to certain items that can temporarely boost his knowledges when necessary, namely :
I looked over my sheet and I think I found some places where I could shift some skill points away from into knowledges & possibly diplomacy. Corsario wrote:
Thanks, I really enjoyed making them. So thank you for giving me that opportunity :) If you have more questions/feedback, just let me know :) ![]()
![]() It's alright. I understand that something like this takes some preparation and if other things interfere that goes slowly. And I'd rather you prepare well, than start it half-prepared due to the fact you feel obligated to get the thing going as fast as possible. As I stated before, I am a very patient person. ![]()
![]() @Corsario, how is everything coming along? @Arthur Cannon, from what I can see you are going for the "leadership" position with some combat utility (focused on non-lethal and knocking people unconscious). If that is the case, it looks pretty good from a quick glance. One thing I noticed is that you put the elven chain as only giving +4 AC, but it actually gives +6. Which would bring you to 19 AC. ![]()
![]() Changed one of my languages so I could get it, wasn't that set on Elven anyway :). I think they introduced the regional human languages in pathfinder at one point to sort of offset the fact that most non-human races get a racial language for free together with common. Still looking forward to the game. Hope I was clear enough in most of my character's abilities & assets. ![]()
![]() From what I know, Taldan (Common) is what is generally meant with Common, as it is the language spoken by most people in the world. Korvosan (Common) is in this sense a specific dialect/slang of Common as it is a combination of Common, Varisian & Shoanti. As I stated, it would be nice for those of us native to the region (or having lived there long enough) to have Korvosan (Common) as one of our languages. So we could for example start with Common, Korvosan (Common) + whatever we can fill up due to high int or linguistics ranks. ![]()
![]() I think most of us will have taken that, seeing the focus on skills for this campaign :) I know I did. I had not added the Mythic part to my character sheet as I was uncertain whether something would still happen before we got mythic. I have added it as a separate part of my character sheet. This also means that the extra HP & bonuses from the mythic feat aren't added in yet. Just mentioning for when you check my character sheet. I had also posted this a few posts back concerning languages.
Aldras Vayne wrote:
![]() Well depends how deeply you're going to look at the downtime system. For example if you have several places of business, all lead by a different manager, that manager would get to make a roll for that building in your stead, and most managers are assumed to have a +7/+8 in certain class skills which normally should be relevant for the roll they're making ... Going with that assumption and even without accounting for several other factors in my businesses (the fact that caravans and ships don't have a +GP equivalent/day, the fact that I created 2 high cost managers [10 GP/day] and not counting my characters performances) I would get a total of around 34.3 GP/day (divided in 31.1 GP & 3.2 GP/day spread over his 2 guises/personas/whatever you want to call it) Like I said before, I build the assets figuring they would be there for having an established background and resources at our disposal when necessary (in my case for example, exporting some goods out of korvosa, ...) Not to actual earn an ingame income from them ... Another part of the downtime rules is that there is capital attrition if you don't "visit" often enough, events that might affect things, etc etc... ![]()
![]() Well I have several NPC's set up in exactly the way you describe. Buying a specific person from the rooms/teams section and also having him/her as a manager. As I didn't know how to calculate the per day fee into how much it would cost as part of our assets. It's not like we can say they have worked for us for x years, here is how much that has cost us, as then we would have to calculate how much the businesses brought in in the same time, etc .... That's why I just put an arbitrary number on it that also doubled as a way to have a nice round sum for my assets.
I also stated that I worked from the assumption that what my business generates will be enough to keep up my living standard & pay for manager/work force expenses from this point forward, but not give me any "actual" gold to use in the game, unless the GM makes it happen through something he comes up with. ![]()
![]() Nope, I just try to keep track of everything by hand ... might make a google spreadsheet for tracking my own things as that's something I can easily access at most locations. If I come up with a nice layout I'll share an empty version of it with you :) Concerning employee pay, I assume that the businesses we have will at least bring enough income to pay for our employees & our lifestyle (but that they don't bring any real income into the game) I did incorporate an arbitrary amount of money from my total assets as "manager expenses" (as my business has several of the manager types from the downtime rules). I did not know how much I would have to attribute to that, so I just made it that my total assets (buildings, crews, managers) came out in a nice round sum. I also noticed you put Chelish up as a language, but from what I know about the languages of golarion is that the people of Cheliax all just speak Common (Taldane) and have no ethnicity based language. @GM, I came across the Human Lanuages of Golarion section on the pathfinder wiki. At the bottom it states that some places also have regional dialects, for example Korvosan(Common) (which is a blend of varisian, shoanti & common).
@Irene, I noticed you have 5 ranks in linguistics & a +2 bonus on int, so that would mean you should have common + 7 others (+possibly regional/ethnicity based language, depending on GM's ruling), but you only seem to have 7 languages listed. Also something I wanted to mention, I made certain my character is quite low on magical items, as requested :
And some magical consumables :
And a storage closet filled with alchemical consumables. ![]()
![]() Busy week at work and at home, so it took me a while, but I think I'm finished. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I tried to be as thorough as possible. Info can be found in this alias, not certain how I will do it going into the game. Might make a new alias with only the character sheet and equipment in it and leave this one as my "assets" page :) Because I really want to have a character called "Damiano, Duke of Deception" amongst my aliases ^_^ (and the name of this one can't be altered anymore due to having been used to much already :)) Feedback is appreciated. (Could be that there might be some mistakes in the story as written as it was done in 2 big writing sprees ...) ![]()
![]() if you 5ft step to N10 you will have 2from the right side and 1from the left. There's no way you can get the 3 on the right without hitting Bryn. @gm, I just read entangle. If you stay in the area you need to make a save at the end of your turn again. This is important as an entangled person has -2 to attack and -4 dex. ![]()
![]() To clarify, Entangle has a 40 ft radius (not diameter), so from the focal point 40 ft out, so I think you want to put the focal point around 15-20 feet further up. I found this link that provides the view of a 40 ft radius spell if you scroll down. ![]()
![]() Had expected us to have a surprise round due to the fact of them not knowing our intent. And seeing as I was just playing my instrument, but we'll roll with the punches :) Round 1 That did not go as expected, Aldras thought while readying a spell in his mind.
5ft step to N7, cast grease on the following area : K8-K9-L8-L9, which would be the 3 bandits on the left + one of the campfire square. DC 13 reflex save or fall for those bandits in the area. I was going for the biggest amount of bandits in the grease, which is the main reason that the campfire square is in there. If the fire does something fun with the grease, that would be a bonus of course ;) ![]()
![]() "We'll wait here for a while and then head back to Daggermark. Don't want them to think we weren't thorough." Aldras said while laughing a bit. I don't know how we are positioned at the campsite, but I suppose we sit on one side, while the 6 sit on the other, with a cooking/camp fire in between? If so, then the following would happen : He then takes his lute and begins playing a small tune. I hope Mike (and anyone else of our group who heard that me playing the lute was go time) can catch some of the baron's fighters off guard this way :) If the situation is different, Aldras would wait till the baron's fighters are making ready to leave. ![]()
![]() "That was the idea. Maybe check out if any of the rumours about Laughing Hollow are true while we're waiting here anyway. But maybe we should first have some drinks."
![]() Nope, we were sent on our own because we're a reliable bunch. Kelson is on the route with the orcs.
recap of the 3 routes: The first is to the north, avoiding Laughing Hollow. This seems the most likely, and the duke and his personal guard will follow that path. The second route is directly through Laughing Hollow. A group of militiamen will follow this route. The third possibility is across the river and along its southern bank, a route leading into orc territory. Kelson Darktreader will take some militia troops through that route. Sir Llewellyn will protect the town and castle until the duke returns. ![]()
![]() @Mike:
any reason why you traded the composite shortbow for the regular shortbow? you do know for things like proficiency, weapon focus and other such things that a composite is considered a regular shortbow & the gm also said that our "day jobs" is what lets us get by without needing to get living expenses deducted every month, because I wasn't allowed to go perform in bars for extra cash ;) "Let me try something", Aldras said quietly to the group. Aldras let his horse take him a few steps forward while raising his hands in the air, but not so much that the people behind the rock would want to start firing on him. "We too are in the employ of Baron Agwain. The enterprising man that he is he hired us, knowing that the Duke would go to the Daggermark militia for aid. We made certain to volunteer for a group that would be sent this way." His face now pulls a villainous grin as he continues, "On our way here we dealt with those in our group who weren't on the Baron's payroll. Now the Duke has one less group on his side and we can surprise the Duke and his group as they won't think we're on your side."
![]() @GM, I'm good to go. Just was wondering if in those 2 months of down time, Aldras had some time to earn some extra cash through playing in bars. Aldras was a bit dumbfounded hearing such a tale this early in the morning, but that sure was a wake-up call. Aldras straightened himself out a bit and stated "I consider it our civic duty to protect and help those in need, so I will answer your call." ![]()
![]() about the jewelry stuff:
How I understand it, the pricing is based on the specific grade & quality (determined by the added 2d4) of the gemstone. As you said the Amethyst is worth 110 GP, that means you rolled a total of 6 on the 2d4 to determine it's worth. So technically, if we were not providing this specific gemstone the finished jewelry would cost : 250 GP + 6*50 = 550 GP. I think you combined the base price of the next grade with the added price of 2 grades higher, as the pricing of amethyst's grade is : 50 gp +2d4 × 10 gp, one higher is 250 gp +2d4 × 50 gp, the one above is 500 gp +2d4 × 100 gp. All in all, still an expensive piece of jewelry (440GP if the price of gem is taken out). If the assumption is made that this type of jewelry at that pricepoint is made with gold or platinum, one could say that one maybe with copper or silver would only be 1/5th of the price (due to the fact that a piece of jewelry without gems is priced at 10gp for copper/silver, 50gp for gold/platinum and 100gp for exotic materials), just my two cents. If we have 2 months of down time, can Aldras use that to go out and perform with his band (or alone, if the band's not available), to earn some extra disposable income? ![]()
![]() When they had arrived in Daggermark and dealt with the necessities (reporting our findings and the death of Drelsh to the militia commander and delivering the prisoner), Aldras continued his duty. When they are relieved of duty, he will go to the Happy Cow, playing the lute to distract himself from the events that happened the other day.
![]() @Bryn, if you take the non-rolled hp, it's 1/2 HD +1 and then add your con modifier. So I think yours should be 8 hp instead of 7. And I also favor Breggel's suggestion to wait adding any money other than the 30 GP we all got until we got everything sold, seeing as we still need to determine the value of the gems and Mike claimed the amethyst in place of part of his share of the loot. Kind of curious what I would've gotten if I had rolled my hp --> 1d8 ⇒ 6 ![]()
![]() 2nd Level in Bard :
new spells :
1 extra lvl 1 spell per day
Versatile Performance(Dance) (Ex): Can use my total Perform(Dance) bonus when making Acrobatics or Fly skill checks in place of my normal bonus in those skills.
Wealth 30gp *I can take both due to fast learner feat ![]()
![]() Aldras also looked at the gems to check their value.
@gm, did I find Cromm's ring somewhere between all the stuff the blue feathered lizardfolk had gathered? Did we pass by the corpses of Cromm and his men on the way back? As we were planning on taking them with us to give them a proper burial. ![]()
![]() When Aldras saw that the battle was over, he dismissed the grease he had created. When he saw Ulan tie up the lizardfolk Aldras started to search the area in the hopes of finding Cromm's wedding ring. Knowledge(Nature): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
![]() Important notice, he's trying to move away through the grease area, so can only move at half speed and needs to make a DC 10 acrobatics check. If he fails he can't move and must make a reflex save or fall. If he failed the acrobatics check by 5 or more he automatically falls. As per the description of grease. I haven't dismissed the spell and it's 1 minute/lvl duration. If I had I would have gone flanking with Bryn already :)
![]() Not that it really matters as it still would've missed, but why are you shooting at -3 with the sling? The one on top is not engaged in melee (else he would have taken several attacks of opportunity for throwing his javelin already) and don't forget that with magic stone your bullets give you +1 to attack and damage and the base damage of them becomes 1d6 instead of 1d4. So in your case that would be a total of +2 to attack and 1d6+2 damage Round 4
crit confirmation: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Bluff to deliver secret message: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Secret message to Bryn DC 27 sense motive to read if not Bryn:
"Flank the bugger!" Speaking is a free action, it takes twice as long to deliver a secret message then it normally takes to relay the message. Not certain whether it becomes an action at all, but would like to know for future reference (I currently still have my move & swift action, so should be ok.) ![]()
![]() Aldras changed his plans when he saw that the lizardfolk didn't react to the ghostly army.
Stops concentrating on the silent image, 5ft steps to K15 and casts grease on the 10ft area of I10,I11,J10,J11. DC13 Reflex save or they fall. ![]()
![]() Aldras moved a bit forward through the reeds and shouted "The dead have come to enact their revenge!" He then cast a spell. From the South West path it seemed as if a group of ghosts rose from the ground and were moving towards the lizardfolk. These ghosts looked like Cromm and his men armed and with vengeance in their eyes. _____________________________