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Is this a universal problem or is everyone finding new posts to be unaccessible?

If you find yourself in a group where no character has the trapfinding ability or its equivalent, what are the best ways to deal with traps and locks? Without the magical component, is it worthwhile for another character to crank up disable device? Can the party survive until the arcane caster learns Knock? Does someone just need to bite the bullet and dip a level of Rogue? Any other good tricks of the trade?

Both of my kids (middle school age) have recently started showing a lot of interest in my sourcebooks so I thought it would be a good time to get them started by running a campaign for them. Naturally, I have some questions which I hope the combined experiences of players on this board can help me answer. They want their first characters to be an Inquisitor and a Druid.

1) Do I need to give their party 1 or more NPCs for balance? I've never done much with NPCs accompanying a party and could use tips on the best way to work it.

2) Any ideas for a good way to let both of them use their abilities? I'd normally tend Urban for the Inquisitor and Wilderness for the Druid.

3) Should I help them optimize or just let them grab what they want and tailor everything to their power levels?

4) Any other advice? This is completely new territory for me.

Thanks in advance!

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The issue which I've seen in a few threads goes something like this:

I combine Boosted Fade or Enhanced Form with something like Greater Cure and because instantaneous is the shortest duration it makes the effects of the Words with which it is combined permanent. This pretty obviously is not the intent, but it raises the question of how to resolve such a combination. Has there been an official answer to this that I've missed?

In the same vein, Destructive Vibration has the unusual duration of "instantaneous, 1 round/level" (I think Acid Wave should have he same duration based on the text). Is the implication here that "instantaneous" is combined with any non-instantaneous duration for determining the duration of a spell? i.e. A Selected Sonic Blast Decelerate would be a 5th level spell with a reflex save (half damage/negate deceleration) and a duration of "instantaneous, 1 round/level"?

Regarding a Cleric5/Wizard3/Mystic Theurge1 with the Magical Knack(Cleric) Trait: The effective caster level for Cleric spells is 8 (5 Cleric + 1 Mystic Theurge + 2 Magical Knack(Cleric)). If I use Combined Spells to put a Magic Missile into one of my 2nd level Cleric slots...

1) Given that "(t)he components of these spells do not change, but they otherwise follow the rules for the spellcasting class used to cast the spell", is Magic Missile treated as if cast by my Cleric class (i.e. 4 missiles instead of 2)?

2) Since the components do not change, does that mean that the spell remains an arcane spell subject to arcane spell failure even though it is otherwise following the rules for my divine spellcasting class?

I think the answer to both questions is "yes", but wanted some external feedback before I discuss it with my Gamemaster (whose word will ultimately be law, but is a very reasonable guy whom I could convince with solid reasoning). I would LOVE a strong argument that Combined Spells could eliminate arcane spell failure, but I can't figure out any reason for the component comment except to specifically rule that out.

Thanks in advance!