Kbold Chieftan

Alchemander Andy's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts (4 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.


Scarab Sages

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AceofMoxen wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Dancing Wind wrote:
We are currently sold out of Pathfinder Beginner Boxes, with news on that to come!
Is this a GenCon announcement or just a 'reorder process went awry' announcement?
Nothing is awry. We don’t have anything further to announce today.
Speculation: New Beginner box for Remaster.

BB2: The Kobolds Strike Back

Scarab Sages *

Very Minor spoilers follow about the structure of the Troubles in Otari adventure, no specifics.

As someone who GMs a good bit I would appreciate if the Troubles in Otari chronicle sheet was split into three 4xp chronicle sheets, one for each chapter. This would allow each of the sub adventures to be run as a one shot, similar to the adventures from the Dark Archive.

It wouldn't need to invalidate older chronicles for the adventure either, just a note in the sanctioning document that any of the 12xp chronicles are equivalent to one of each of the 4xp chronicles so they can't be earned by the same player since the adventure is not repeatable.

As a GM with an unpredictable schedule this would make this adventure more accessible for me (or others like me) to run, and therefore also more accessible to players in the PFS community. Thank you for reading and have a pleasant weekend!

Scarab Sages

Would it be possible to get the PFS Chronicle sheet split into three 4xp sheets, one for each adventure as an alternate credit structure? It would be nice to be able to use them as one shots while still giving credit out for them, sort of like the Dark Archive case files.