Sir Holton

Albrecht's page

5 posts. Alias of Daynen.

Full Name





paladin(warrior of the holy light) 2








Lawful Good






Soldier of Lastwall

Strength 15
Dexterity 13
Constitution 15
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 17

About Albrecht

Height: 6' 1" Weight: 190 lbs
Hair: red Eyes: Green

Init: +5, Senses: perception +1


AC 20 , touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+1 Dex, +7 armor, +2 shield)
HP 28 (20 +4 con, +2 trait +2 FC bonus)
Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +7


Speed 30 ft
Space 5 ft, Reach 5 ft
MW bastard sword +4 to hit, 1d10+2 slashing damage
longbow +3 to hit, 1d8


aura of good
detect evil
smite evil 1/day
lay on hands
divine grace


Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 17
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 15

Feats: exotic proficiency (bastard sword), improved initiative

vanguard of lastwall (+1 HP per level)
armor expert (reduce AC penalty by 1)
iron liver (+2 fort saves vs poison and drugs, +4 saves vs. alcohol)
silver tongued (human alternate +2 diplomacy and bluff, can shift a creature's attitude three steps with diplomacy, replaces bonus skill rank)


(2 ranks per level)

(2) diplomacy +10
(2) sense motive +6

Languages: Common


explorer's outfit free
cold weather outfit 8gp
MW bastard sword 335 gp
longbow 75gp
20 arrows 1gp
banded mail 250GP
heavy wooden shield 7gp
spring-loaded wrist sheath 5gp
pathfinder's kit12gp--includes backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, clay mug, dagger, two fishhooks, flint and steel, sewing needle, signal whistle, 50 ft. string, 50 ft. thread, waterskin, 7 day's trail rations, whetstone.
everburning torch 110gp
pocketed scarf 8gp
furs 12gp
3 alchemists' fire 60gp

Currency 117gp


Will most likely progress as paladin, aiming to increase the power of his auras and frontline impact in order to lead his team's advance, protect his allies and inspire them to victory. May divert depending on circumstances.


As a boy, Albrecht always looked up to the soldiers of his country. the champions of law and order, the defenders of peace and freedom; the ideals always resonated within him as nothing short of heroic. In his youth, he would watch with a scrutinizing eye as guards went about their patrols or commanders marched their troops past, and as adventuring warriors stopped in local taverns or smithies, he would never miss the chance to inquire about their journeys and trials. He would find ways to wear makeshift armor to hone his strength, and practiced swinging thick branches around for sword practice. Once he was strong enough to lift a real sword, he threw himself into training with the hope of serving in Lastwall's defense force and protecting his home from any threat, real or imagined. Once he felt his skills were up to par, he applied. Needless to say, his recruiting officers were impressed. Each assignment he received was met with zeal in the hopes that he would finally face a challenge and have a chance to truly protect his country.

On his twenty first birthday, he got his wish.

Already a renowned trooper for his fortitude, confidence, and stalwart comraderie, Albrecht had been assigned duty as border patrol when the first reports of undead began reaching the bastion. As more and more reports streamed in, the casualties began to rise. Albrecht, more than any soldier, was completely outspoken about marching into Ustalav and crushing the invaders. His frustration was magnified, however, when his commanders did not select him for the counterstrike force. He was ordered to defend Lastwall, and though he fumed at being held back from battle, he obeyed. When the undead surged into the surrounding territory and began to siege the bastion, Albrecht was ready.

Lashing out with the vengeance and fury of a country defiled, Albrecht stood shoulder to shoulder with his comrades, and carved swaths of bodies, undead slaves, and living traitors alike. For the first time, he knew what it felt like to fight for one's life, one's country, and finally he understood. Heroism was not about glory; it was about defying all fear and pain in order to protect that which mattered most. Some said that during battles, Albrecht's armor seemed to remain untarnished by gore, his sword still gleaming in the dim sun after hewing the bodies of abominations too many to number. The more pious clergy who would witness him began to think that he was blessed, perhaps by Iomedae herself, for his unflinching resolve inspired tales much like the goddess's own. No religious teachings had he followed; no church did he frequent, and yet, he did note something was different. At times, when conflicts turned their worst, when comrades fell and enemies closed in, he thought he felt something within, always urging him forward, always keeping his shield raised when his limbs groaned, and always speeding his blade towards his enemies.

Now, with the lull in the war, and with the land dying around him, Albrecht has requested leave. Not to rest, but to search out the source of the growing chill in the air. the news of Golarion's suffering has not gone unnoticed to him; he knows that defending one keep will not stave off disaster forever. There are fiends gripping the world in terror and decay; they will not relinquish their holdings through attrition. With the outcry for a united world to end the stalemate and the encroaching winter, Albrecht's superiors saw the perfect opportunity to give their young paragon his chance.

Despite the danger, the cold, and the dying world around him, Albrecht still has a smile on his lips. The young boy has stepped into the shoes of his idols, and now has his country and, seemingly, a goddess urging him onward. In a world full of monsters, what can such a man do, but meet evil head-on, and become a hero?


Albrecht's youth was spent honing his physique and improving his techniques, and his frame reflects this. Though the upheavals of recent years have made life less bountiful, he still manages to eat properly and keep his muscle tone intact. He takes care not to work off all his body fat, however, as the growing cold digs deeper every day. His banded armor is kept in good order, and he always stands with confidence in the hope of inspiring others and giving his enemies pause. His blazing red hair stands in contrast to the iron and steel that adorns him, and his green eyes almost thrum with vibrance and expression. The furs he has taken to wearing of late were, at first, an oddity in his ensemble, but he has since grown accustomed to them. Were it not for his clean haircut, shaven face, and shining armor, one might mistake him for an ulfen barbarian lord or the like.


Albrecht has his eyes always forward and upward. His optimism is easily seen as zeal and brashness by some at first, but a few moments in conversation reveals his true manner; few are the people he's met that leave with a bad impression.

It can be said that Albrecht is an emotional man; when he is calm, he cannot be shaken. When he is happy, his mood cannot be ruined. When he is amazed, his wonder is boundless. When he is angry, his wrath is terrible to behold. Despite his reflexive responses to life, however, he has made a point of developing respectful behavior. His family is a respected part of his community, and his parents have spared no effort in teaching him their philosophies and traditions. Being around soldiers, adventuring warriors, and many travelling strangers has given him the chance to learn much about interacting with people, and he knows that even for the greatest champion, a friend is more valuable than a thousand swords.