Elf Rogue HP: 11/17 | AC 18 | T 14| FF 14 | CMB +2 | F +1| R +7 | W +0| Init +4 | Per +7(+8 Traps)
![]() Alanthian shrugs and moves into combat, once again attempting to flank a spider with Eowithe. Attack: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 2 = 23
Elf Rogue HP: 11/17 | AC 18 | T 14| FF 14 | CMB +2 | F +1| R +7 | W +0| Init +4 | Per +7(+8 Traps)
![]() Alanthian moves back wards, keeping his eyes on the room ahead until he gets back to the edge of the light. "There is a room ahead, the floor is covered in fish and other things. I could hear sloshing water but couldn't see what was causing it." ![]()
Elf Rogue HP: 11/17 | AC 18 | T 14| FF 14 | CMB +2 | F +1| R +7 | W +0| Init +4 | Per +7(+8 Traps)
![]() Alanthian grimaces in pain and tries to remove the acid from his leg with water. He then washes his sword, attempting to remove any acid from the blade. "I will scout ahead if you search for any thing these things may have of value." ![]()
Elf Rogue HP: 11/17 | AC 18 | T 14| FF 14 | CMB +2 | F +1| R +7 | W +0| Init +4 | Per +7(+8 Traps)
![]() Alanthian waits until another party member enters combat then moves forward following the wall to his right attempting to flank the puddle monster. Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18+2 if flanking= 20
Elf Rogue HP: 11/17 | AC 18 | T 14| FF 14 | CMB +2 | F +1| R +7 | W +0| Init +4 | Per +7(+8 Traps)
![]() Alanthian had made his way to the lodge's guest room and stripped off his disgusting armor and clothes, throwing them besides the door with a note that stated simply "Burn." The sewer and his blood had made the items unserviceable in his mind. After a long bath the elf made arrangements for his new items to be brought to his room before the morning meeting then climbed into bed. His body shutting down as his mind worried over the past events until darkness finally took him. A new and polished Alanthian walks into the breakfast hall a half smile on his face as he sees the others already in attendance. "Greetings. I hope you all rested well, tonight should be a long one as you humans say." ![]()
Elf Rogue HP: 11/17 | AC 18 | T 14| FF 14 | CMB +2 | F +1| R +7 | W +0| Init +4 | Per +7(+8 Traps)
![]() Alanthian turns to Sheila and frowns, speaking to the pathfinder as if Talius was not in the room. "Is this man Talius sane? I know we require a mage to assist us but one that has no control of his faculties is a danger unto itself." ![]()
Elf Rogue HP: 11/17 | AC 18 | T 14| FF 14 | CMB +2 | F +1| R +7 | W +0| Init +4 | Per +7(+8 Traps)
![]() Alanthian looks at the newcomers and smiles as he steps forward offering his hand. "I am Alanthian Darlok. Eowithe speaks true, we have found an item of importance but it has been a hard fight to gain it, losing many companions in the process. Hopefully with your help we may press on and recover the remaining pieces." ![]()
Elf Rogue HP: 11/17 | AC 18 | T 14| FF 14 | CMB +2 | F +1| R +7 | W +0| Init +4 | Per +7(+8 Traps)
![]() Alanthian moves from one foot to the other all the while grinning like a lune at Sheila. "Of course! I was raised by the society, everything I have been taught and learned has been for a moment such as this! This could even be what my parents had been after before they died." He looks at Eowithe then back to Sheila. "Only one can be attuned to the shards at one time. Who will posses it?" ![]()
Elf Rogue HP: 11/17 | AC 18 | T 14| FF 14 | CMB +2 | F +1| R +7 | W +0| Init +4 | Per +7(+8 Traps)
![]() Alanthian sheathes his sword and looks around the room with the others before climbing down the ladder to Pakak and the unconscious woman. "Yes lets get going and get out of this place before more of those filthy goblins come." |