Alaire1's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Just a Mort.


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Tender Tendrils wrote:

It is all relevant because if it was left out for being something that hasn't aged well, there won't be a lore explanation - when they cut stuff for being inappropriate that stuff doesn't just become something that existed in the past but got closed down or died or whatever, it becomes retconned so that it never existed from an in universe perspective.

So to rephrase my answer to be more direct to your question - my best guess until we get official clarification (which is unlikely to ever happen) is that in the lore, the saucy wench doesn't exist and never existed.

A little annoying for games where it is an established element, but I understand what you mean.

[Irrelevant because its not cannon, but] For my game the saucy wench is a major location in the story, so I immediately noticed it was missing from the map.

(Its definitely not hooters, its the business front where the Token Guard and Lady Finch to do a lot of their money laundering for their corrupt earnings, making it more bother to prove than the council can be bothered to crack down on. The Female employees there are the trusted eyes of the building when Lady Finch isn't around, and act as the go-betweens on deals between the Forthright men and the Token guard. More like a Mob hideout.)

Yeah, its my game I can run as I like/include what I like, I just try hard to keep it all cannon-friendly. The removal of a major power player's base (or lack of it on official maps that *should * have it) is what it is, I was just concerned I'd messed up with my world-building research and missed something canonical.

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Off topic... but sure, if that's how you want to interpret the extremely limited information on it. Uniformed doesn't = hooters to me, but that's a reasonable interpretation of the intent.

Its also not necessarily problematic if people are all consenting adults, harassment isn't tolerated and workers are paid fair wages. Sex work isn't immoral or shameful.

But that's all derailing. Just asking about lore.

Rysky wrote:
there’s numerous tents and buildings but none have details like the shops listed

That's not true...

every shop on the map that's labeled matches the illustrations on their individual entries, or is very close to it. Dracori’s Sensory Emporium is maybe the only one a little off, and that could just be the angle of the illustration on pg 25.

keftiu wrote:
I don’t have the book - does this map depict anything other than the shops detailed in it? Because if not, then I think my theory above is probably right.

Yes, its a map of the full Bazaar, and a block-ish around it.

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Fair for it to not be mentioned, but a "four-story edifice near the center of the bazaar" should still be on the map, yeah?

Title probably gives you a hint as to my question. Been running a game set in Absalom for a little over a year, and Lady Kythes Finch/The Saucy Wench have come up fairly often. (Players are Forthright men)

Wiki describes it as being a four story building near the center of the Bazzar, but I see no buildings of that description on the map on pages 6-7.

Is there lore around it being removed, or was this an oversight by the authors?

Have a Player bringing a Gnome cleric into my game at level 6.

They went the Animal accomplice > familiar master route, and gave me a great character pitch I'd like to make work. Part of it involves a friendly dog companion.

As mentioned in the title, I'm thinking of letting them bring a riding dog in as a Specific familiar.

How many Familiar abilities would you price such a thing at in your game? I'm wavering between 4 to 6, but thought I'd see what others think.


Xenocrat wrote:
Themetricsystem wrote:

No, I'm not kidding, this was recently added/changed in modern dictionaries

Definition #2