Gnoll Ravager

Akoril's page

614 posts. Alias of Pirate Rob.

Full Name

Glimmering Hyena


HP 64/152| AC 32 | F +21 R +20 W +18(S>CS) | Perception +15, Low Light Vision, Scent(30)


M Gnoll Magus 12 |

Strength 16
Dexterity 18
Constitution 16
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 8
Charisma 10

About Akoril

M Gnoll, Sponsored by Family, Magus 12
LN Medium Humanoid Gnoll

Senses Perception +15 (-1 Wis + Prof 16(E))
AC 32 +1 Resilient Chain Shirt 2(3) + 1 + 16 E
HP 152
Fort +21(E), Ref +20(E), Will +18(M)
. . Club +19 1d6+2 B (T) – Thrown 10ft
. . . Oathbow of greater striking +22 3d8+4 P - Deadly d10, Volley 30 ft.
. . . Longbow +20 1d8+3 P – Deadly d10, Volley 30 ft.

Spell +20/ DC 30

Str 18, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 19, Wis 8, Cha 10
Speed 25
Ancestry Feats & Abilities Great Gnoll, Sensitive Nose, Elf Step
Skill Feats: Eye for Numbers, Acrobatic Performer, Steady Balance, Streetwise, Trick Magic Item, Quick Jump, Cat Fall, Quick Coercion, Rolling Landing
General Feats: Feather Step, Fast Recovery, Keen Follower
Class Features & Abilities (1)Starlit Span, (2)Forcefang, (4)Expansive Spellstrike, (6)Mask Familiar, (8)Fused Staff, (10) Rapid Recharge, (12) Magic Sense

Free Archetype: (2)Wizard Dedication, (4)Basic Wizard Spellcasting, (6)Basic Arcana(Enhanced Familiar), (8) Arcane Breadth, (10)Advanced Arcana (Bespell Weapon), (12) Expert Spellcasting,

Emerald: (1)Additional Lore (Nantambu), (2)Steeped in History (+1 RK Magaambya), (3) Dedicated Attendant (Magaambyian Attendant Dedication), (4) Streetwise, (5) Branch Influence (+1 Social w/Emeralds), (6) Skill Increase (Society > E), (7) Branch Feat (Emerald Boughs Accustomation), (8) General Feat (Adopted Ancestry (Elf)), (9) Skill Feat (Eyes of the City), (10) Skill Increase (Society > M), (11) Steeped in History (+1 RK Magaambya), (12)
Emerald Boughs Hideaway

Tempest: (1) Additional Lore (4)Skill Feat (Quick Coercion), (5) Branch Influence (+1 Social w/Tempest), (6) Skill Increase (Intimidation> E)

Skills:: Acrobatics +20(E), Arcana +22(M), Athletics +18(T)(+1 trip/Shove), Crafting +18(T), Diplomacy +14(T), Intimidation +16(E), Occultism +18(T), Performance(Acrobatics to perform), Society +20(E), Stealth +20(E), Survival +13(T) Elven Lore +18(T), Magaambya Lore +18(T), Nantambu Lore +22(M), Gnoll Lore +18(T), Gaming Lore +20(E), Warfare +20(E)
Languages Common, Gnoll, Elven, Dragonic, Mwangi, Anadi
Bulk (8/8/13) Adventurer’s Pack, Club, Longbow, 100 Arrows, _1 Resilient Chainshirt, Adventurers Pack 1.5gp, +2 Composite Striking Longbow, Rhythm Bone, Bracers of Deflection
Special Abilities
Focus (1/2) Shooting Star

Force Fang

Magus Spells:
0-level : Acid Splash, Electric Arc, Produce Flame, Warp Step, Telekinetic Projectile.

3-level: Waterbreathing, Haste

5-level: Crushing Despair, Stagnate Time
6-level: Impaling Spike, Vampiric Exanguination

Wizard Spells
0-level: Detect Magic, Light
1-level: True Strike, True Strike
2- Feet to Fins, Mind Games
3- Ghostly Weapon
4- Enervation

0-level: Acid Splash, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Electric Arc, Light, Message, Produce Flame, Ray of Frost, Read Aura, Shield, Spout, Telekinetic Projectile
1-level: Air Bubble, Befuddle, Create Water, Feather Fall, Jump, Magic Weapon, True Strike, Shocking Grasp, Magic Missile
2-level: Acid Arrow, Comprehend languages, Vomit Swarm, Glitter Dust, Mind Games
3-level: Blindness, Slow, Ghostly Weapons, Safe Passage, Vampiric Touch, Haste, Feet to Fins
4-level: Draw the Lightning, Enervation, Wall of Fire
5-level: Crushing Despair, Impaling Spike, Blazing Fissure
6-level: Feeblemind, Vampiric Exsanguination, Stagnate Time,

Primary: Emerald Boughs
Secondary: Tempest-Sun Mages

0-level: Stabilize

Staff of Abjuration
0-level: shield
1-level: feather fall
2-level: dispel magic, endure elements, resist energy

Familiar: Accompanist, Restorative Familiar, Familiar Focus. Tough