
Akhena's page

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I've just finished the Champion's belt module and my players also failed to stop the cataclysm from happening.

Mob idea is very nice BUT : what about flying characters ? I have a character who is a warlock. He can fly for 24 hours and from his position launch as many eldritch blasts as he wants... Any idea on how to make them understand what happened is pretty unstoppable, at least for their party. Also I would believe that even if the high level characters from the world want to do something about it, they won't be able to clean the place in one day, and probably won't be able to clean it at all...

I also have another question. The apostolic scrolls : are they re-usable ??? Nothing mentions if they're detsroyed after calling one ulgurstasta... Any thoughts ?

I loved the article very much, as everybody else I guess. When can we expect a second core beliefs article ? I made the wrong assumption initially that it would appear every month. But now it's been 3 months ago, and I still don't see anything coming.

So any plans for the near future ?
*holding his breath*

Here is my personal system. When a PC dies, I give him two levels less than the highest level character in the party. I also give him the same relative advancement (XP) in his level as the highest level character.

Example : highest level character in the group is lvl 5 with 12.000 Xp. The new character will be lvl 3. For his Xp, he will have 3.000 (base for lvl 3) plus (2.000 / 5.000) * 3.000. So he will have 4.200 XP. I figured out that when the highest level character is 2 lvl up, the new character is just one level behind.

Thanks for the answers. I like particularly the answer you give Arjen ! It's true that it could be a trigger event. As you pointed out, once the FO decides it's time for Theldrick to know the content of the crypted message, it's also time for Smenk to die. I didn't see it that way initially, and I was really puzzled. I even thought it was a flaw of the scenario. But now it all makes sense. Thanks a lot. I'll sure leave it like this. :)


Hi !

Sorry if this one has already been answered. I've been looking up in the archives but haven't found it. My question is : why the faceless one gives a crypted message to Theldrick if in that messages he says he want Theldrick to kill Balabar Smenk ? According to my understanding, Theldrick doesn't have the ability to decode the text. And how could the faceless one expect him to kill Balabar then ?

Maybe there should be three notes ? The first one is Theldrick's diary, second one the crypted text, and a third one a simple message containing the one but last paragraph from handout #1...

Thanks for clarifying that one.
