
Akarus Vildean's page

19 posts. Alias of Simeon.


I'm another one of the players. I just noticed this thread. I'd love to pick the game back up if you're willing to take on another.

"Indeed, rest and food is always good."

Hoping for a quick recovery, get well soon!

Akarus draws his sword and shield as well, and nods at Ahadiel, "Well then, shall we form a bit of a shield wall to keep those less martially inclined safe?"

"Hm, perhaps we buy the wagon and a horse or two for outriders and scouts."

Akarus smiles and says to the old man, "Well met. I have a particular story to request. Do you know of a place called Dragon Mountain?"

Akarus whispers a short prayer to Vildeis before stepping through the gate.

"Well, I'm certainly not averse to going in blind. A challenge makes for a greater reward."

Akarus puts his fist to his chest in a crusader's salute, before saying, "Good morning Mistress Athena, I am Akarus Vildean, warrior and holy champion of Vildeis, blessed be her name. It would be my honour to partake in whatever task you have for us."

Akarus hops off his horse, and removes his shield from his saddle. "Well, shall we head inside? We don't want o keep Artemis waiting."

Akarus wakes up early, reciting prayers to Vildeis, sharpening his weapons, and making sure his armor and shield are well-maintained. He goes out for a run, making sure his endurance is as good as it always has been. When he returns, he sees the delicious breakfast Lila has prepared for them and smiles. Akarus mainly eats bacon and eggs, although he has a few pancakes. "Well, this is certainly the right thing to start a quest to. I am ceratinly ready to get on the road, there's nothing quite like it."

Akarus smiles at his companions enjoyment, and joins in, allowing some fun to take priority over scourging the wicked.

Akarus gulps down the last of his drink, smiling at Ahadiel's news. A hearty congratulations friend. I'll be sure to keep the child in mind in my prayers to the Cardinal Martyr. In any case, I wouldn't mind a bit of a quest. My sword arm is getting lazy."

One thing to note, I have a large chemistry exam on the first of May, so my posting may slow down for a few weeks before then. I just figured I'd give a heads-up a bit in advance so all of you could know.

I've put my character in the marching order, taking up the rear guard.

I mostly play from my phone as well, so I don't think I can edit the marching order. I can view it however, along with the maps. In the evenings I'll be able to make edits but not for most of the day.

I imagine Akarus would've gotten his sword, shield and holy symbol as gifts from the church of Vildeis for his service. However, he couldn've gotten his amulet of natural armor from the dragon, and his belt of strength and ring of protection from the Ioun smugglers. Hmm, we could've fought some unholy blight and that's how Akarus got his magic weapons from the church of Vildeis.

Dotting with holy might!

Hey all, Akarus here. His memorable items are a shield embossed with the symbol of Vildeis, a vicious longsword, and an iron holy symbol of Vildeis.