Allevrah Azrinae

AionicElf's page

59 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Can you kind, dear, sweet messageboard posters please point me to where there is awesome kobold art in the Paizo products?

What I'm aware of so far:

Crown of the Kobold King
Revenge of the Kobold King
Classic Monsters Revisited
Dungeons of Golarion (the high level kobold ranger)
Bestiary I

Any suggestions on where else to look?

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For me, this is what it all comes down to.

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

If you and your mount both have acrobatics, and you wish to use acrobatics to move through a threatened square: Is it possible to do so? What check do you use?

I can see a couple possible interpretations:

1) You use the mount's check
2) You each make a check, and you fail if either of you fails the check.
3) You each make a check. The mount failing means it is unsuccessful. You failing means you fall off the mount.
4) The mount makes an acrobatics check and you make a ride check.
5) It cannot be done.

Does anyone know of anything to support one of these positions? Or have another interpretation?