Aiden Valdune's page

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Liberty's Edge

Good morning folks,

I am looking to put together a group of players for a Pathfinder game... I am hoping to get between 4 and 5 players altogether, so currently have up to four slots available.

A bit about me and the game: I've been playing Pathfinder Society for a while now and while I enjoy it, I'm not terribly a fan of some of the more restrictive rules on what is allowed and what isn't. I used to GM games of System's Failure, AD&D 2nd, BESM and 1st edition L5R years ago, but this will be my first foray into GMing in some time, so I will be needing players who are patient, but looking to have some fun.

The game: To start with, I think we'll be running through some of the Paizo Adventure Paths while I piece together a world/campaign of my own design once the creative juices get flowing. I'm not planning to be a stickler when it comes to core races/classes, etc... All I'll ask is that you do a write-up to explain why your character is what he or she is. My plan is to try and locate a spot on alternating Saturdays to play, whether it be here at DLair, TDG, or what have you. If you're interested, please feel free to let me know.

My contact info:

deftrance // gmail com