Ahriman 9:9's page

No posts. Organized Play character for NemesorTzeentch.


Can the Envoy only use Get Em once per day or once per melee?

I was just in my local Barnes and Noble book store and they have copies of Starfinder on the shelf. The local brick and mortar game will not have copies on until 8/17. Why is Barnes and Noble allowed to sell so soon?

It will sell out because if it's a hotly anticipated item attendees will buy copies and put them up on Ebay at inflated prices to pay for their Gen Con trip. If you have every been to Gen Con you see these people with their cell phones taking pictures and posting items they have bought from the dealers area that not available to storefronts on Ebay. The best thing that Paizo can do is to release Starfinder to the brick and mortars the week of Gen Con.

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I am just spit balling here but what if Starfinder First Contact is 16 pages of supplemental material for use with Incident at Absalom Station and Incident at Absalom Station is an entire adventure in itself. Then going forward the other 5 adventure path books are 96 pages each.

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Shifty wrote:

Yep, PFS is what keeps me in Pathfinder.

I don't have the sort of career that really allows for a lot of campaign 'home game' type play, and my regular group is made up of an eclectic bunch of adults who only seem to have 'time poor' as the common factor in our work lives. PFS was the lifeline to our ability to keep on trucking and playing.

It's called being an adult. Organized play is how most of us working people get our role playing fix. I really hope Paizo at some point does organize an SFS.

I hoping to find players who have formed a Pathfinder Society in Fort Wayne IN.

Homer wrote:
Blazej wrote:

I just wanted to throw this out here, rather than other places because this is the community I enjoy above others.

A couple of weeks ago my FLGS got a package with my name on it. When I got to the shop, the owner gave it to and I opened it up to find a thank you note from Wizards of the Coast because I ran the D&D Encounters at the local shop for a number of months.

With that they included a large calender with a lot of neat art, a pair of packs of fortune cards (along with a promo card), and the bulk of a set of Gale Force Nine's Dungeon Master's Tokens.

I was quite surprised and happy to get a gift, I felt at least I could at least do is talk about this neat stuff I got.

The tokens are nice. Obviously focused on 4th edition, but I probably will be using them in all my games. They are a lot better quality than I would have imagine from the pictures. They are not awe inspiring, but they don't feel cheap to me and seem as though that they will last quite a while.

The fortune cards look nice. Most cards though get repeated images of symbols based upon the type of fortune it is (shield for defense, sword for attack, etc.), it would seem only rare cards get unique art, which I understand. Don't like the rarities on the cards though, don't think it fits for how they seem to be used.

Not too sure about the rules for them, my games seem to operate slowly without the cards and I just imagine some players wanting to spend some extra time rereading the card and analyzing their situation before moving on with their turn. I can't imagine it would add too much time, but my thoughts generally are focused on speeding up turns.

I am not sure how much of an advantage a player with the cards would be compared to a character without. Many of the cards are usable in a certain situation, others have some restriction on how you can use the boon, others require a sacrifice, and others include a risk. I would say that the


Your name was on the package because you run the Encounters but the package is really for the store itself. I run Encounter and we got the same package too.

Blazej wrote:

I just wanted to throw this out here, rather than other places because this is the community I enjoy above others.

A couple of weeks ago my FLGS got a package with my name on it. When I got to the shop, the owner gave it to and I opened it up to find a thank you note from Wizards of the Coast because I ran the D&D Encounters at the local shop for a number of months.

With that they included a large calender with a lot of neat art, a pair of packs of fortune cards (along with a promo card), and the bulk of a set of Gale Force Nine's Dungeon Master's Tokens.

I was quite surprised and happy to get a gift, I felt at least I could at least do is talk about this neat stuff I got.

The tokens are nice. Obviously focused on 4th edition, but I probably will be using them in all my games. They are a lot better quality than I would have imagine from the pictures. They are not awe inspiring, but they don't feel cheap to me and seem as though that they will last quite a while.

The fortune cards look nice. Most cards though get repeated images of symbols based upon the type of fortune it is (shield for defense, sword for attack, etc.), it would seem only rare cards get unique art, which I understand. Don't like the rarities on the cards though, don't think it fits for how they seem to be used.

Not too sure about the rules for them, my games seem to operate slowly without the cards and I just imagine some players wanting to spend some extra time rereading the card and analyzing their situation before moving on with their turn. I can't imagine it would add too much time, but my thoughts generally are focused on speeding up turns.

I am not sure how much of an advantage a player with the cards would be compared to a character without. Many of the cards are usable in a certain situation, others have some restriction on how you can use the boon, others require a sacrifice, and others include a risk. I would say that the deck certainly...

You were not a DDXP. Those tokens and calendar are to stay at the store and to be used for Encounters.

Wolfgang Baur wrote:

I too have a secret project, but unlike Erik and James, mine is for Paizo. It will probably appear in Dragon 353 (February) but I ... still ... can't talk ... about it. GAH!!

It's killing me, this particular one.

Is it the Eberron supplement about the Last War because that is already being advertised on Amazon.

I was hoping that Erik's project would be listed on Amazon by now.

With these secret projects it feels like the days before Christmas. I am hoping that news will break on these projects soon.

Erik and Rob,

I would really love to see you two work together on something for Greyhawk.


Hello Everyone,

I am new to these boards. I am very glad I found this one.

Uncle quick question did you walk away from EGG's CZ project because TL wants to make money hand over fist by publishing these expensive hardbound books instead of a box set?

I am hoping that Erik is working on an Expedition to Castle Greyhawk because the other two products that dealt with that subject were terrible. I would also love to see a new campaign guide for Greyhawk but there is an organization that have that world in their hands and won't let go.
