
Ahnika, Championess of Falayna's page

26 posts. Alias of Limnen_euron.


Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

Accounted for and ready.

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

Indeed, her saves are a bit underwhelming as of now...

Thank you guys. Next three items are all yours! (besides, it they happen to be weapons or armour, Ahnika wouldn't need those anyway)

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

Ahnika watches D's boisterous performance with restrained amusement at the half-orc's antics; in stark contrast, she turns silent and focused during Darnak's turn, her eyes scanning his every move. From their sparring sessions, she knows the dwarf can hit as hard as her if not harder, so in some cases, a different approach might be needed...

"Make sure they take notes, Hou" she says light-heartedly as she enters the competition. "Teacher Ahnika is going to give a lecture on breaking things."

Unarmed Strike (Power Attack, Dragon Style): 1d10 + 26 ⇒ (10) + 26 = 36

Ice Block
Unarmed Strike (Power Attack, Dragon Style): 1d10 + 26 ⇒ (2) + 26 = 28

Metal Bar
STR check (Embrace Destiny): 19 + 11 = 30

Unarmed Strike (Power Attack, Dragon Style): 1d10 + 26 ⇒ (6) + 26 = 32

River Stone
Unarmed Strike (Power Attack, Dragon Style): 1d10 + 26 ⇒ (6) + 26 = 32

Stacked Board
Unarmed Strike (Power Attack, Dragon Style): 1d10 + 26 ⇒ (3) + 26 = 29

Stacked Bricks
Unarmed Strike (Power Attack, Dragon Style): 1d10 + 26 ⇒ (9) + 26 = 35

Stacked Clay Tiles
Unarmed Strike (Power Attack, Dragon Style): 1d10 + 26 ⇒ (4) + 26 = 30

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

Ok I thought we were allowed a second shot if we didn't succeed straight away (after taking damage, of course), thence the question :)

I'll let D go first, in the meantime, Ahnika's going to cast Divine Power and Altef Self on herself (as stated already), as well as Embrace Destiny to "bank" a roll she then has 11 rounds to cash in.

Embrace Destiny: 1d20 ⇒ 19

Another question: must all 8 items be broken in 8 consecutive rounds or there's time for further casting between them (in particular, the aforementioned Embrace Destiny spell)?

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

The stone of luck we're awarded is this thing? Seems pretty good! Who's going to get it?

Upon hearing her opponenent's surrender, Ahnika stops her fist in mid-air and bows respectfully to signal her acceptance.

As they're escorted out of the Arena, she channels her powers to administer a round of healing to herself and her comrades.

Ahnika CLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
DarnakCLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
DeathlessCLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
HouCLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

I still think we need a wand of CLW. These guys' DPS was negligible, but if the competition gets stiffer, we lack the spellpower to bring us back to full HP...

She sneers at D's innuendo and is obviously amused by the half-orc's bravado. "Big guys, big words" she says. "Care for some friendly competition, D? Let's see who needs less attempts to break them all..."

Casting Divine Power and Alter self for +2 STR and +4 to STR checks and damge rolls. Her effective STR bonus is now +11 and her damage roll is 1d20+26; is it possible to know which DCs are we rolling against? (so that the whole thing can be coalasced into a single post rather than simply roll blindly and wait for the result)

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

With her opponent being mercilessly pounded into unconsciousness by Darnak's fist, Ahnika turns around to finish off their last foe.

Moving 3 squares S and 2 SW, ending my moevement in square V21 and flanking YELLOW.

Unarmed Strike (divine power, flanking, blessing of fervour, power attack): 1d20 + 17 + 4 + 2 + 2 - 3 ⇒ (12) + 17 + 4 + 2 + 2 - 3 = 34
Damage (divine power, power attack): 1d10 + 15 + 4 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 15 + 4 + 6 = 34

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

So grey tiefling is down, red human is up right? If so...

Ahnika sprints though it looks as if she has taken flight, her feet barely touching the slippery ground as she rushes towards the human monk engaging Darnak.

With a thunderous warcry, she ends her charge in a flying kick aimed straight at her opponent's torso.

Full round action: charge RED (moving to square P23, Dragon Style allows to charge through difficult terrain; -2 to AC already factored in in header)
   Unarmed Strike (divine power, charge, blessing of fervour, power attack): 1d20 + 17 + 4 + 2 + 2 - 3 ⇒ (9) + 17 + 4 + 2 + 2 - 3 = 31
   Damage (divine power, power attack): 1d10 + 15 + 4 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 15 + 4 + 6 = 30

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

Oops, sorry. Much like Darnak, Ahnika activated her Dragon Style (though I forgot to specify it); I misremembered it as allowing to ignore difficult terrain, but it only does so when running or charging. Make it square S17, then.

Also, quick question: since a touch spell can be cast and then held indefinitely, would it be legal for a contestant to enter combat while already holding a charge?

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14
GM Deadly Secret wrote:
You may cast spells on yourself that last 10 min/CL or longer, anything that requires 1 min/CL or rounds won’t be allowed until round 1.

Ouch. This really hurts. I was counting on being able to cast 1 min/level spells before combat began – this is going to take a lot of accounting.

Ahnika takes 11+4 dmg (due to cold resistance), and chooses +2 to hit, AC and Ref as her Blessing of Fervour bonus.

Ahnika's celestial blood boils as the Devilspawn casts his spell, and she clenches her teeth as the hail bruises her once flawless skin. Ignoring the pain, she switches into a combat stance and moves to stand besides Deathless (S19), a bulwark against the onslaught. As she the half-orc bellows his challenge, she invokes Falayna's might upon herself.

Casting Divine Power, +4 to atk., dmg.; +11 hp; +1 attack/round

Using misfortune to force a reroll on any attack roll against her above 17. D, Darnak, Hou: I'll leave it up to you if you wish to reroll one of your own rolls, remember it only works once per day.

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14
Darnak Deepstone wrote:
"How 'bout: 'The Fantastic Four'? Believe it or not that one just came ta me. It's true. I wouldn't lie." ;)

Ha! Too bad invisibility isn't in the cleric spell list!

"Storm Furies? Hmm... The storm part surely fits you and Darnak, and I'm getting more and more furious the more time passes before we get to knock someone out; so you've got my vote."

Stalling until we get news from D...

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

"The Four Furies? The Storm?"[/s] suggests Ahnika as she streatches her arms. [b]"Still, I second your feeling, Darnak. We came here to fight, not to write poetry."

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

Ahnika enthusiastically makes her way towards the pavillion besides Darnak, eager to finally prove herself in combat.

"I hope it's us" she muses in response to his inquiry. "I didn't find much competition yesterday, and I've been itching for some action!

She stands right behind the dwarf as he signs the contract, and soon she adds hers in a flowery, elaborate signature.

Do we have a wand of CLW?

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

”Sorry” answers Ahnika as she goes, feigning offense. ”I won’t stand being the sloppy second.”

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

"A dragon?" she utters almost in unison with Darnak. "This tournament is sounding more fun by the minute!" she elaborates instead, cracking her knuckles.

As she watches Risha walk away, Ahnika seems vaguely amused by the whole ordeal, especially by D's clumsy attempts at flirting.

"On second thought, D, keep doing what you were doing before" she says with only the vaguest hint of a smile on her lips. "It's obvious your belligerency wasn't making us as many enemies as your charm."

With no-one else left to converse with, Ahnika leaves her seat and starts mingling with the crowd, keen on asseing the competition's mettle by challenging anyone willing to a friendly armwrestling competition.

I'll be travelling until Friday, so my posts might be spotty / succint for a while. In case, do bot me as needed!

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

OOC, I'd agree she's been far too inquisitive, probing for very specific information while dispensing only general tidbits of knowledge in return (nothing about her own abilities or her team's, for instance). IC, I've got 7 WIS :)

"My body is a weapon I consecrated to my Goddess, and she in turn grants me her power to strengthen my arms and overcome my opponents. Without it, I'm a martial fighter not unlike Darnak or Deathless here, though it pains me to admit it, not quite their peer" Ahnika says in response to Risha's inquiries. "Falayna blessed me, and only took my tongue and my eyes in return" she muses, phasing out for a moment as if talking to herself.

She quickly snapos out of it. "But enough talking about us. What kind of fighter are you? Who are your teammates?"

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

Rude Ahnika thinks and smirks as her bow gets no response. She has half a mind to simply switch language, but still, her gesture would have been clear enough, and if they chose to ignore it, that'd be their loss.

Assuming she's privy to D's antagonizing tactis – if not, please disregard

"There's no need to alienate every single contestant in this room, D" she whispers in a gentle, charmign tone. "Let's have some fun, and leave the fighting and posturing to tomorrow. Please? Pretty please?" she pleads.

"I mean, it's not like there's a chance we won't win this anyway, right?" she grins, in one of her usual displays of unwarranted bravado – the kind that caused more than a fair share of trouble in the past.

7 WIS and 22 CHA means big ego, larger-than-life confidence, and not a shade of self-doubt, I guess

Risha wrote:
”Names Risha. Yes we are here to win this year's tournament.”

"How serendipitous. Name's Ahnika, and we're here for the exact same reason. Let a fair fight decide whose voyage has been for naught, then" she eagerly says.

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14
GM Deadly Secret wrote:
None of the tattooed people respond to faceless, in fact they turn their backs as to not look upon him. Then continue to eat their food in silence.

Meaning that also my previous interaction with them

Ahnika, Championess of Falayna wrote:

"Heavens smile on our meeting. I am Ahnika, hailing from far Tianjin. I hope I'll have the honour to meet you in battle, just as I'm honoured to have met you in friendship today" she introduces herself, politely bowing her head.


has come to nothing?

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

Earlier, while still downstairs...

Ahnika's dance is short lived as she notices Deathless getting in trouble with a tournament official who seems to disagree with the masked brawler's concept of "fun".

Though that wasn't a terribly uncommon turn of events, and often she's been content to simply watch the subsequent brawl unfold while patching up any injured participants, she realizes the current context prevents this from being really an option.

So, she almost imperceptibly rolls her eyes and walks towards the official to smooth things over just as Deathless's making his way upstairs.

"It's ok, really, sir... officer. He's just an over-enthusiastic puppy holding no real ill intent. We'll keep an eye on him to prevent further... disturbances."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 15 + 2 = 25 Enhanced Diplomacy

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14
"Deathless” wrote:
Deathless looks at her with wry eyes, " never use magic to talk to me..."

”That’s because I don’t need it” she replies, smiling coquettishly.

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

@GM Deadly Secret: what language are we speaking? I assume that Tien is the common tongue around here, with comparatively few people knowing Taldane...

Once upstairs, Ahnika takes a seat right in front of Darnak (table K 19, seat L 20), but her attention is instead drawn to the team of heavily tattooed warriors sitting at the table right behind her (N 19). She whispers a few words asking for Falayna's blessing over the encounter (casting Enhanced Diplomacy: +2 on a single Diplomacy roll) and turns to adress them.

"Heavens smile on our meeting. I am Ahnika, hailing from far Tianjin. I hope I'll have the honour to meet you in battle, just as I'm honoured to have met you in friendship today" she introduces herself, politely bowing her head.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 15 + 2 = 29

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

"Why not?" she replies, half-pouting. "Come tomorrow, all those people will be our rivals, so today is our last chance to celebrate!"

She punctuates her statement by starting an improptu dance, trying to drag Hou along in the process.

Perform (dance): 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (9) + 20 = 29

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

"If it's a puppy you want, I'll buy you one as soon as we win this little tournament, Deathless" Ahnika says laughing merrily, as she dances her way into the room.

Her usually imposing frame – 6 ft. for 180 pounds, most of it lean, solid muscles and sinews – is probably her least distinguishable feature as she enters the tavern, populated as it is by the best and strongest martial artists in Tian Xia. Rather, it's her long, flowing hair, combed in a complex pattern of silvery braids, that's poised to captivate most of the onlookers' attention, floating behind her as she walks as if possessing a life of its own – a not-so-subtle hint of her celestial heritage.

As for her figure and attire, they seem finely crafted in the wordly embodiment of Falyana's credo: that feminine beauty and martial might, far from being antithetical, are actually an harmonious whole of complementary blessings. Her clothing – a pair of ornate pantaloons, numerous silk sashes and a breast band – is studied as a perfect mix of practicality and aesthetics, highlighting her generous curves while allowing ample manoeuvrability in combat.

"Though they are cute!" she exclaims once she gets a better view of them. "You said they're called goblins?" It's clear the Tianjing native has never seen one of them.

Hou Wong Xia wrote:
Noticing Deathless's answer and intentions, Wong takes a hand to his front. "I have a bad feeling about this..." He meanwhile tries to take his companions to an empty table. "Let's try at the second floor, shall we?"

At her fellow Heaven-blooded companion's words, Ahnika's interest in Deathless's antics seem to fade and her attention focuses back on her surroundings. She's never been particularly good at reading situations (something which has caused her more than her fair share of troubles in the past), but she knows that Hou is, and that following his advice is usually a good way to avoid getting caught in unwarranted tavern brawls.

She emphatically nods at Hou's suggestion and rushes upstairs, enthusiastically grabbing her half-celestial friend and dragging him along with her if he allows her.

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

Since it looks like 3 out of the 4 of us picked Fate's Favourite as a trait, something reminiscent of the fact that destiny's supposedly on our side? Like The Coils of Fate?

The Evertide if we feel like waxing poetic.

Deathless wrote:
Fists of fury?

I like this!

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

Done (there was no space left in the string so I removed the part about darkvision).

On that note, there's also a +2 bonus to saves vs. sleep, paralysis, and stunning effects I didn't manage to insert – though that's probably more situational.

EDIT: there's also another header that can be found in my profile under a spoiler, it refers to her buffed stats. I'll copy it here for reference

Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 102/102 {status: OK} | AC 36 (Tch 24 FF 31) | CMD 39 (FF 34), +6 vs. grapple | F +14 R +16 W +9 (+17) | Init +4 | Perc +14

I was meaning to ask: will we be given time to prepare before combat begins? I'm talking in particular about 1 round/level spells, since I understand at level 11 1 minute/level spells last long enough that can be cast comfortably in advance.

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

Is this ^ ok?

The number in parentheses next to the Will save is the bonus vs. charm and compulsion effects due to the irrepressible trait which allows CHA to be added intead of WIS.

Also, CMD vs. grapple is 6 higher due to celestial obedience and improved grapple.

Female Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Monk 2 / Oracle 9 | HP 64/69 {status: OK} | AC 27 Tch 21 FF 25 | CMD 35 FF 33 (+6 grpl) | F +12 R +14 W +9 (+17 chrm, cmpl) | Init +2 | Perc +14

So to sum it up we have

  • Kendis the Deathless: the (ultimate) tank. He can take an inane amount of damage and dish out a respectable amount of it in return.

  • Darnak Deepstone: tank / tripper / disarmer / dps. Be it through tripping, disarming, or simply knocking down an opponent, he controls the battlefield. A bulwark against the storm.

  • Hou Wong Xia: ranged dps / buffer. Death from the sky (the wings are a nice touch), plus a robust assortment of buffing spells. Between him and Ahnika, enough to carry the party through a whole day of fighting.

  • Ahnika, Championess of Falayna: dps / buff - debuff / grappler / scout - party face (?). Like Hou Wong Xia, she brings the standard array of buffing spells to the table, and some debuffs too (like bestow curse which she can deliver as part of an unarmed attack via Spellstrike). Her dps is decent but she's a bit of a glass cannon, especially before buffing, so she'll rely on Darnak and especially Kendis to engage first. Air walk can help us dealing with flying foes, and though not particularly built for it, her high CHA means she can act as the party face if no-one else is willing to step up to the role (though beware of her 7 WIS!).

    We might also try to interweave our background a bit to justify our initial interactions. For instance, both Darnak and Ahnika are practitioners of the Dragon Style. Maybe they met in a monastery in Tian-Xia that taught it? Or maybe he taught it to her? In addition, Ahnika and Hou Wong Xia are both aasimars, so they probably clicked naturally.

    (On a related note: Ahnika suffers from the curse of tongues, meaning she can only speak Celestial during combat. With Linguistics being a background skill, might it be worth having everyone understand it for better coordination? Not wanting to impose anything on anyone, just throwing this out...)

    Also, we need a team name!